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Destruction of Yaksas's Sacrifice

Vaishampayana said — О Janamejaya, thereafter, after the occurring of the great event, when the advanced kingdom was established, then all the gods and humans started living together.

О Bharata, the god and the humans studied collectively, loved one another collectively. Their part of the yajiia was themselves collected by the gods on reaching the place of yajha.

During those days, once lord Brhaspati was sitting surrounded by the fors, when Pracetus had received diksa for the perfoming of the asvamedha sacrifice.

In the yajiia of Mahatama Daksa once lord Rudra with nandi created disturbance in the same.

Nandi happens to be the other form of Siva, who had appeared in human form with the desire of the lord.

О Rajendra, with the influence of the aforesaid incident, Rudra, the supreme Brahman, had highlighted the well known eternal Brahman, himself.

Some of the ganas of Siva were quite beautiful, some of them were ugly. Some of them had awful eyes. Some of them were 4 pot bellied. Some of the ganas had eyes over the head, some of them had gigantic bodies, while others were dwarfish. Some of them looked terrific. Some of them had large tuft over the heads, while others had the long matted locks of hair. Many of them had three eyes, while others had the ears like the pigs. Some one was clad in rags, while others were clad in leather garments. Some of them carried horns and clubs in their hands. Some one of them held a bull, while others were wearing the ropes of reed. Some of them wore the iron bangles, and gold rings in the ears. Some of them were beating the drums, other played on kettle drums, or small drums or the flute. Lord Mahadeva was surrounded by such types of ganas, and destroyed the yajiia of Daksa.

Many of the ganas, played on kettle drums. Some of them held the fruits of tala trees. At that point of time, lord Siva, carrying a huge bow, appeared like the god of death.

In the yajhamandapa in which, Rudra- the best of the yajamanas, appeared like the rising fire flames which had for -the distinction of the universe.

Both lord Siva and Nandi, were engaged at the destruction of the yajiia of Daksa, lord Rudra appeared like the fire of the time of dissolution intending to reduce the universe to ashes.

The asuras clad in rags as well as the skins frightened the groups of the sages, tossed the sacrificial pillars and rushed here and there.

The Rudras having copper like eyes, were consuming the havisyas of the sacrifice with their tongues. Many of them were chewing the animals and in many cases the animals were hanging with the tips of their tongues.

The Rudras on the other hand threw the sacrifical poles upwards besides were beating the animals. Many of them poured water into the fire altar in order to extinguishe the fire.

Several of the Rudras having the eyes red like the copper and like the china rose, started destroying the soma — juice. Some of them, shattered the kusa-grass spread, there, with their hands resembling the blossomed lotus flowers.

Some of them broke the sacrificial parts, some of them threw away the kalaisas while some of the ganas uprooted and destroyed the discarted trees, and broke them into piece's.

Some of the ganas, reduced the golden trees to pieces with the shooting of the arrows from their bows. They shot golden arrows over the trees. Several vases of the yajna were damaged and churned even the aranl sticks.

Some of the ganas even damaged the leafhuts. All the things there, were looted. They were doing all the quite carefully. The Prodasa was eaten by them and they scratched the guards there with their nails which were quite sharp.

In this way when the torture continued during the day as well as the night, then the great Yaksas, stood erect there like the time of the churning of ocean and started crying aloud.

Then lord Mahadeva, stood on both the knees, and held the bow made of the kicaka and venu bamboos, and was given to him by Brahma, and bending it placed the arrow over it aiming the Mahayajha as its target.

Having been wounded with the arrow the Yaksa took a high leap in the sky and rushed to Brahma while crying.

Having been injured with the arrow, he neither got assurance for safety on earth nor did he achieve the piece of his mind. Therefore, he getting displaced, appeared before Brahma, having been injured with an arrow.

Brahma, then spoke to the deer in a forceful manner, the excellent words, which were quite meeck and humble.

"О Mahayajha, you having been injured with an arrow with three knots, getting defeated. You will therefore will remain in the sky always.

You having been lodged over the head of the deer will be known in the world as Mrgasira. You will thererfore always remain associated with Rudra (or Ardra). You will surely be associated with the eternal soma. (You will be viewed by soma always).

You will have the facility of communicating with the stars. You would be resplendent among several of the jyotis and shall be known as Dhruva and Mahadhrava.

The wounds of the arrow inflicted in your body, the divine blood and has been tossed in the sky with your jump and has been distributed in several colours. This would be the famous region in the mandala. It would become a sign of the rain fall in the rainy season for the people.

The people would feel delighted at its sight, getting relived of the grief. This is eternal which pleases the eyes. Therefore it would be known in the world as the rainbow.

