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Ex.16. Complete the following passage about the role of search firms in recruiting, using topical words.


Headhunters or executive search firms specialise in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to_____ a new person for an important ______ it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the ______ are that it does not have to organise the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable ______. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate _______ for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising on or even organising testing and simulations to evaluate the candidates' ______ in order to select the most ______ person for the job.


Ex.17. Some job-titles are found in a wide range of different work places. Check the general meanings in a dictionary.


Boss, director, manager, executive, administrator, secretary, clerk, skilled worker, unskilled worker, labourer, receptionist, public relations officer, safety officer, security officer, union official, economist, personnel officer, sales assistant, adviser education officer, research-worker, supervisor.


Which of the job-titles would best describe the following?

1) The person who represents the workers' interests in disputes with the management in a factory.

2) A person who has a high (but not the highest) position in a company and whose job it is to make important decisions.

3) An important person in a company who sits on the Board.

4) A worker whose job requires no special training.

5) A person generally in charge of the day-to-day administration in a company.

6) The person who makes sure there are no risks of accidents from machinery, etc.

7) A person whose job it is to keep an eye on the day-to-day work of other workers.

8) A person who does hard physical work.

9) The person who handles applications for vacant posts.

10) The person who gives out information to the press for a company.


Ex.18. Look at these job advertisements. Change them so that a man or a woman should feel equally free to apply.

Note: In both England and the United Sates there are equal opportunities laws, which mean that job advertisements cannot state the sex of the person required. Jobs ask for 'flight attendants', 'salespersons', or 'person required to help with young children'. Meetings often have a 'chairperson', who asks for a 'spokesperson' to give their opinions.

People often prefer to use 'their' to mean 'his or her...', even when they are only referring to one person.


WANTED, Dynamic young salesman, aged 25-30. The man we want should have a clean driving licence, and his own car. He should be prepared to work long hours for an above-average salary. Apply: Chauvrin Industries Ltd, Park Royal, London.


MANAGERESS REQUIRED for fast food restaurant. We need a woman with several years' experience in the catering trade. Her job will include supervising our salesgirls and waitresses. As the job involves working evenings, it might appeal to a widow or a spinster. Apply: 'Greasy Spoon Diner', Reading, Berks.


Ex.19. Compare the meanings of the words in each group. Consult the dictionary if necessary. Use the words in sentences of your own.

wage – salary – earnings – pay

personal – personnel

committee – commission

prospective – perspective

profession – occupation – trade

work – job – position – post

efficient – effective

headhunter – job hunter

benefit - bonus - perk

dismiss – lay off – fire - sack


Ex.20. Translate into English.


Службы содействия занятости выпускникам российских вузов появились сравнительно недавно, но уже стали достаточно ощутимы для молодых специалистов, ищущих работу. Подобные службы активно действуют приблизительно в 30% государственных вузов. В каждом вузе они называются по-разному, но суть одна - оказание многосторонней помощи студентам и выпускникам в построении своей карьеры.

Как показал опрос, 92% выпускников считают, что такая университетская служба действительно полезна и может оказать им реальную помощь.

К сожалению, существует ощутимая разница между выпускником вуза и тем специалистом, которого хотел бы видеть у себя в штате работодатель. Ему, как правило, требуются коммуникабельные молодые специалисты, обладающие дипломом элитного вуза, имеющие четко поставленные жизненные цели, хорошее представление о своей будущей профессии. Таких молодых специалистов, увы, немного. Не потому, что их плохо обучают в вузе. Главная проблема в том, что высшая школа практически не занимается профессиональной ориентацией студенчества. Отсюда и проблемы. Выпускникам не хватает коммуникативных навыков для того, чтобы представить себя достойным образом, заинтересовать своей кандидатурой. Так сложилось, что студентов не учили технологиям трудоустройства.

Задача службы профориентации - ликвидировать этот пробел. Сотрудники отдела проводят индивидуальные консультации со студентами, объясняя, как писать резюме, как готовиться к собеседованию в компании, как искать работу. Эти же вопросы разбираются на специальных семинарах, где выступают менеджеры по персоналу крупных компаний, представители кадровых агентств, консультанты по построению карьеры. Оказалось, что семинары и лекции пользуются среди студентов и аспирантов популярностью: на таких семинарах можно ознакомиться и с текущими вакансиями, задать вопросы представителям компаний.


Talking points:


1) The best way to get a job is to go to a private agency and have them find a good opening for you.

2) The best way to find a job is to knock on companies' doors and to trust your luck.

3) What’s taken into consideration when choosing a job?

4) The best jobs are those that pay the most.

5) The best jobs are those that pay less but have lots of perks and benefits.

6) It's better to work for a private company because they always pay more, even though it can always go out of business.

7) It's better to work for the government because your job is better guaranteed.

How would you go about looking for a job in Russia?Unit II



Some of the most important letters any person has to write are letters of application for a job. Only a generation ago, the majority of the workforce began work as teenagers or young adults and continued with the same company until they retired some 45 years or so later. These people may never have drafted a curriculum vitae(CV) or a written application for a job.

However the job market has changed a great deal in recent years. Young adults find that they can not wait ten years for promotion within their starting company, and so need to look for new challenges elsewhere.

People in their forties and fifties are increasingly thrown on to the job market through redundancy. The whole spectrum of the workforce is now highly mobile and so finding a job has never been a more competitive business.

This means that the people dealing with job applications are often snowed under, and they will never be able to interview everyone who applies. They will have a few criteria by which to choose a small number of people, and those are the people:

- who have submitted a faultless CV and covering letter,

- who have some idea what the job and the company are about,

- and can present themselves in the best possible light.

So there are 3 documents that need to be dealt with: CVs; letters of application; and application forms.


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