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M - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing

GL - Fourth Generation Language

H - Head, Heart, Hands, Health

A - Aftermath

A&M - Agricultural and Mechanical

A/D - Analog to Digital converter (see ADC)

A/P - Accounts Payable

A/R - Accounts Receivable

AA - Affirmative Action committee

AA - Alcoholics Anonymous

AA - Antiaircraft Artillery

AA - Associate in Accounting

AA - Automobile Association (in England)

AAA - American Automobile Association

AAAAAA - the Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms

AAAL - American Academy of Arts and Letters

AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science - A.A.A.S

AAII - American Association of Individual Investors

AAMSI - American Association for Medical Systems Informatics

AAP - Affirmative Action Program

AARC - Anglo-American Cataloging Rules

AB - ABle seaman

ABA - American Bar Association

ABA - American Basketball Association

ABA - American Booksellers Association

ABBR - ABBReviation

ABC - American Broadcasting Company

AC - Alternating Current (ac, see also DC)

AC - Ante Christum (before Christ)

AC - Ante Cibum (before meals)

ACAA - Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Administration

ACAWS - Advisory, Caution, And Warning System

ACBL - American Contract Bridge League

ACC - Argonne Code Center

ACCS - Army Command and Control System

ACD - Automatic Call Distributing system

ACE - Automatic Calibration and Equalization

ACHEFT - Automated ClearingHouse Electronic Funds Transfer

ACK - ACKnowledge

ACL - Advanced Cmos Logic

ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

ACO - Acronym Control Officer

ACS - Advanced Communications System

ACTS - Advanced Communications Technology Satellite

ACTS - Automatic Coin Telephone Service

ACU - Alarm Control Unit

ACW - Alternating Continuous Waves

AD - After Date

AD - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)

AD - Application Development

AD&D - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

ADB - A DeBugger

ADB - Apple Desktop Bus

ADC - Analog to Digital Converter

ADCI - Automatic Display Call Indicator

ADF - Automatic Direction Finder

ADM - ADMiral

ADP - Adenosine Di-Phosphate

ADP - Administrative Data Processing

ADP - Advanced Data Processing

ADS - Application Development System

ADS - Automatic Voice System

ADSR - Attack Decay Sustain Release

ADT - Abstract Data Type

ADT - Atlantic Daylight Time

AE - Application Execution

AEA - American Electronics Association

AEC - Atomic Energy Commission

AEF - American Expeditionary Force (see BEF)

AEGIS - Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System

AF - Adventures in Fantasy

AF - Air Force

AF - Audio Frequency

AFADS - Automatic Force Adjustment Data System

AFATDS - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFB - Air Force Base

AFC - American Football Conference

AFC - Automatic Flight Control

AFC - Automatic Frequency Control

AFCAC - Air Force Computer Acquisition Center

AFCC - Air Force Communications Command

AFGE - American Federation of Government Employees

AFIPS - American Federation of Information Processing Societies

AFL - American Federation of Labor

AFL - American Football League

AFLCIO - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations

AFNOR - Association Francaise de NORmalization

AFP - Appletalk Filing Protocol

AFS - Andrew File System

AFSC - Air Force Systems Command

AFSCME - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

AFTRA - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

AG - Adjutant General

AG - Arcade Game

AG - Attorney General

AGCT - Army General Classification Test

AH - Avalon Hill (major war game manufacturer)

AHL - American Hockey League

AHQ - Air HeadQuarters

AI - Artificial Intelligence

AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

AIC - Automatic Intercept Center

AID - Agency for International Development

AIDDE - Ames' Interactive Dynamic Display Editor

AIDS - Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome

AIOD - Automatic Identification Outward Dialing

AIS - Automatic Intercept System

AIX - Advanced Interactive eXecutive (unix)

AK - Alaska

AKA - Also Known As

AL - Alabama

AL - American League (baseball)

ALA - American Library Association

ALA - Automobile Legal Association

ALBM - Air-to-Land Ballistic Missile

ALC - Automatic Load Control

ALGOL - ALGOrithmic Language

ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit

AM - Amplitude Modulation

AM - Ante Meridiem (before noon)

AMA - American Medical Association

AMA - Automatic Message Accounting

AMARC - Automatic Message Accounting Recording Center

AMBA - Association of Master of Business Administration

AMC - Albany Medical College

AMD - Advanced Micro Devices

AMEX - AMerican EXpress

AMORC - Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis

AMP - Adenosine MonoPhosphate

AMPAS - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

AMRAAM - Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile

AMSAT - radio AMateur SATellite corp.

AMU - Atomic Mass Unit

AMVET - AMerican VETeran

ANA - American Nurses Association

ANC - All Number Calling

ANC - Army Nurse Corps

ANDF - Architecture-Neural Distribution Format

ANF - Automatic Number Forwarding

ANG - Air National Guard

ANI - Automatic Number Identification

ANL - Argonne National Laboratory

ANOVA - ANalysis Of VAriance

ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association

ANSI - American National Standards Institute

ANZUS - Australia, New Zealand, United States

AO - Account Of

AOL - Absent Over Leave (see AWOL)

AOS - Academic Operating System

AP - Additional Premium

AP - All Points

AP - Associated Press

APA - All Points Addressable

APB - All Points Bulletin

APDA - Apple Programmers and Developers Association

API - Application Programming Interface

APICS - American Production and Inventory Control Society

APO - Army Post Office

APP - Applications Portability Profile

APPC - Advanced Peer-to-Peer Communications

APR - Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest)

APSE - Ada Programming Support Environment

AQ - Accumulator-Quotient register

AR - Address Register

AR - Arkansas

ARC - American Red Cross

ARCNET - Attached Resource Computer local area NETwork

ARO - After Receipt of Order

ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency

ARPANET - Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork

ARRL - Amateur Radio Relay League

ARV - American Revised Version

AS - Anglo-Saxon

ASA - Acetyl Salicylic Acid

ASAP - As Soon As Possible

ASC - Accredited Standards Committee

ASCAP - American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers

ASCC - Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASDIC - Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee (British for sonar)

ASDSP - Application-Specific Digital Signal Processor

ASG - Automated Sciences Group

ASHRAE - Amer. Soc. of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-cond. Engineers, inc.

ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASP - Aggregated Switch Procurement

ASSR - Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

AST - Atlantic Standard Time

ASV - American Standard Version

AT - Atlantic Time

AT&T - American Telephone & Telegraph

ATA - Automatic Trouble Analysis

ATACC - Advanced Tactical Air Command Central

ATB - Advanced Technology Bomber (stealth bomber)

ATC - Air Traffic Control

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