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The big person with a capital letter

I remembered that Shri Ram had some kind of life's crash back then that his business almost failed and his life nearly fell apart. He was shown that some woman would help him avoid this steep fall if he asked her. He was begging that woman with whom he had been that summer and whom then he put for sale (for the process of forgetting, erasing), but he received no help from her. Then on 2 and 3 September, he turned to me. Of course, he was address not directly, but mentally, not audible to the human ear. I did not react to his manipulation of my consciousness, although before that his manipulations of consciousness have always been successful in respect of all everyone, including me. But this time, for some reason, his manipulations of my mind had no effect on me, as if there was some barrier preventing his mental command cut into my sphere. After that he sent to me women, regimental ladies from his asuric organization, whom he used as contactless whores in his harem.

Those women had stood in front of me on my inner screen and they as if said, «You're just like us, and there are many of us». He thought that I would give in to his manipulations, that I will be glad to words of those women that «He brought you back to his harem of contactless whores. Finally, your dream's come true! Now you will be fucked by all the men from his asuric organization. So live and have fun, but help him». I was so pissed off at the sight of them on my internal screen that I told them that he belongs or to me or to nobody, that he is mine, everywhere and always, or they will go onto the dick but not onto his dick, and I said him, «Now, darling, you have a choice. It's them or me. Choose!» He was forced to choose me. He thought he will pretend to choose me for a while. And after that I succumbed to his manipulation of my consciousness. I wished him good luck, and he immediately pulled out of a nosedive, his things began to go very well.

All this happened very quickly, within half an hour. He escaped the last bullet, complete collapse of his own destiny, his finances, everything. He escaped bankruptcy, homelessness and then ignominious death somewhere under the bridge due to the iron sticks of addicts. Just then I went to the vegetable stall, I needed one carrot, I bought everything in the store, just forgot the carrots for the soup. I buy this carrot, and the owner of this vegetable stall says me: «You are a big person with a capital letter. Come next time, take a carrot, tell to give you all-all-all, and with a big discount».

And this time, when I was shown that it would be necessary to sacrifice a pumpkin at the end of the battle, without a shadow of doubt, fear and illusion, I remembered this episode and understood what it was all about. Because then, on September 3, 2016, when those events took place, I thought that through these words, Shri Ram told me that he refused everyone and that he treats me as a big person with a capital letter, that I am the most important person in his life, that I am very dear to him, that there are no other women and there will not be and that I am the only woman in the world for him, because we had some heavenly wedding.

It’s been six months since that heavenly wedding. I thought that words about a big discount meant that he'd repudiate all those other women. I thought that words «a big person with a capital letter» are meant that I'm more precious to him than anything in the world. I thought that through words «Come next time, take a carrot, tell to give you all-all-all» he said, «I am all yours from this day until the end of my days». That's what I thought. He put such understanding of these words into my mind.

But this time, I saw an entirely different meaning. I saw that he said to me through the words «You are a big person with a capital letter»: «Now, come on, get out of here! You helped me. I don't need you anymore». I had saw that he put me up for sale «from a capital letter». Because in Russian the preposition «с» («with»), which is in the phrase «с большой буквы» («with a capital letter»), can have different meanings, one of which is «из», «отсюда» («from», «get out of here»). I had saw that he actually said, «I'm a big man, I have „a big letter“ between my legs, that is, I have a big dick between my legs. I'll sell you from my big letter, from my dick, that is, through my dick, to everyone. We will erase you completely; there'll be nothing left of you. We will take all your pious merits; you will become empty and fall far away from me. And condition of your ultimatum will be fulfilled: either you or they, because you will not be, only they will be. I'll enjoy them as much as I want. You will go away. This thorn, which sits here and breaks my enjoy, will gone». That's the meaning I had seen in the same words.

Then I remembered one place from the film «The Matrix Reloaded». I saw a piece from this movie in the video of Yaroslav Klimanov «The influence of food. Matrix 2» («Влияние пищи. Матрица 2»). I went into his video album to watch this video. I immediately was attracted by another video from his album, I looked it. It was a tiny episode from the film «Diamond hand» with the words of Papanov in a phone booth: «I am beginning to act, nice and clean, no hassle, no fuss, according to the again approved plan».

