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Questions for written control.

1. Name kinds and methods of the energy expenditures determination of the organism.

2. Explain the protein minimum and optimum.

3. Say in what cases and why DK may be more 1 and less 0?7

4. Explain the calorimetry oxigen equivalent and how it is changed in case of proteins, fats and carbohydrates oxidation.

5. Name the daily norms of the energy expenditures in case of the different kinds of activities.

6. Name what processes in the organism are influenced by the basal metabolism energy and what factors influence the indices of the basal metabolism.

7. Тьфу the methods of determination of the facts and the proper basal metabolism.


Curriculum of the Practical Studies.

1. Calculate the basal metabolism of the examinee, determine using of oxigen by the spyrogram, registered in standard cases, come to the conclusion.

2. Make tests with breath holding. Analyse the results.

3. Calculate the proper basal metabolism on Harris and benedict tables.

4. Calculate by formulas the percentage deviations of the fact basal metabolism from the proper one.

5. Make the food ration.

6. State the metabolism condition and the nergy metabolism by the body mess index.


Contents of Module 11


Specific Aims.


1. Analyse the body temperature of the homoiothermal organs and come to conclusions about mechanisms of the balance regulation between thermogenesis and heat irradiation.

2. Analyse the state of thermogenesis in a man in different conditions, taking into consideration the physiologic state of the organism its temperature and the humidity of thermogenesis and the heat irradiation.

3. Come to conclusion of thermoregulation state of a man during chilling.

4. Analyse age thermoregulation changes in a man and its regulation.

5. Explain the physiologic foundations of thermoregulation investigations thermotherapy, thremography, sweating, infrared radiation.


Theme 2. Body temperature and Regulation of Its Constancy.

Questions for Speech and test Control.

1. Body temperature and its daily fluctuations.

2. Physiologic importance of homoiothermy. Thermoregulation centre, thermoreceptors.

3. Thermogenesis in the organism, its regulation.

4. Heat irradiation in the organism, its regulation.

5. Regulation of the temperature constants of the environment.

6. Physiologic foundations of chilling.


Questions for written control.


1. Draw the temperature diagram of the body and indicate its daily fluctuations.

2. Give characteristic of the peripheral thermoreceptors and name the methods of their radiation.

3. Characterize the deep thermosensitive structures – hypothalamus, other section of the CNS, receptors of the inner organs and the main vessels.

4. Describe the functional system, providing the temperature constancy of the internal medium.

5. Name mechanisms of the heat production and the heat irradiation and the role of the the separate organs in their regulation.


Curriculum of the oractical studies.


1. Measuring temperature of the skin in different parts of the body.


Contents of Module 12

Digestion System.

1. Discuss the concept of the digestion system and the regulation functions - secretary, motor, absorptive ones.

2. Come to the conclusions of the role of the gustatory the regulation of the motor and secretory functions of the digestion system.

3. Value the state of the digestion system by analyzing the parameters of hydrolysis of the food substances, the rates of their moving in the alimentary canal, parameters of homeostasis, reflecting the absorptive processes.

4. Come to conclusions of the digestion processes state in each part of the alimentary canal by analyzing the state of secretory, motor, absorptive functions and their regulation.

5. Analyse the regulation parameters of homeostasis and come to conclusions of the absorptive processes state in the alimentary canal and mechanisms of their regulation. Analyse the age features of the digestion system functions.

6. Explain physiologic foundations of the modern methods of the digestion system investigation.

7. Explain mechanisms of forming motivations of hunger and saturation by analyzing homeostatic indices of the nutritive matters in the blood and the state of alimentary canal.


Theme 4. The main Characteristic and Functions of the Digestive System.

Questions for speech and test control.


1. Characterize the structure of the alimentary tract and the alimentary glands.

2. Characterize the main functions of the digestive system – secretary, motor, absorptive one.

3. Characterize the main types of digestion.

4. Characterize the main states of digestion in a man.

5. Physiologic methods of investigating the functions of the alimentary tract.


Question for written control.


1. Determine and describe the structure of the alimentary system.

2. Name the main functions of digestion.

3. Name the main types of digestion in a man.

4. Name the main steges of digestion in a man.

5. Name the main methods of investigating the functions of the alimentary tract.


Curriculum of practical studies.

1. Review and the analysis of the film.


Theme 4. Digestion in the Oral Cavity.

Questions for speech and test control.


1. Characterize mechanisms of the mechanical and the chemical treatment of food in the oral cavity.

2. Characterize the act of mystification its features taking into consideration the sort of food regulation.

3. Characterize the act of swallowing, its phases, regulation.

4. Name the main components of the saliva structure, its role in digestion.

5. Describe mechanisms of the primary and secondary salivar formation, salvation.

6. Name the mechanisms of the salivation regulation. The influence of the quality of saliva.


Question for written Control.

1. Describe stages of the food treatment in the oral cavity.

2. Draw the reflex arch of mastification, swallowing, salvation.

3. Describe the saliva structure and the mechansis of its formation.

4. Name the factors which influence the saliva formation.


Curriculum of practical studies.

1. The structure and characteristics of saliva:

- digestive action of saliva on the starch

- quantive test on mucin contents.


Theme5. The role of Test and Olfactory Sensory system. in Digestion.

Questions for speech and test control.

1. Structure – functional organization of the gustatory sensory system.

2. Kinds of the gustatory sensitivity, mechanism of its perception, their physiologic role and method of investigation.

3. Receptor, conductive and cortical parts of the olfactory analyses.

4. Classification of odors, theories of their perception.

Question for written control.

1. Describe the gustatory, sensory systems, structure and its functions.

2. Name the methods of investigation of the gustatory sensibility.

3. Explaine the olfactory, sensory systems structure and its functions.

4. Draw the diagram of the gustatory fields of the tongue.

5. Describe theories of odors perception and their classification.


Curriculum of the practical studies.


1. Investigation of the gustatory fields of the tongue.

2. determining the threshold of ht у gustatory sensivity.

3. Determining the connection of the gustatory and the olfactory analysers.


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