Сдам Сам



Natural resources and attractions. - Природные ресурсы

и достопримечательности:

minerals - минералы; полезные ископаемые;

(fresh) water supplies (reservoirs) - запасы (пресной)


reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] - водохранилище;

flood - 1) наводнение; половодье; разлив; 2) поток;

rainfall - осадки;

vegetation - растительность;

greenery - зелень; растительность; листва;

woodland - лесной массив, лесистая местность;

woodlands - лесные массивы;

forestry - лесоводство, лесное хозяйство;

wildlife - дикая природа;

animal kingdom - животный мир;

animal population - популяция животных;

flora and fauna [fɒ:nə] - флора и фауна;

arable land (soil) (also ploughland) - пахотная земля;

cultivated land - обработанная земля;

open land - открытый грунт; свободное пространство;

“green” belts — зеленые пояса (вокруг городов);

recreation areas - зоны отдыха;


coastal areas - прибрежные районы;

country (national) parks - национальные парки;

clear landscapes - открытые ландшафты;

public open spaces - открытые пространства для общего


Environment and man. - Окружающая среда и человек:

to link man to nature - устанавливать связь человека

с природой;

to adapt to environment - приспособить(ся) к окружающей


to be preoccupied with economic growth - заботиться об

экономическом росте;

unrestricted industrialization - безудержная индустриализация;

the sprawl of large built-up areas - беспорядочное расширение

районов застройки;

to upset the biological balance - нарушить биологическое


to abuse nature - хищнически эксплуатировать природу,

нерационально использовать природные ресурсы;

to disfigure (litter) the landscape - уродовать (засорять)


ecology - экология;

ecosystem - экосистема;

to be environment-conscious - понимать необходимость

охраны окружающей среды;

to be environment-educated - быть экологически образованным.

Environmental destruction and pollution. - Разрушение

и загрязнение окружающей среды:

land pollution - загрязнение грунта;

derelict land - заброшенная земля;

industrial waste - промышленные отходы;

the by-products of massive industrialization - отходы массовой

индустриализации, пригодные для использования

в других отраслях, побочные продукты массовой индустри-


to dump waste (products) on land - вываливать/выли-

вать/высыпать отходы на землю;



extensive use of agrochemicals - экстенсивное использование


the denudation of soil - денудация/оголение грунта;

the toxic fall-outs of materials - токсичные осадки;

water pollution - загрязнение воды;

a dropping water level - снижающийся уровень воды;

to face the fresh water supply problem - бороться с проблемой

уменьшения запасов пресной воды;

depletion of water resources - истощение ресурсов/ис-

точников воды;

the disruption of water cycle - нарушение круговорота воды

в природе;

marine pollution - загрязнение морской воды;

oil spillage - разлив нефти;

air (atmospheric) pollution - загрязнение воздуха (атмосферы);

the air pollution index - уровень загрязнения воздуха;

to produce foul air - загрязнять воздух;

to exhaust toxic gases (fuel) - выбрасывать токсичные газы

(-oe топливо);

combustion of fuel - сгорание топлива;

concentrations of smoke in the air - уровни концентрации

дыма в воздухе;

dust content in the air - содержание пыли в воздухе; загрязнение

воздуха пылью;

radiation - радиация;

high (low) radioactivity - высокая (низкая) радиоактивность;

to store (disperse) radioactive waste - хранить (распространять)

радиоактивные отходы;

noise offenders (pollutants) - источники шума, превышающего

нормы; нарушители предельных уровней шума;

merciless killing of animals - безжалостное истребление


destruction of animals habitats - разрушение естественной

среды обитания животных.

Nature conservation and environment protection. -

Охрана природы и защита окружающей среды:

a global imperative for environment - важнейшая задача

охраны окружающей среды;


global environmental security - всемирная экологическая


to preserve ecosystems - сохранять экосистемы;

to create disaster-prevention programs - создавать программы

по защите от катастроф/стихийных бедствий;

to harmonize industry and community - гармонизировать

деятельность промышленных предприятий и жизнь населения;

plants and people - растения и люди;

conservation movement - экологическое движение;

to preserve woodlands - сохранять лесные массивы;

to protect and reproduce animal (fish, bird) reserves - сохранять

и воспроизводить популяцию животных (рыб,


to fight pollution - бороться с загрязнением окружающей


to install antipollution equipment - создавать очистные


to minimize noise disturbance - сводить к минимуму шумовое


to reduce pollution - уменьшать загрязнение окружающей


to dispose of garbage (litter, waste) - удалять мусор (мусор,






Exercise 1, p. 362

1. Normally no article is used with names of people as they

point out individuals, so the proper nouns Peter (first name),

Carl (middle name) and Faberge (surname) are used without


2 and 7. These are cases of a metonymic transfer. In these

sentences the names of the famous jeweller (Faberge) and

painters (Levitan and Aivazovsky) are used to denote their works

and thus become common countable nouns. As such they must

be used with articles. The indefinite classifying article is used,

because the works of art in both sentences are mentioned for

the first time.

