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Non-finite Forms of the Verb in English and Ukrainian Languages


1. Non-finite forms of the verb: general characteristics.

2. Infinitive in English and Ukrainian languages.

3. The English participle versus Ukrainian дієприкметник and дієприслівник.

4. The English gerund.


The system of non-finite forms (also called verbals or verbids) of Ukrainian and English verbs differs. The only common verbal form in these systems is the Infinitive (the indefinite form of the verb). The English language besides possesses a peculiar verbal form – the Gerund, which does not have its counterpart in Ukrainian. The third verbal form of the English language – Participle (in Ukrainian grammars rendered correspondingly as дієприкметник) – has a number of such qualities and functions that correspond in Ukrainian to two non-finite verb forms – дієприкметник and дієприслівник

One of the peculiarities of English verbids is their being used as secondary predicates. In the sentence I saw them dancing two actions are named as well as two doers of those actions. But there is a great difference between I saw and them dancing. I saw is more or less independent. It makes a predication, that is the core of the sentence or the sentence itself. Them dancing can exist only in a sentence where there is predication (therefore it is called “secondary”). The tense and mood relations of the finite verb are then reflected in the verbid and it becomes a secondary predicate, and combinations like them dancing become secondary predications (called “nexuses” by the prominent English grammarian Otto Jespersen, who was one of the first to draw attention to this kind of grammar phenomenon). The phenomenon of “secondary predication” constructions is a peculiar feature of the English language not found in Ukrainian.


The infinitive is a verbid characterized by the following features:

1. Its dual lexico-grammatical meaning of “action, process partially viewed as a substance”. Both in Ukrainian and in English the infinitive names the action or process without expressing their relation to person, number, tense and mood (work, wait, робити, чекати).

2. Typical word-building elements of the infinitive differ greatly in both languages.

The English infinitive is characterized by the word-morpheme “to”. The presence or absence of this word-morpheme depends on the context of the infinitive in speech.

In Ukrainian the infinitive is characterized by the following typical stem-building morphemes: suffixes -ти (-ть) (плакати, робить), -ну, -ува (-юва), -а, -и, -і (ї) + -ти (стукнути, мандрувати, гостювати, читати, бачити, уміти).

3. The grammatical categories of voice, aspect (see the paradigm below) in English.

The Paradigm of the English Infinitive

Aspect Voice
  Active Passive
non-perfect, non-continuous to write to be written
non-perfect, continuous to be writing -
perfect, non-continuous to have written to have been written
perfect, continuous to have been writing -


The peculiarity of the English infinitive is the fact that it has the category of tense expressed not absolutely but relatively. The tense of the infinitive is subordinated to the tense meaning of the finite verb form, performing the function of the predicate in the sentence.

The paradigm of the Ukrainian infinitive is characterized by the general verb categories of transitiveness – intransitiveness, aspect and voice (стояти – стати, укривати – укрити, умивати – умива­тися, побороти – поборотися, будувати – бути збудованим, написати – бути написаним).

4. Its peculiar combinability resembling that of the verb, and partly that of the noun.

5. The syntactical functions of subject, predicative, object, attribute, adverbial modifier, etc. in English. In Ukrainian the infinitive can function usually as a part of both simple and compound verbal predicates.

One more peculiar feature of the infinitive in both contrasted languages is its ability to build analytical forms like shall bring, will bring, should bring, would bring, буду писати, etc.


Participle as the English verbal form combines both the features of adjective and adverb. Being used in the attributive meaning, it corresponds to Ukrainian дієприкметник, but when it is used in the circumstantial meaning, it corresponds to our дієприслівник. So, we should constantly bear in mind, that the term “дієприкметник”, which is usually used regarding the English Participle in grammars and textbooks of the English language published to be used in Ukrainian schools, is rather incorrect and conventional one.

Following is the contrastive analysis of participles’ main features in English and Ukrainian languages:

1. The dual lexico-grammatical meaning of “qualifying action”.

2. Typical stem-building elements. Special suffixes: -ing (Participle I), -ed, -t, -en (Participle II) in English. Participle II is sometimes characterized by an internal inflexion (written) or by a zero suffix (put). Suffixes - ач (яч), -уч (-юч) for active participles and ,
-ен (-єн), -т forpassive participles inUkrainian.

