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Note down what you think is right and what is wrong with J. Henderson’s letter.

James Henderson Kings rd, 18 Birmingham Trans Europe Tours Bridge street Cambridge Dear P. Bradley I was reading a magazine the other day - I think it was the February edition of sunshine holidays, and I saw your advertisement for travel couriers, and I thought I'd really like a job like that. You see, I've got a degree in modern languages from bristol university, and I speak lots of languages - french german spanish and just a little bit of greek too. I've been to all sorts of places in europe. Last year me and my friend Paul went camping in France and Italy, and we saw the museums and all the places like that. I think I'd be really good at showing people round these places, well I'd really like the chance to try anyway. I'm not doing anything at the moment, so I could come and see you anytime. Just give me a ring - 381229. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Yours JamesHenderson  


Ex.5. Complete the extract from the letter of application below, using an expression from A) in the correct form and a preposition from B).


1. to believe, to collaborate, to result, to report, to benefit, to apply, to work, to be, responsible, to be involved, to succeed;

From, in (4), to, on, for (2), with.


I am writing to _______the position of Senior Computer Programmer. As you can see in my enclosed curriculum vitae, I already hold the position of Team Manager where I _______ three programmers who ________ me directly.

As an additional part of my job I have to ________ other Team Managers from different divisions of the company. I have recently ________ a major research and development project where my team was asked to ________ a new network application for the company's accounts department. During this project we _______ solving a number of complex technical problems. This programme is now in the final stages and once complete will _______ considerable savings in both cost and time. While I am happy in my present position, I would welcome the challenge of managing a bigger team. I firmly _______ the value of teamwork and power sharing which I know are important elements in the working environment of your company. Moreover, I feel sure that on both a personal and professional level I would be able to ______ the opportunity of working for a company with such a well-established international reputation.


Ex.6. Translate into English.


Университетские отделы профориентации взаимодействуют с работодателем в организации производственных стажировок, проведении различных специализированных мероприятий, таких как презентации компаний, ярмарки вакансий с приглашением большого количества работодателей.

Новой интересной формой профориентационной деятельности стал «День карьеры», проводимый одновременно с праздником того или иного факультета. Приглашаются компании, чей профиль отвечает специальностям факультета; это очень важно, так как, по столичной статистике, только 60% выпускников находят работу по специальности.

Например, служба занятости МГУ выступила консультантом в проведении межрегиональной программы трудоустройства молодых специалистов - "Graduate Recruitment Program". В качестве работодателя была представлена компания «Unilever» - производитель всем нам хорошо знакомых торговых марок - Rama, Calve, Lipton и т.д. В этой программе приняли участие девять московских и пять петербургских вузов. Прошли четыре презентации (две в Москве и две в Санкт-Петербурге), требования к кандидатам были следующими: высшее образование, полученное в элитном вузе, свободный английский язык, хорошие коммуникативные навыки, причем особое внимание обращалось на выпускников естественных факультетов. Конкурс оказался достаточно высоким - более 50 человек на место, но и бонусы тоже были высоки: достойная зарплата, дальнейшее обучение по индивидуальному плану и возможность карьерного роста вплоть до генерального директора компании. Итог: 6 кандидатов получили предложение работать помощником менеджера в одном из отделов компании, причем трое - из МГУ.


Curriculum vitae ("the road of life") = CV = resume (USA) =brief personal history.

CVs are required for all except the most junior jobs, and are a basis for assessment and comparison of applicants for a job. CVs provide information about an applicant, set out in a way easy to read.

CVs can vary slightly in the layout, but all give the same basic information.


Ex.7. Read the newspaper article about curriculum vitaes and answer questions 1-15 by choosing from the sections of the article (A-F).You may choose any of the sections more than once.


Which section:


1) …emphasises that your CV must make the reader sit up and pay attention?

2) …mentions the usefulness of a CV during the interview?

3)...says that self-promotion is absolutely vital?

4) …emphasises the importance of telling the truth?

5)... advises referring to yourself as 'he' or 'she' rather than I?

6)...suggests you need a different CV for each job you apply for?

7) …describes two different types of CV?

8)...advises paying attention to the vocabulary you use?

9) …suggests that what you did at school may not be important?

10)...warns of the consequences of a badly-written CV?

11) …emphasises linking your most important abilities to the requirements of the job?

12) …states that what you put last is of great importance?

13) …mentions typographical features that you can put in your CV?

14) …suggests that a CV should not be hand-written?

15) …emphasises the importance of your most recent work?


Story of your life


YOUR curriculum vitae is your most critical selling document. If you get it right it will land you the interviews you want; get it wrong and your hard-earned work experience could be consigned to the waste bin.

As it is the only thing that you can fully control in the job selection process, it is vital that your CV should put across everything you want to say about yourself in the most impressive way. It must highlight your value to the potential employer, as well as leave the interviewer with a clear reminder of what you could do for them. Not only that, if it gets you on the short list, it will help provide a structure for the interview and encourage your interviewer to focus on your achievements.


YOUR aim is to make it as easy as possible for your potential employer to select you, so ensure that your skills, abilities and experience literally shout out from the page. Keep it brief but full of substance, so that they can see at a glance that you would be capable of the job.

Most critical is that you write for the reader. Identify what it is that your potential employer is looking for, so that your CV focuses on their needs. Ideally, you should tailor your CV for each job. Keep sentences short; they are easier to read and have greater impact. Examine each word that you have used to describe yourself to see if a more powerful one could be used. Avoid jargon.

Write your CV in the third person, rather than the first, so that you can give yourself proper credit without appearing brash.


KEEP your CV up to date. The interviewer is more interested in what you are doing now and the pertinence of your current skills and experience than in what you were doing ten years ago. Headhunters nowadays advise that your career and corresponding achievements are highlighted up front. So after your name and address and contact number at the top, go straight into details about your employment history, followed by your education and qualifications, finishing with your personal details.

Always put your most recent job first and then work back in chronological order. As people read from left to right, put the most important things on the left side of the page, so state the title of the job you had first, then for whom you did it and finally when you did it. Give a brief description of the scale and scope of the company you worked for. You cannot assume your reader will have heard of it. Under each particular job you mention, your own achievements are more important than your responsibilities. Quantify and qualify what you actually did in your role, using hard facts to demonstrate the tangible benefits you brought.


IF you have been in a career for a long time, you do not need to include your early education and qualifications. Write the information in reverse order and put the qualifications you achieved, then where you achieved them, followed by the date. Include any appropriate training courses you have been on.

Apart from your name, address and contact numbers, which should go at the top of your CV, all other personal details, including your date of birth, marital status and interests should be left to the end.

Interests are an important part of your CV. They can really bring you alive, say something about you as a person, and differentiate you from the rest. Make sure what you put down adds value.


HAVING worked on the content, make sure the layout does not let you down. It must look professional and be clear and easy to read. Use headings to help the reader to scan the document and bullet points to focus on key information. Print it on quality paper to ensure a quality impression.


IDEALLY, you should customise your CV for each job you are going for, but this may not be practical if you are going for dozens of jobs at a time. What differs fundamentally about the CV you produce is whether it is built around your present job or aimed at a change in your career. CVs appropriate for a change in career will need to pull out relevant transferable skills and this can be done by having a skills and experience section ahead of the career summary. These four to five key skills will match what is on the job specification.

At the end of the day, your CV is all about packaging. If you can't sell yourself, how will you be able to promote the company you are working for? And you must feel comfortable with what you have written, and confident you can back it up.


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