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Remember: In each case, a true friend would try to stop the unsafe behavior of another.

You and Ira eat at a friend’s house: preferable answer: 4

Your best friend is dating someone with herpes: preferable answer: 3

Your friend wants to use condoms: preferable answer: 3

Your friend has a date: preferable answer: 3

QUIZ: Are You at Risk for Becoming Infected?

This sheet is completely confidential. It will help you to determine whether your current behavior puts you at risk for sexually transmitted infections. Be honest with yourself.

Answer yes or no to the following questions.


1. _____ I have no sex partner at this time in my life.

2. _____ I do not have intercourse, but express my feelings in other ways.

3. _____ I am in a new relationship and neither my partner nor I have ever had intercourse

with anyone else.

4. _____ I have had a relationship with the same partner for the past few years and I am

certain neither of us has had intercourse with anyone else during that time.

5. _____ Neither my partner nor I have ever shared needles for drugs or body piercing.



If you answered yes to 1,2,3, 4 and also 5, you are at almost no riskfor acquiring HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted infections.



6. _____ My partner and I use a condom and water-based lubricant every time we have oral,

anal, or vaginal intercourse.



If you answered yes to 6, you are at low riskfor acquiring HIV/AIDS and you are at low risk for getting most other sexually transmitted infections.



7. _____ I have intercourse without using a condom.

8. _____ I have oral sex without using a condom or latex barrier.

9. _____ I have unprotected sexual intercourse with someone whose sexual history is

unknown to me.

10. _____ I have unprotected sexual intercourse with someone who has had sexual

intercourse with many other partners.

11. _____ I have unprotected intercourse with a man who has had unprotected intercourse

with another man.

12. _____ I share needles for drugs or body piercing.



If you answered yes to 7, 8, 9, 10, or 11, you are at high riskfor becoming infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. If you answered yes to 12, you are at even higher riskfor HIV infection.


Healthy Lifestyles Glossary


English Ukrainian Russian
addiction наркома=нія наркома=ния
addictive зале=жний зави=симый
AIDS снід спид
anal ана=льний анна=льный
balance бала=нс бала=нс
blood кров кровь
brain мо=зок мозг
breast milk гру=дне молоко= грудно=е молоко=
calories калорі=ї калори=и
carbohydrate вуглево=д углево=д
carbon monoxide ча=дний газ уга=рный газ
chlamydia хламі=дія хлами=дия
disease хворо=ба, захворював=ння боле=знь, заболева=ние
emotional емоці=йний эмоциона=льный
environmental екологі=чний экологи=ческий
fat (in foods) жи=рність жи=рность
gonorrhea гоноре=я гоноре=я
herpes ге=рпес ге=рпес
HIV віл вич
immune system іму=ннa систе=ма имму=нная систе=ма
infection зара=ження; інфе=кція зараже=ние; инфе=кция
kidney ни=рка по=чка
liver печі=нка пе=чень
lungs леге=ні ле=гкие
mental health психі=чне здоро=в’я психи=ческое здоро=вье  
needle (hypodermic syringe) го=лка (шприц для підшкірних ін'єкцій) игла (шприц для подкожных инъекций)
nicotine нікоти=н никоти=н
nutrition харчува=ння пита=ние
oral hygiene гігієн=на ро=та гигие=на рта
peer одно=літок све=рстник  
peer pressure пога=ний вплів одно=літків плохо=е влия=ние сверстников  
physical фізи=чний; тіле=сний физии=ческий; теле=сный
protein протеї=н, біло=к протеи=н, бело=к
risk ризикува=ти (v), ризи=к (n) рисковать (v), риск (n)
secondhand smoke паси=вне палі=ння пасси=вное куре=ние
semen сі=м'я, спе=рма се=мя, спе=рма
sexual health сексуа=льнe здоро=в'я сексуа=льнoe здоро=вье
sexual intercourse стате=вий акт полово=й акт
sexually transmitted infection хворо=бa, що передає=ться стате=вим шляхо=м боле=знь, кото=рая передае=тся половым путем
share діли=ти, діли=тися дели=ть, дели=ться
sodium (salt) на=трій (кухо=нна сіль) на=трий (кухо=нная соль)
spiritual health духо=вне здоро=в’я духо=вное здоро=вье
syphilis си=філіс си=филис
symptom симпто=м симптом=м
tar (in cigarettes) смола=, дьо=готь смола, деготь
tobacco тютю=н табак
vaginal вагіна=льний влагали=щный
vaginal fluid вагіна=льна рідина влагали=щная жи=дкость
variety різномані=тність многообра=ие
wart боро=давка боро=давка
wellness самопочуття=,благополу=ччя самочу=вствии=е,благополу=чие




Journalism is an exciting topic to teach in Ukraine today. Ukraine is experiencing a gradual move toward a free and independent press, though most of the media are still controlled by the state. By educating your campers about the media, unbiased or independent news, and the role of the journalist, you will encourage them to analyze more closely the information they read in Ukrainian newspapers. In addition, students will learn the organizational and reporting skills that they need to become better writers.


This section is comprised of five days worth of journalism activities that cover the basics of article writing and the role of the journalist. It begins by examining the role of the journalist (Lesson #1: Introduction to Newspaper Journalism), and then discusses the layout and format of a newspaper article (Lesson #2: Introduction to Articles). The next two lessons (Lesson #3: What is an Article? and Lesson #4: More Fun with the 5 Ws and the Inverted Pyramid) explore the way facts and information are organized in an article, and during the last lesson (Lesson #5: Writing Your First Article), students have the chance to use what they’ve learned to write their own story.


These lessons can be used with students from middle school age and up, but the students must have at least intermediate-mid language ability and preferably higher. The activities are designed to cover about 45 to 60 minutes of class time and are generally adaptable to most circumstances and constraints. All have been tested in the classroom and have been largely successful.


If you’d like more information about journalism activities, look for the book called Newspapers by Peter Grundy that can be found in the Peace Corps Resource center. Furthermore, an internet search for “journalism activities” turns up many quality resources that are primarily designed for high-school journalism with native speakers, but can also be adapted to EFL learners.

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