3. The grammatical category of voice (see the paradigm below) in English.

The Paradigm of Participle

Participle I Participle II
Voice written
Active Passive
writing being written
having written having been written


In Ukrainian participles similar to verbs have the categories of tense, aspect and voice. The participle retains the aspect of the verb from which it is built (виконувати – виконуючий, написати – написаний). Similar to adjectives it has the categories of gender and case and is coordinated in the form with the noun it precedes regarding its gender, number and case. Taking into consideration their aspectual character Ukrainian participles are subdivided into active and passive ones. Each of these groups has the present and the past tense (participles do not have the future tense).

Active participles point towards the character of some acting object. In the present tense they render the simultaneous character of the action with the action of the finite verb (У темніючому небі яскраво сяяла вечірня зірка). They are formed from the stems of the present tense of transitive and intransitive verbs of imperfective aspect by adding suffixes - ач (яч), -уч (-юч) and adjectival endings (правити – правлячий, відпочивати – відпочиваючий).

Passive participles render the quality of the action upon which the action is directed (На лісовій галявині стояла хата крита очеретом). Passive participles in Ukrainian have only the form of the past tense and they are formed from the base of the infinitive by adding suffixes: (писати – писаний), -ен (-єн) (веліти-велений), (мити – митий).

4. Its peculiar combinability partly resembling that of the verb (the participle is associated with adverbs, with nouns and pronouns denoting the object of the action), and partly that of the adjective (it modifies nouns) and of the adverb (it modifies verbs).

5. Its most characteristic syntactical functions of attribute, adverbial complement, etc.

Ukrainian дієприслівник. Дієприслівник (or in transliteration “diyepryslivnyk”) is the peculiar Ukrainian verbid combining the features of the verb and the adverb. It points towards some additional action and explains the main one, expressed by the finite verb (Він ішов собі, похнюпившись, тихо відміряючикрок за кроком) [16; 191]. Thus, it is characterized by the following features:

1. Its lexico-grammatical meaning of the “character or quality of some action”.

2. Its typical stem-building elements depend upon the type of diyepryslivnyk.

Diyepryslivnyks of the imperfective aspect (of the “present tense”) are formed from the base of the present tense of verbs of the imperfective aspect with the help of suffixes -учи(сь), -ючи(сь), -ачи(сь), -ячи(сь), e.g.: пишучи, несучись, співаючи, вживаючись, лежачи, стоячи.

Diyepryslivnyks of the perfective aspect (of the “past tense”) are formed directly from the form of the masculine gender singular of the past tense of the perfective aspect with the help of suffixes -ши(сь), -вши, e.g.: приніс – принісши, прочитав – прочитавши, умився – умившись, прийшов – прийшовши.

3. Diyepryslivnyk is the indeclinable word similar to adverb. It has common with the verb grammatical categories of tense, aspect and state.


The English gerund is a verbid characterized by the following features:

1. Its dual lexico-grammatical meaning of “an action partially viewed as a substance”.

2. The typical group morpheme -ing.

3. The grammatical category of voice (see the paradigm below).

The Paradigm of the Gerund

Active Passive
writing being written
having written having been written

The gerund has the category of tense (the present and the perfect forms), which is expressed relatively: the present form of the gerund shows the simultaneous character of the action with the predicate action, whereas the perfect form expresses the action prior to the action, expressed by predicate.

The category of aspect of gerund forms is connected with the category of tense and is subordinated to this category.

4. The combinability resembling that of the verb (the gerund is associated with adverbs, with nouns or pronouns, denoting the object of the action) and that of the noun (the gerund is associated with prepositions, with possessive pronouns, nouns in the possessive case), e.g.: The district is justified in blindly ignoring the federal land.

5. Typical syntactic functions of the gerund are those of subject, complement, attribute, etc., e.g.: His returning so soon surprised his family. I remember meeting him in London.

The gerund, which is a peculiarity of the English language, is very extensively used as the center of complexes (nexuses) synonymous with subordinate clauses. Compare: I know of his having gone to Kyiv. I know that he has gone to Kyiv.

In cases when the gerund is used in the construction having the predicate relations the only equivalent in Ukrainian can be the subordinate sentence with the verb predicate: There is no hope of our seeing him this year. Немає надії, що ми побачимось з ним у цьому році. The corresponding verb form is absent in the majority of Indo-European languages, including Ukrainian. Somehow close in its meaning to the English gerund is the Uk Lecture 4.2.

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