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Ex.2.Refer to the text and make a list of important DOs and DON'Ts.

Model: Do be smartly but soberly dressed, don't overdress.

Don’t slouch or mumble when you speak.


Ex.3.Fill in the phrasal verbs.


Be up to, bring out, call in, come up,get by, go on, look over, take on

When you go in for an interview, they ___ you ___, for the way you're dressed and the way you act tells them something about you. With their questions, they try to ___ your character. It ___you to make a good impression. During the interview the question of drugs can ___, and it can be very unpleasant. You can't ___ on good looks alone, you've got to be good at the work they need. They don't have to give any reason for not ___ you ___. If your application isn't any good, you won't be ___ for an interview. So you'll have to ___ looking for a job.


Ex.4. Fill in the words.


Interview(v) — interview (n) — interviewer-- interviewee


The next step after sending in an application for a job is the _____.

When a journalist _____ you it's not for a job.

But in both kinds of _____ they try to bring out your character, the good and the bad.

_____ people is an art, and only few people do it well.

Even then, being _____ is usually no fun, because the _____ always tries to bring out something bad in the _____ and the _____ tries not to tell the _____ certain things in order to make a good impression and get the job.

_____ try to catch the _____ out by asking them trick questions.


Ex.5. Replace the words and expressions in italics with words which are similar in meaning, in the correct form.


There were hundreds of people who sent letters of application for the post of General Manager in one of our department stores. Our Human Resources Department couldn't possibly study all the documents containing education and employment history which we received. They had to call on the services of a search firm to help them compile a short list of the most suitable people to meet with to talk about their experience and qualifications. We were looking for someone with good communication and organisational abilities. Furthermore this is a job that requires someone who is capable of decision-making and can get the people who work under him / her to reach their objectives.


Ex.6. Read and answer the questions.



One of the ways for employers to attract and keep employees is through good job benefits. No, not free travel and holidays or food orders! A good medical insurance policy covering even the members of the family and a good pension are important but usually the only benefits.

Besides benefits there are sometimes other good things that come with the job. They are called perks and may include such things as free parking and use of a company car. Business people also usually get what is known as an expense account from the company. The money from this expense account can be used for company parties, conferences, or other such work-connected expenses.


1) What kind of benefits can one get with his/her job?

2) What is a perk?

3) What benefits and perks would you like to have from your job? Why?

4) Do you think they are a good idea? Why (not)?


Ex.7.True or false? If false, correct it.

1) Employment agencies help people find the right openings.

2) There are state and private employment agencies in Russia and other countries.

3) State employment agencies demand a fee for their services.

4) Job applications are different for different jobs and companies.

5) Applications are usually filled out when people have met their future employers and spoken with them.

6) A resume is basically the same thing as an application.

7) You are always welcome to go to the personnel office for an interview if you want to work for a company.

8) People in personnel usually expect you to call them as often as you can.

9) Job interviews can be very stressful and difficult.

10) People always try to look their best when they go for an interview.

11) Health and physical fitness tests are taken for all jobs.

12) There may be special exams if you apply for jobs that require special skills.


Ex.8. Choose which of the paragraphs A - G match the numbered gaps 1 – 6 in the extract from a newspaper article. There is one extra paragraph which does not belong to any of the gap s.




Job hunters are abandoning the suit and dressing in outrageous clothes in order to stand out from the other candidates.

1______________________________Another candidate, determined to show the prospective employer how desperately he needed the job had large holes in his shoes.


"Examples of odd interview attire offered by managers taking part in a survey we conducted varied from the merely inappropriate to the provocative, and even revolting: earrings, pony tails, shorts, bright yellow suits and pink corduroys were listed. And that was just for men."

3__________________________________ In a slightly different approach, another man tried to unsettle the interviewer by refusing to take off his overcoat although it was a sweltering hot day and the interview room was warm.


One woman showed how much she felt at home in the office by finishing off her interview attire with a rather delightful pair of gold slippers. Laddered tights, loud and revolting ties, sunglasses and tattoos were cited as pet hates on the interview circuit.