3. No article is used if the name of a person is modified by the

descriptive attribute little. The same rule applies to big, dear,

poor, lucky, old, young, honest, pretty and some others because

they form a part of the name they precede.

4. Big Ben and the Tower are proper names denoting buildings.

The use of articles with names of important buildings varies

from name to name and largely depends on tradition. Most of

them take no article but there are quite a few exceptions which

should be memorized.

5. Here tower is a common noun used in a set phrase with the

classifying indefinite article.

6. In the first clause of this compound sentence “ the city ” is

a common noun. It is used with the definite article in its specifying

function because it is clear from the context that the city in

question is London. In the second clause of the sentence “the



City ” is a proper name. The use of the definite article here is

based on tradition.

8, 10, 15, 16. These are clear cases of a metonymic transfer.

Names of companies usually take no article but here Sony,

Panasonic, Ford, Adidas, Nike and Chanel denote not the manufacturing

companies but items produced by them. As such they

are countable and can take articles including the classifying

indefinite article as in these sentences.

9. There is a legend that the popular nickname for

Academy Awards which were first conferred by the US-based

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1929 for

excellence in acting, directing, writing screenplays and other

aspects of film production stuck to the gilted statuette in the

following way. One of the Academy’s employees, a Margaret

Merrick looked at one of the first statuettes and said, “Why

he looks just like my uncle Oscar!” Thus as a result o f

a metonymic transfer the Academy Awards came to be known

as Oscars. This is a common count noun which takes articles

and has a regular plural.

11. Heniy Ford is a personal name. Generally such names

take no articles and this is just the case.

12 and 13. These are clear cases of a metonymic transfer.

Names of persons become countable common nouns indicating

typical features associated with those names. In sentence

12 the indefinite article is used because the speaker

evidently does not think the boy or young man in question

unique. In sentence 13 the definite article is used because

everybody seems to believe the singer a unique phenomenon.

14. This is another case of a metonymic transfer. The characteristic

qualities of the proverbial Jack-of-call-trades are meant,

so the name becomes a count noun.

17. The definite article is used with the surname in the plural

to indicate the whole family.

18. If a name is preceded by Mr., Mrs. or Miss, the use of the

indefinite article implies that the speaker doesn’t know this


19. See 17 for the Benois. The indefinite article is used before

the name Benois to indicate that one of a family is meant.


20. The definite article is used with the name of a person

modified by descriptive attributes as the limitation is clear from

the context.

21. In the second sentence the name is just that - a personal

name indicating the bearer of the name, so no article is used. In

the first sentence the characteristic qualities of the Cora in question

are meant, and it becomes a countable common noun in

the plural.

22. The name is modified by a descriptive attribute and is the

center of communication, so the indefinite article is used.

Exercise 2, p. 363

1. Can I introduce Margaret Diamond?

2. Can I introduce the Margaret Diamond I told you about last


3. There is a Margaret Diamond waiting for you in the office.

4. Well, mine is a Lincoln, not a Toyota.

5. The National Gallery bought a Constable at the auction.

6. Have you got a Collins that I could borrow?

7. - What a bright pullover! - Yes, it’s a Benetton.

8. - Do you know who invented the Pullman?

9. The actor got a Nika for this film.

10. She was a good actress. She made a rather touching

Natalia Petrovna in “A Month in the Country” by Turgenev.

11. This isn’t the Paris I used to know.

12. There will always be an England for me!

13. The two Americas have different climatic zones.

14. The concert hall bought a new Petroff.

15. How strong the boy isM true Hercules!

Exercise 3, p. 363

1. Could you lend me your Webster? - Will a Hornby do?/Will

a Hornby suit you?

2. You are a real Lovelace! - And you are a Don Juan.

3. I know nothing about painting. I can’t tell a Cezanne from

a Picasso.

4. Is it Lillian? How changed she is! It is surely not the Lillian

I knew when she was a little girl.


5. Can I book a ticket to Birmingham?/Can I pay for a call to

Birmingham? - Yes, but we’ve got two Birminghams in the computer.

Do you need the Birmingham which is in the USA or the

Birmingham in England? - The Birmingham which is in


6. I bought a new TV set yesterday. - Is it a Sony? - No, it’s

a Philips.

7. We have received a fax from a Romanov.

8. With all those magic tricks of his your son may become

another/a new David Copperfield.

