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Theme6. Digestion in the Stomach.

Question for speech and test control.

1. The structure and characteristics of the gastric juice.

2. Mechanism of the hydrochloric acid formation.

3. Methods of investigating the secretory function of the stomach in a man.

4. Phases and kinds of the gastric secretion, their adaptation changes.

5. Nervous and humoral mechanism of the gastric secretion inhibition.

6. The motor function of the stomach, mechanisms of transition of ht egastric contents into the duodenum and their regulation.


Questions for written control.

1. Describe the structure and characteristics of the gastric juice.

2. Draw the diagram of the hydrochloric acid formation in the stomach.

3. Name the methods of investigating the secretory and motor functions in animals and in a man.

4. Describe phases and kinds of the gastric secretion regulation.

5. Name the enteral stimulators and the gastric secretion inhibitors.

6. Draw the reflex arch of Serdyukovs rteflex.


Curriculum of the practical studies.


1. Estimate the secretory functions of the human stomach by acidotest.


Theme 7. Digestion in the duodenum. The Role of the Pancreatic juice in the Digestion Processes.

Questions for Spech and Test Control.


1. Characterize the exacrinous function of the pancreatic gland.

2. Describe the structure, properties and the amount of the pancreatic juice.

3. Characterize the role of the pancreatic juice in digestion.

4. Nervous and humoral regulation of the pancreatic secretion.

5. Phases of regulation of the pancreatic secretion – cephalic, gastric, intestinal.

6. Methods of investigating the pancreatic juice secretion in a man.

Questions for Written control.


1. Name the amount, the structure and properties if the pancreatic juice.

2. Name the pancreatic juice functions in digestion.

3. Name the investigation methods of the exacrinonous function of the pancreatic gland.

4. Describe phases and kinds of the pancreatic secretion and mechanisms of their regulation.

Curriculum of practical studies.


Review and analyze the film.


Theme 8. Degestions in the Duodenum.

The role of the Bile in the Digestion Processes.

Questions for speech and test control.

1. Characterise the role of the liver in digestion.

2. Describe the bile production an в the bile secretion mechanisms.

3. Describe the role of the bile in digestion. and the bile in digestion.

4. The structure and properties of the C –bile and the И – bile.

5. Characterize the regulation mechanisms ща the bile production and its secretion into the duodenum.

6. Investigation methods of the bile secretion in a man.



Question for written contol.


1. Characterize mechanisms of the bile production and the bile secretion.

2. Give the comparative characteristic of the C- bile and the И – bile.

3. Name the investigation methods of the bile production.

4. Name the regulation factors of the bile production and the bile secretion.



Curriculum of the practical studies.

Emulsification of the fats.


Theme 9. Digestions in the Intestine. Physiologic Foundation of Starvation and Saturation.

Question for speech and test control.


1. The structure and properties of the intestinal juice, its role in digestion.

2. Investigation methods of the intestinal secretion.

3. Regulation mechanisms of the intestinal juice secretion.

4. The role of the metasympathic system in regulating the secretory function of the intestine.

5. Cavitary and membraneous digestion.

6. The role of microflora in the large intestine in digestion.

7. Regulating of the large intestine motility. The act of defecation.

8. Peculiarities of the nutritive matters absorption, its regulation.

9. Characterize the main influences of the GIT hormones on digestion.

10. Food motivation. Notions about the digestive centre.


Question for Written Control.


1. Write the amount, the structure and properties of the intestinal juice.

2. Name investigating methods of the intestinal secretion.

3. Describe the regulation mechanisms of the intestinal secretion.

4. Name the kinds of digestion in the intestine.

5. Draw the glycocalysis and name the mains structural components.

6. Name the exciting and the inhibitory reflexes of the large intestine, draw the reflex arch of the defecation reflex.

7. Draw the regulation outline of the constancy of the nutritive matters structure in the internal medium of the organism.


Curriculum of the practical studies.

Review and analyze the film.

Contents of Module 14.

Excretion System.

Specific Aims:

1. Explain the excretion system notion and the regulation mechanisms of homeostasis in its participation on the basis of the constant analysis – the volume of circulating blood, concentration of ions, osmotic pressure, acidic basilar state.

2. Cone to the conclusion of the state of processes, which provide the urine formation on the kidneys on the basis of the clearance analysis – the glomerular filtration rate, secretions and reabsorption of matters and water in different parts of the nephron.

3. Analyze the state of the excretion system in a man on the basis of quantative and qualitative structure of the urine, its relevant density in structure of the urine, its relevant density in dynamics depending of the dietary regimen and water discipline.

4. Analyse the regulation induces of the homeostasis and come to conclusion of their regulation mechanisms in kinds participation.

5. Analyse the age features of the excretion system functions and mechanisms of their regulations.

6. Explain physiologic fundamental of investigating the excretion function of kidneys - glomerular filtration rate of secretion and reapsorbtion of mettaer in nephron, values of the renal blood flow and plasma flow, the dynamic of diurnal urine excretion and urine density.


Theme 10 Excretion System. The role of kidneys in Excretion Processes, Mechanisms of the Urine Formation.



Questions for Speech and test Control.

1. Excretion System, its functions. Features of the renal blood flow.

2. Excretion organs – kidneys, lungs, skin, gastro – intestinal tract.

3. The structure and functions of the structural – functional unit of kidney – the nephron.

4. Mechanisms and the glomerular filtration rate, the quantity and the structural filtration, rate the quantity and the structure of the primary urine.

5. Mechanisms of reabsorption in the canals.

6. The version anticurrent multiply system, its role.

7. Secretory processes in the proximal, distal canals and the collective tubes.

8. Physiologic investigation of the kidneys functions – clearance, the filtration rate, reabsorption, secretory, values of the renal plasma flow and the blood flow.

9. The quantity and the structure of the residual urine.


Questions for written control.


1. Draw the diagram of the nephron and markets structural elements.

2. Write the qualitative structure and the structure of the primary and the residual urine.

3. Name the main processes of the uropoiesis.

4. Draw the diagram of the version anticurrent multiply system.

5. Name the methods of the kidneys functions estimation.

6. Write the normal indices of Zimnitskiis test.


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