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Find the equivalents to the following

назначить наказание соответствующее преступлению, условное освобождение,, повторно совершить преступление,, исправить поведение, учреждения для малолетних преступников, учебные центры закрытого типа, рецидивист, предписание о задержании и принудительном обучении, судимость детские дома закрытого типа, под надзором, сотрудники комиссии по делам несовершеннолетних, вынести более суровый приговор, приговор о содержании под стражей, запирать за решетку, предписание,,неоплачиваемая работа,, тюремный приговор, общественные работы, реабилитация преступников

2. Fill the table with names of penitentiaries which deal with these young offenders.

Age of offender Type of penitentiary
12-16 y.o.  
15 and 21 y.o.  
up the age of 17 y.o.  
a repeat offender, 12-17 y.o.  


Transalte theses sentences from Russian into English.

1)Когда преступник осужден, наказание, которое ему назначают зависят от тяжести преступления, которое он совершил. 2) По законам Соединенного королевства наказание должно соответствовать преступлению. 3) Когда судьи вынесут официальный приговор преступнику? 4) Суды магистрата имеют ограниченные полномочия относительно суровости приговора, и потому если мировой судья считает, что преступника следовало бы приговорить к более долгому заключению, то дело направляется на слушание в Суд Короны. 5) Преступник, которого признали виновным может быть полностью или условное освобождение, но даже в случае полного освобождения за ним сохраняется судимость. 6) В случае условного освобождения, преступник остается на свободе, но если он вновь совершит преступление, суд назначит ему наказание за первое и повторное преступление. 7) В Соединенном королевстве акцент делается на исправлении преступников, поэтому их направляют в учреждения, где их модель поведения может измениться. 8) Дети, совершившие преступление в возрасте от 12 до 16 лет направляются в детские дома закрытого типа. 9) Учреждениями для малолетних преступников управляют тюремные службы.10) Учебные центры закрытого центра дают преступникам, не достигшим 17 лет, возможность получить профессию и закончить образование. 11) Иногда суд решает, что приговор о содержании под стражей не лучший способ реабилитации преступника. 12) Если судьи не хотят просто запереть малолетнего преступника за решеткой, то для этого обладают широкими полномочиями и различными формами наказаний,. 13) Суд магистрата может выписать соответствующее предписание и направить малолетнего преступника в комиссию по делам несовершеннолетних. 13) Одним из вариантов наказания для несовершеннолетних преступников служит выполнение им общественных работ, то есть не оплачиваемой работы на благо общества. 14) Суд может выдать предписание о надзоре. В таком случае сотрудники комиссии по делам несовершеннолетних будут осуществлять контроль за тем как преступник выполняет общественные работы.

Translate from Russian into English

Types of Punishment Vocabulary

Study Types of Punishment Vocabulary and translate the words and expressions into Russian.



Punishment Definition Example sentence
  Part 1  
1) traffic ticket removal of driving rights for a certain period of time  
2) speeding ticket noun a person who is doing (or supposed to be doing) jail time    
3) license suspension a summons and citation issued by police officers to motorists and other road users who fail to obey traffic laws.  
4) house arrest a place where criminals are confined  
5) community punishment/ community service a fine given to a driver who gets caught driving beyond the speed limit  
6) jail (prison) noun imprison smb jail smb verb remain in one's home for a certain period of time e.g. a young offender who is waiting to go to court)  
7) convict noun convict verb a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions  
  Part 2  
1) jail time a certain amount of months or years locked away from society  
2) life in prison extremely cruel and unfair treatment (often towards prisoners)  
3) cell noun receive punishment for a crime by spending time in jail  
4) do time verb + noun money that a person pays for breaking a law  
5) fine noun individual room in a jail/prison  
6) torture spending the rest of one's life in prison with no chance of going back into society  


Fill the gaps with the words from above.