And then I had wanted to watch another video there. It was video of Tony Kuzmich «It's time to talk about important things».

It’s time for us to talk about important, in the twilight, in the kitchen, at night.

It’s time for us to write it on a paper napkin, mail it.

It’s time for us to talk about we need, about the big, about love, about honor, to learn to forgive and listen, to learn to stick together.

We need to take seriously and to other people's sorrows, and to the wounds.

It's never too late to start.

It's never too early to grow up.

We can't go alone.

We're all responsible for each other.

We're rhymed like lines in one important big verse.

It will be a heavy burden.

It won't be easy for us.

But we are human.

And it means we can go straight through difficulties to the stars.

I looked at a series of these videos and thought: now we have a new stage of our plan, which was made before my birth in this my body. We are beginning to act no hassle, no fuss, implementing the next point of this plan, and it will concern something very big and important. We're going to do something that's going to be very hard for us to do, and it's not going to be easy for us to do, but we have to do it, because we're all human and we're rhymed like lines in one big, important verse. I was told that now we will have some new page in my novel that it will be very difficult for me to make, but it needs to be made. This will have to be done without a shadow of fear, doubt and illusion. And it will be connected with my new vision of that phrase about the big person with a capital letter.

When the owner of a vegetable stall said these words, I thought that Shri Ram says me, that he loves me and gives me all of him, but this time, when I got a completely different understanding of the same words, I realized that actually he told me that he would sell me to all other men at large discount, to quickly erase me. He wanted more men to come to buy the sex with me, in order to quickly pump out all my pious merits from me. He wanted I fell to the bottom of life, de-energized and devastated, and fell away from him because without pious merits I couldn't hold on any more. He decided that he would sell me with a big discount, cheaply. He wanted more asuras to fuck me, through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy level, although they all live here as ordinary people, and very nice, well-educated, cultural, pleasant looking men. Although I told him I wanted only him.

When the owner of a vegetable stall told me «You are a big person with a capital letter», I told him that I came for just one carrot. That is, Shri Ram told me, «Go away, bitch, from me, from the capital letter, from my capital letter. Out of here, out, out!» And I told him, «I came to you, I need only you. You are my carrot, my love, because you're my eternal couple. I was born to give you a chance. You were miserable without me. You kept calling to me, again and again, in your past lives. You've been telling me out there somewhere in past lives, between lives, to come to you. I came to you. Here I came. My whole life is dedicated to that. I want only you». And he told me, «I'm this big letter. I'm a big man, a big asur, and now get far away from my capital letter, from my big dick which is between my legs, bitch».

I thought I didn't want to be in the material world anymore. No point my staying here. When you say, that you need only him, he replies, that he will deceive you, will through himself give to all the rest of the men, with on cheap, with big discount, to lot more men fucked you and faster emptied you.

I thought he is very cruel to me. I'm sorry that I came to him. He thought I was completely ignorant, that I didn't know what exactly he is telling me, because he can juggle words — he said one thing, but in his words may be many different meanings. We think about one meaning, but there are so many meanings, and even the opposite meanings, which we may not like it. He can deceive me by taking advantage of my credulity, openness, and ignorance. I thought that we should leave the material world, completely, and return into the spiritual world.

I thought: a big person with a capital letter... how it`s funny! He is that big letter. His dick is that big letter. And I from his big letter, that is, through his dick, was supposed to be with all the other dicks on the cheap. That's what those words «a big person with a capital letter» means. I thought, «Krishna, take me in, please». Such was his gratitude to me for he stayed alive and rich as he was before. I gave him back everything he had. And that was his gratitude?

I was in great grief to learn that he decided to get rid of me when he said, «You are a big person with a capital letter». I thought that he treated me with great respect, saying: «You saved me from the collapse of life, thank you very much. You are a big person with a capital letter». But in fact, he decided from his capital letter, from his cock, through himself to sell me to everyone on the cheap. Alas, we are in the material world. That's his thanks.

256 at 18:30.



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