9. I see you’ve got a Honda, haven’t you? - No, it’s my wife’s

new car.

10. A new McDonalds is opening/opens in Moscow tomorrow.

11. Have you got a copy of America to read? Unfortunately

not. But I’ve got Cosmopolitan.

13. I would never have thought that the Morozovs had such

a gorgeous library.

14. To my delight I saw a Dahl in the bookshop and bought it.

15. Stop behaving like that. You are not a Scarlett and I’m not

a Rhett.

16. Why, you are a real James Bond.

17. The police say you keep a Kalashnikov in your house.

18. The girl wants Father Frost to bring her a Barbie for the

New Year.

19. Lord Sandwich invented the sandwich.

20. I’ll have a Martini. - And I’d like a soda, please.

21. The scared/frightened Marina answered the phone call.

22. Now we have a complete “Britannica” and we are very

glad about it.

23. Is Nurse at home? - She is out doing the shopping./She

has gone to the shops/gone shopping.

24. What a lovely shop! - Yes it’s a Valentino.

Exercise 4, p. 364

1. Он подумал, что спать в таком месте было бы безумием.

to sleep is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs

the function of the subject.


2. Дик взобрался на верхушку высокого дуба, чтобы оглядеть

занесенный снегом лес.

to look is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs

the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose.

3. Они бросились бежать напрямик, как олени, и бежали

достаточно быстро, чтобы успеть вовремя.

to run is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It is part of

a compound verbal phasal predicate. To be is also an active nonperfect

simple infinitive. It is an adverbial modifier of consequence.

4. - Продолжай, сынок. Я здесь для того, чтобы выслушать

тебя. - Ну, в общем, я хочу взять свои слова обратно,

сэр. Простите, что я вас обозвал.

to listen and to take are active non-perfect simple infinitives.

To have called is an active perfect infinitive. To listen is part of an

adverbial modifier of purpose. To take and to have called are

parts of objects.

5. Его никто не любит, потому что у него столько денег,

которые он может швырять направо и налево.

to throw around is an active non-perfect infinitive; it performs

the function of an attribute.

6. Чтобы исключить всякую возможность ошибок, необходимо

провести исследования также и в этой области.

to exclude is an active non-perfect simple infinitive, which

serves as an adverbial modifier of purpose. To do is also an active

non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs the function of an


7. Я мало знал о человеке, которого мне предстояло защищать,

и отнюдь не жаждал взяться за его дело.

to defend and to take up are both active non-perfect simple

infinitives. To defend is part of a compound verbal modal predicate

and to take up is an object.

8. Золото и любовные связи похожи в одном: их трудно


to hide is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which serves

as an object.

9. Есть время ловить рыбу и время сушить сети.

to fish and to dry are active non-perfect simple infinitives

serving as attributes.

10. Я воспользовался удобным случаем, чтобы поговорить

с Пандорой.



to speak is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which

serves as part of an adverbial modifier of purpose.

11. Услышав эту шутку, наш проводник улыбнулся впервые

за все время.

smile is an active non-perfect simple infinitive serving

as an object. It is bare because though most of the verbs that

take two objects the first of which is a noun or a pronoun

and the second is an infinitive take an infinitive with the

particle to, some are used with bare infinitives, namely

to make, to let, to have and the verbs of sense perception.

12. Я не заметил, как Кэролайн вышла из дома.

to see and leave are active non-perfect simple infinitives,

to see is an object; leave is part of a complex object/an objective

with an infinitive construction. It is bare because after the verbs

of sense perception such as to see complex objects contain bare


13. Это было чрезвычайно глупо, не правда ли?

to do is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. In this sentence

it serves as an attribute.

14. Слушать Элтона Джона - чистое удовольствие.

to listen is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which performs

the function of the subject.

15. Люди отправляются на сафари, чтобы посмотреть на

диких животных в естественных условиях их обитания.

to watch is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which

serves as an adverbial modifier of purpose.

16. Я пошел в ванную, чтобы ополоснуться холодной


to cool down is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which

serves as an adverbial modifier of purpose.

17. Стоит ли добавлять что-либо к уже сказанному? Лучше

я замолчу, чтобы, как бы сказать помягче, не усугубить


Say and stop are active non-perfect simple infinitives. They

are bare because the modal verb need takes a bare infinitive. Both

are parts of compound verbal modal predicates. To cause and to

put are active non-perfect simple infinitives. To cause is part of an

adverbial modifier of purpose, and to put is part of a parenthesis.

18. Чтобы победить в соревновании, Полу нужна была




to win is an active non-perfect simple infinitive which serves

as an adverbial modifier of purpose.