О king, when it appeared for the first time, the people looked at it with surprise. This is wonderful, astonishing besides being the imagination of the mind of Brahma.

The rainbow cannot be viewed at night. The time upto which the sun light remains in the sky, it can be seen only upto that time. This great activity is visualised during the day alone. It rises from the earth and vanishes into the sky.

The valorous warriors who were quite enthusiasticly gurarding the yajna, fled away in different directions, frightend from lord Rudra.

Nandi, like the resplendent Brahmadanda at the time of dissolution, holding a bow, then stood up with’ the Rudras and started fighting with the opponents.

On the other hand, the valorous lord Visnu holding the Sarahga bow and the cakra in his hands presented himself for waging the war.

He held a club with a ball in his hand, and the sword in his other hand and reached there to face the Rudra.

At that point of time lord Visnu, carrying the huge Saranga bow, Pancajanya — couch which is the wonderful article of the world, besides the arrows with bent knots, which were held by him in his thick fingers. He wore the gloves of the lizard and arrived in the battle ground. He appreared like a moon surrounded by the clouds.

The Adityas — resplendent like the fire, besides the Vasus, took their positions around Visnu holding their weapons.

Marudgunas as well as the Visvadevas, joined Rudradeva. The Gandharvas, Kinnaras, Nagas, Yaksas, serpents, and Rishis, discarding their dandas were the well- wishes of both the sides. They daily recited the welfare mantras for the benefit of the people.

Rudra standing in the forefront, initially shot the arrows at the chest of the body and all the joints of the body of lord Visnu. The tip of the arrow was quite sharp and fitted with the best of yantra.

But Visnu who was the creator of Brahma remained unshaken with it, nor did his feel enraged at heart. All his sense organs were well under control.

Thereafter, lord Visnu, stringing his bow, placed his arrow over it and shot it at the neck of lord Siva.

Having been injured with the arrow of lord Visnu, lord Mahadeva was least disturbed in the same way as this joints of Mandarachala cannot be shaken with the fall of vajra.

Then the blue complexioned lord Visnu, forcefully took a leap and embraced the neck of lord Siva, as a result of which lord Siva came to be known as Nilakantha. Then Visnu said, "O eternal, endless lord Rudra, you kindly forgive me for my fault, because I have well realised that you happen to be the acarya of all the bhiitas. The karma is unshakable, therefore, you cannot display the divine supreme soul.

О Bharata, because lord Siva happens to be the soul of all and as such he is he performer of all the karmas. He is not the part of the bhiitas, but he possesses the Agni or the hero. Therefore he happens to be best of all the living beings.

О king those who achieve various types of bodies due to their deads (Kamas), which dwelling in their bodies in invisible form, inspire him to act accordingly, the supreme some, who is seprate from to performer and the couse thereafter and the relurant rules have been made by him.

Thereafter the auspicious voice of the Siddhas which was heard clearly declared,” О Etmal Parmesvars Salutation of you.

In the mean time the enraged Nandi, who was quits valours, picked up the bow struck over the head of lord Visnu.

Then Lord Visnu who happans who the the presure of all the living beings loughed loudly, at the sight of Nandi. Then he made Nandi inactive and he was unable to move.

Lord Visnu then turning as a Brahman, started illumining with the lustre. He getting filled with the feeling of forgiveness stood there like a lifeless wood.

The indestructable Shri Hari, who is unthinkable, endless, invincible, destroyer of the enemy, shining like the fire of the time of dissolution, being full of lustre became peaceful at heart.

Lord Visnu, who had shed away all the desires, being the religious one, then conceived a portion of the yajna for lord Siva.

О Rajendra, the yajna, which had been shattered by Rudra, was again re­assembled by lord Visnu and he completed it approprietely. О lord of earth, during the terrific war between Visnu and Rudra, all the ganas had joined the either side of Rudra or Visnu.

At the time of the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa, all the warriors fought from their own sides. The sacrifice in the yajna was shattered.

But, О Rajendra, yajna being eternal is benefecial for all the living beings. Therefore Daksa Prajapati, achieved full reward for the yajna initialed by him.

A person, who, with a concentrated and auspicious mind, recites this story to the Brahmanas, he studying all the divine scriptures, is adored in the heaven.

The emergence of the supreme soul at Puskara, which had been narrated by Dvaipayana Vyasa, the same episode has been narrated by me in length. This has been adored by the great Rishis.

A person, who becoming alert, appropriately listens to this Parana, he, getting all his desires fulfilled in this world, enjoys the divine pleasures in the heaven.

Here ends chapter — 32, of Bhavisya Parva of the Harivamsa Purana, a supplement of the epic of Mahabharata, relating to the destruction of the sacrifice of Daksa. (Vrs. 1-64, P.T. = 11,075)


Chapter 33

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