'In creative environments such as advertising, people can get away with more unconventional dress than within, say, accountancy," he explained.


'You are likely to score more points in that crucial time by looking smart and professional rather than by trying to stand out from the crowd with a style of dress that may be alien and ridiculous to the interviewer.'



Mr Grout said: 'To increase your chances of getting a job at the interview stage, you need to play the interview game and ensure that you are appropriately dressed for the profession and the position.


Jeff Grout, Managing Director of Robert Hall, the financial recruitment specialist, said: 'Many interview candidates are abandoning the conservative suit and sensible shoes for a look that is bound to get them noticed - but for the wrong reasons.


While the men tended to be unconventional or just plain scruffy, the women dressed to kill.


Another female candidate, who was extremely thin, managed to turn up in a suit which she had apparently borrowed from a friend several sizes larger.


'However, as the decision to hire is made within the first five minutes of the meeting, possibly before the candidate has spoken, dress and personal presentation are the key to the decision-making process.


One young hopeful sped into the interview room on a skateboard.


Other male candidates made their mark at important interviews by turning up in a boiler suit, baseball boots or different colour socks.


Ex.8. Render into English.



Я посмотрел на часы. До собеседования осталось пятнадцать минут, а я уже стою перед дверью офиса. Отлично! А всего-то надо было заранее выяснить, где будет проводиться интервью, как добраться до этого места и сколько это займет времени (естественно, при самом плохом стечении обстоятельств: отмена электричек, пробки на дорогах, неожиданный снегопад). Я застегнул пуговицу пиджака (для встречи с потенциальным работодателем я надел, конечно же, костюм), открыл заветную дверь и, немного осмотревшись, обратился к секретарю: мне назначено собеседование тогда-то и тогда-то.

Признаюсь, я немного волновался, но не подавал вида, ведь интервью - это не только конкретные ответы соискателя на поставленные вопросы. Здесь оценивается и внешний вид, и манера себя держать, и даже уверенность кандидата в своих силах. Надо произвести благоприятное впечатление на работодателя в первое же мгновение, например, надо правильно сесть. Я знаю наверняка: для установления контакта с любым человеком надо при разговоре не только смотреть ему в глаза, но и быть повернутым к собеседнику всем корпусом.

К интервью я готовился заранее, репетировал ответы на возможные вопросы, как настоящий драматический актер. Выверял по часам: не более 2-3 минут на каждый вопрос. Итак, меня попросили рассказать...

О себе. Пространное жизнеописание тут не подходит. Я коротко рассказал о своем образовании, описал опыт работы, попытался подчеркнуть свои сильные профессиональные стороны и, что особенно важно, ни разу не упомянул, что «все это написано в резюме».

О последнем месте работы. Здесь я стремился показать, что финансовый менеджмент (то дело, которым я занимаюсь) мне очень нравится. О компании, где раньше работал, я говорил только хорошее (естественно, прежнего начальника не критиковал). Я привел два примера своих (не самых крупных) ошибок, пояснив, что неприятности, возникшие по моей вине, были мною же и разрешены при минимальном ущербе для фирмы.

О зарплате. Я решил беседовать на эту тему лишь в том случае, если почувствую, что мной как кандидатом действительно заинтересовались. Но ответы на основные вопросы продумал еще дома. Сколько я сейчас получаю (среднее значение или интервал), граница оплаты, ниже которой я не намерен опускаться ни при каких условиях (немного завышенная), мое отношение к пониженному уровню заработной платы на испытательный срок (само собой разумеется, положительное).

И все бы хорошо, если бы не ловушки, расставляемые опытным интервьюером на каждом шагу.

Неконкретный вопрос. Не стоит поддаваться соблазну и пускаться в пространные рассуждения. Поэтому я сразу уточнил, что именно волнует представителя фирмы: «Правильно ли я понял, что для Вас представляет интерес информация о...» Тем самым я не только не попался в ловушку, вынудив интервьюера конкретизировать вопрос, но и продемонстрировал свою проницательность.


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