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Add two or three sentences to the given statements using the material of Text B.

1. The arched dam is defined as essentially gravity dam which in plan view is curved. 2. … 3. … 4. …

2. Buttress dams comprise flat deck and multiple arch structures. 2. … 3. …

3. Arch dams are thin structures and require less material than any other type. 2. … 3. … 4. …

4. The horizontal component of the water load is resisted jointly by the arch and cantilever action. 2. … 3. …


Divide the text into parts, state the microtopics of each part and express the contents of each part in one or two sentences.

Write a summary of Text B in English.

Project work. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Try to collect as much information about dams as possible. Get ready to present this information to your class and to answer questions about it. Present your summaries to the class and choose the summary that is the best.


I. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct:

1. When an arched dam becomes so slender that it can no longer act as a


gravity dam it must be regard as an arch dam.


2. A number of buttress dams was built in the USA in the 1960’s when


the ratio of labour cost to materials cost was comparatively low.


3. The most important types of buttress dams is considered to be the flat


slab and the multiple arch dams.

4. These dams differ in that the water-supporting member in one case is


a series of flat reinforcing concrete decks, while in the other it is a wider


spacing of buttresses.

5. The civil engineers must to adapt the form of their dams to the


topography of the sites.


6. It should be notedthat the arch-gravity dam resists the water pressure


from its weight.



II. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentences:

1. Sloping membrane of the buttress dam … used to transmit the water load to series of buttresses.

a) being; b) is;

c) were; d) be.

2. The experts came to the conclusion that few arch dams …, in comparison with the more numerous failures of other types of dams.

a) have failed; b) are failed;

c) are failing; d) had failed.

3. Buttress dams … less concrete than gravity dams.

a) are required; b) requires;

c) were required; d) require.

4. A research work … in Ukraine and abroad for improving designs of existing dams.

a) conducted; b) are conducted;

c) is conducting; d) is being conducted.

5. No structure … endure without an adequate foundation.

a) couldn’t; b) can;

c) can’t; d) could be.

6. The supporting soil, the foundation, and the body of dam form one single unit and … as a whole.

a) are considering; b) has been considered;

c) should be considered; d) have been considering.

III. Complete the sentences matching the words from the column to the sentence gaps:

1. Arch dams are built in … …. 1. buttresses
2. The sidewalls of the canion are capable of … the arch forces. 2. increased formwork
3. The water load is transmitted to series of … at right angles to the axis of the dam. 3. gravity dams
4. In principle, … … aren’t used at sites which are narrow and deep. 4. resisting
5. The arch and … … resist jointly the horizontal component of the water load. 5. narrow emplacement
6. Buttress dams require … … and reinforcement steel. 6. cantilever action

IV. Match the term to its definition:

1. dam 1. A horizontal part projecting beyond a pier, etc. which supports it at one end only.
2. spillway 2. A hard strong substance made by mixing sand and gravel with cement and water, used as a building material.
3. embankment 3. A barrier constructed and used for controlling navigation, supplying towns and villages, irrigating the land or producing electrical energy.
4. cantilever 4. An aggregate of particles composed of one or more minerals, forming the major part of the earth’s crust.
5. concrete 5. A raised bank built to confine a river or canal, or to carry a road or railroad.
6. rock 6. The part of a dam over which water flows.


I. Grammar: Participle I, Participle II. Constructions with Participle.
II. Texts: 1. The Use of Water Resources in Land Reclamation.
  2. Water Management of Ukraine.


1.1. Translate the following sentences taking into account the Participle in different functions:

1. There are languages spoken by only several thousands of people.

2. If given opportunity our economy will rapidly develop.

3. Do you know the man speaking Spanish?

4. Having finished his experiment the researcher began to analyse the data obtained.

5. The bisector is a straight line dividing an angle into two equal parts.

6. Being a very industrious student he managed to make great progress in English.

7. Having said this, they stopped speaking.

8. They looked at the destroyed earth dam.

9. Studying new words he always writes them down in his note-book.

10. We knew nothing about the given facts.

11. The methods described in the new magazine have great importance for the process.

12. He looked for the things belonging to his elder brother.

13. Mary stood for a time in silence, watching and listening.

14. He saw a passing shadow on her face.

15. They ran to the steps leading down the water.

16. Having been packed, the parcel was taken to the post-office.

Find in the text the sentences with the Participles and Participle Complexes, state their forms and translate them into Ukrainian.