19. За этим столом очень удобно работать.

to work at is an active non-perfect simple infinitive. It performs

the function of an object.

20. Мне очень приятно принимать вас в моем доме.

to accept is an active non-perfect simple infinitive serving as

the subject.

21. С ним трудно иметь дело/ладить.

to deal with is an active non-perfect simple infinitive serving

as an object.

22. Мне надо обдумать так много проблем.

to consider is an active non-perfect simple infinitive serving

as an attribute.

23. Он отправился на Ближний Восток, чтобы найти там

смерть от желтой лихорадки.

to die is an active non-perfect simple infinitive serving as part

of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances.

Exercise 5, p. 365

1. Father is willing to let us be independent.

2. David is known to have taken part in the campaign.

3. I won’t have you say it behind my back.

4. Ever since Simon came here he has been made to look like

a fool.

5. Why not buy something new and smashing?

6. Mother made everybody do some work about the house.

7. She is always seen to walk with her grandchildren.

8. We suppose her to be in her late fifties.

9. I’ve never seen anyone enjoy food so much.

10. I would sooner let myself be cut in a thousand pieces

than betray my friends.

11. The team was announced to have won the Cup.

12. Let’s have a day off, shall we?

13. You’d better not say anything. I’d rather be left alone.

14. The Lovedays can’t afford to buy this house.

15. I was made to scrub the pans and pots.

16. Don’t let’s go home yet.

17. He is known to be an expert on ecology.


18. There is nothing to do but risk it.

19. We have to go now. We can’t wait any more.

20. She felt her shoes pinch.

Exercise 6, p. 365

1. Tomorrow will be a very busy day. You’ve got several clients

to receive and two meetings to attend.

2. I’ve got no time to relax at all. And there is still so much to do!

3. Janice is very hard/difficult to get in touch with. She seems

to be talking on/over the phone/by phone all evening.

4. I’ll have to consult my diary (Br. Eng.)/calendar (Am. Eng),

I may have phone calls to make.

5. To know oneself is to know one’s merits and demerits/

one’s virtues and faults/shortcomings/drawbacks/one’s good

and bad qualities.

6. Books made me revise my world outlook/made me look at

the world with new eyes.

7. The secret is to know how to use different colours (so as/in

order) to produce/have the best possible effect.

8. We advise you not to waste a single day (so as/in order) to

achieve the best possible results.

9. This paste is potent enough to remove all kinds (different/

various kinds) of stains.

10. To exclude/To rule out any possibility of (making) a mistake/

an error it is necessary to carry out a thorough investigation/

to investigate the matter thoroughly.

11. Need I say anything else/say more? - No, you’d better

keep silent (you had better stop) so as not to cause more trouble/

not to make things worse.

12. Adrian took the opportunity to talk to his father.

13. He was made to allow the children to go on/for a picnic/

to let the children go on/for a picnic.

14. He built a house for himself never to live in it.

15. It’s hard to trust him/He’s hard to trust. He’s the last man

to turn to for help.

Exercise 7, p. 366


Sentences 1, 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,16,17, 18 are

cases of a metonymic transfer.


1. The change of meaning from glass to a glass is quite considerable.

Whereas glass is an uncountable noun of material

meaning a transparent solid substance used for making windows

bottles, etc. - стекло, a glass is a container made of that material

and used for drinking - стакан, бокал. It takes an article.

2. Whereas paper is an uncountable material meaning material

in the form of thin sheets that is used for writing on, wrapping things

etc. - бумага, a paper is a sheet of paper with print or writing on it.

It is countable and means either a newspaper or a document or a letter

or a piece of paper with writing on it that one uses in one’s work.

As such it is countable and if it is singular it takes an article.

3. Wood is an uncountable noun of material which in its general

sense takes no article. It is the material trees are made of -

дерево, древесина. A wood is a small forest.

4. Iron is an uncountable material noun meaning a common

hard metal used to make steel - железо. An iron is a device

made of this metal and used for making clothes smooth - утюг.

It is countable and as such can take articles.

5. String is an uncountable material noun used in such word

combinations as “a piece of string”, “a ball of string” etc. It means

a thin strong thread made of several threads twisted together

used for tying things - бечевка, шнур. A string is a piece of the

above - кусок бечевки, бечевка. In this sense it can be used

with the indefinite article.

6. Coffee is an uncountable material noun and as such can’t

take the indefinite article. A coffee is a portion of the above,

most probably a cup. In this sense the noun is countable, it can

be used with the indefinite article.

7. Cloth is an uncountable material noun meaning material

used for making things such as clothes - ткань, материя.

A cloth is a piece of cloth used for a particular purpose, e.g.

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