Part 1

1) The driver has failed to pay more than 50 ____________ since 2006. In addition, he was involved in a drunk driving incident in 2007, police said. 2) Youngsters who break the law would be offered an opportunity to avoid a criminal record by undergoing ____________________ such as picking up litter. 3) He was fined $750 and about $550 in fees, received a 90-day ______________ and was required to take a seven-week safety course. 4) The guards will be patrolling the _____________ all day long 5) Your license shows a clean driving record except for one ____________________ from five years ago. 6) Nasr was put under _____________ in Egypt in 2004 and said he had been tortured while in detention. 7) The acused turns into the ____________________ right after the jury pleaded him guilty.

Part 2

1) A judge has sentenced Griffin to _____________________on his murder charge and an additional five years for a second weapons charge. 2) Article 5 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "No one shall be subjected to ________________ or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 3) US banking giant JP Morgan Chase has agreed to__________________ of $75m (£45.3m) to settle charges that it bribed local officials in the US state of Alabama, 4) You won't be required to _________ any ________ but you will have to pay a fine. 5) Kerik pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors in 2006 and was forced to pay $221000 in fines, but served no _____________. 6) We'll have to keep you in a _____________ until someone comes to pay your bail.



Death Sentences In U.S. At Their Lowest Level Since 1976


Listen to the VOA THIS IS AMERICA PROGRAM “ Death Sentences in U.S. at Their Lowest Level Since 1976” and fill the gaps in the sentences below. Mind that you will hear the tape once as far as it plays for about 15 minutes.


1) 38 of the 50 American states _____________ for murder and other capital crimes. These are the most serious _______________________.

2) The Death Penalty Information Center in Washington, D.C., notes that executions have_______________________.

3) 1976 was the year when the United States Supreme Court _____________ of states to use ____________________________.

4) There are some new restrictions, though. In March the Supreme Court _________________ death sentences for ________________________________.

5) Justice Kennedy said it would be "morally misguided" _______________________ of a young person with those of an _________. He said a young person has ___________________ of reform.

6) Some people would like the United States Supreme Court ____________ all executions. Opponents of the death penalty say capital punishment can be _______________________. For example, they say blacks are _________________________________________________ to death than whites for similar crimes.

7) Opponents say economics play a part. Courts _____________________ if a ___________________ does not have enough money. But the opponents say ____________________________________- may depend on the ability to get a good lawyer.

8) More than 80 percent of these executions have happened in ______________. The highest rates are in the _____________, the lowest are in the______________. Texas has executed more than one-third of those put to death. Last year Texas courts __________________ twenty-three more people.

9) _____________________ say capital punishment costs more than _____________________ for life. The appeals process often continues for years. Opponents also note the risk that innocent people will be _______________ by mistake. And they argue that ____________________ does not stop criminals.

10) The Criminal Justice _______________ in Sacramento, California, supports capital punishment. The organization says its represents the interests of __________ and citizens who _____________. It says murderers sentenced to life in prison ______________. Or they might kill others _________________.

11) The Criminal Justice Legal Foundation says the families of victims ____________ that the killer of their loved one _________________________.

12) About two ___________ people questioned for a Gallup Poll in 2004 _____________

_________________________________ for murderers.

13) Most executions in the United States take place by _______________ or _________

___________________. The area of prison ____________ where the condemned are kept

is called____________.

14) Researchers at Northwestern University have studied death row ____________. They say at least ___________ men and women have been released from death rows in the United States since nineteen seventy three. New ______________ their lives.

15) For many people, the _____________ capital punishment involves religious issues. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has started _____________ the death penalty.

16) Pope _________________ criticized capital punishment. John Paul said it should be used only ___________________ when society could not be defended in any other way

17) The use of capital punishment began ___________________ of American history. But in 1972 ______________________ the Supreme Court effectively banned executions.

18) Four years later the Supreme court ____________________ of states to make new laws ____________________________ death sentences

19) Currently, ______________________ and the District of Columbia do not have capital punishment.

20) But Governor Mitt Romney has proposed to _______________ the death penalty for some crimes. These include _________________ and _________________ involving _____________________ or more than one victim.



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