1.3. Translate the sentences with Participle Complexes. Comment on their forms and structure:

1. The next morning, it being Saturday, they all went to the river.

2. The bus could be seen waiting outside.

3. His brow contracting, he came into the hall.

4. The main part of the country area are hills, plains being only in the east.

5. At that moment footsteps were heard coming across the living-room.

6. And still he sat there, his hands lying in front of him.

7. We saw them working in the field.

8. She had her hair done.

9. The weather being fine, our family went for a walk.

10. Our teacher having visited Great Britain, we asked him to tell us about that country.

11. One day he was seen going into this cottage, but was never seen coming out of it.

12. The bridge being destroyed, they couldn’t cross the river.

13. His face clouded when he heard his name spoken.

14. He found his sister standing at the window.

15. A nightingale was heard singing in the garden.

16. I must have my photo taken.


1.4. Translate into English:

1. В Україні велика увага приділяється раціональному використанню води. Охорона водних ресурсів є невід’ємною частиною ведення водного господарства. Розроблено генеральний план охорони водних ресурсів та їх використання на території кожної області нашої країни.


2. Особлива увага приділяється широкомасштабній охороні і використанню водних ресурсів Дніпра. Відповідальність за їх раціональне використання, охорону від забруднення і вичерпання запасів покладено на органи державного нагляду.

3. Наше водне господарство є багатогалузевим і забезпечує потреби сільського господарства, водного транспорту, лісозаготівель, сприяє розвиткові гідроенергетики.

4. Гідроелектростанції, споруджені на Дніпрі, є комплексними багатоцільовими проектами. Їх водоймища використовуються не лише з метою виробляти електроенергію, а також забезпечувати комунальне і промислове водопостачання, розширяти системи зрошування сільськогосподарських культур, сприяти розвитку рибних промислів, поліпшувати умови для судноплавства.


2.1. Practise reading the pairs of the following participles, paying attention to the suffixes -ing of the Present Participle and -ed of the Past Participle:

serving – served, existing – existed, planning – planned, controlling – controlled, informing – informed, projecting – projected, recording – recorded, changing – changed, draining – drained, introducing – introduced, proceeding – proceeded, cultivating – cultivated, employing – employed, locating – located, storing – stored, transporting – transported, doubling – doubled, developing – developed, operating – operated.


2.2. Practise reading of the following words and word-combinations from the text:

various branches, reclamation development, water management system, pasture irrigation, utilization, approximately, agricultural sector, major water consumer, extensive reclamation activities, nevertheless, communal and industrial water supply, atomic power station, single-purpose reservoir, rehabilitation, operational control of water use, available information, substantional record, long-range forecasting, presently applied technology, salt-water balance, varieties of agricultural crops, antifiltration measures.


2.3. Read aloud and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

natural, standard, mineral, reserve, strategy, financial, active, global, base, conservation, cascade, negative, thermal, atom, radiation, ecology, planet, effect, ozone, toxic, flora, fauna, catastrophe, operation, techniques, management, tragic, monitoring, project, technology, minimization, budget, filtration, computerization, process, machine, special, initial, component.


2.4. Memorize the spelling, pronunciation and translation of the following words:

to provide water забезпечувати водою
amount n. – кількість, v. – дорівнювати, складати
source джерело
in excess of зверх, більш ніж
to be under way проводити, вести
surface flow поверхневий стік
storage capacity водомісткість
to apply on a large scale широко застосовувати
water management computations водогосподарські розрахунки
to raise the efficiency підвищувати ефективність
anti-filtration measures протифільтраційні заходи
for irrigation purposes з метою зрошення
water consumer споживач води
relationship відношення, зв'язок
improvement of planning вдосконалення планування
pasture irrigation обводнення пасовищ
timber floating лісосплав
part and parcel невід’ємна частина
to divert water відводити воду
comprehensively зі всіх сторін, всебічно
pond водойма
forecast прогноз, передбачення
to proceed проходити, продовжуватись
a great deal of багато

Read the text.

1. On the basis of word-building chains with the stem “amount” and “raise” try to define:

– the total water supply used for agriculture and other branches of national economy of Ukraine;

– whether there is any information related to the ways of achieving more effective water use in land reclamation.

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