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The key to successful dealings with the media during a crisis is to become a credible source of information. The following can be suggested:

Appoint a spokesperson whom the media can trust and who has authority to spe­ak for the company. It also is a good idea to designate one central spokesperson so that the organization speaks with one voice.

Set up a central media information center where reporters can obtain updated in­formation and work on stories. You should provide telephone lines, modular jacks so that reporters using computers can reach their offices, and facsimile machines. Provi­de food and transportation if necessary.

Provide a constant flow of information, even if the situation is unchanged or ne­gative. A company builds credibility by addressing bad news quickly; when informati­on is withheld, the cover-up becomes the story.

Be accessible by providing after-hours phone numbers or carrying a cellular phone with you at all times. Keep a log of media calls, and return calls as promptly as possible. A log can help you track issues being raised by reporters and give you a record of which media showed the most interest in your story.

Be honest. Don't exaggerate, and don't obscure facts. If you're not sure of so­mething or don't have the answer to a question, say so. If you are not at liberty to pro­vide information, explain why.

These guidelines reflect plain common sense, but when a crisis hits, it is surprising how many organizations go into a defensive mode and try to stonewall the media. Dow-Corning, for example, got considerable negative coverage by treating the media as an enemy. Corporate spokespeople accused the media of reporting only the "sensationalistic, anecdotal side of the breast implant story which has unnecessarily frightened women across the country". At a news conference, the head of Dow's healthcare business continued the attack by telling the assembled reporters that they took "memos out off text and distorted reality". It would be an understatement to say that this is a poor way to get the press on your side.

Jack-In-The-Box also violated the tenets of crisis communications. The company initially said "no comment" and waited three days to hold a news conference, at which the company president tried to shift the blame to the meatpacking company.

There are two principles: accept responsibility and take action. Even if you are not directly at fault, the organization should take responsibility for its product. Johnson & Johnson did this with Tylenol, but Dow-Corning chose to defend its product even after evidence had mounted that the company knew the product had a history of causing medical problems. Experts also say that Jack-In-The-Box fumbled on by not showing concern for the poisoned customers. The company would have won more public goodwill and favorable press coverage by more quickly offering to pay all medical bills, which it eventually did.

Two considerations can be emphasized in the crisis management plan. Demonstrate your commitment to good corporate citizenship by taking prompt and decisive actions to control problems in your operations. Communicate swiftly, constantly, and consistently to all appropriate audiences in clear, straightforward, and nontechnical language.



after hours - после рабочего дня

be at fault - быть виновным

be at liberty to do smth.- иметь возможность (право) сделать ч.-л.

common sense - здравый смысл

cover-up - попытка скрыть ч.-л.

credible - надежный

designate - назначить

exaggerate -преувеличивать

eventually - в конце концов

evidence - доказательство

flow of information - поток информации

fumble on - портить дело

go into a defensive mode -занять оборонительную позицию

have authority - иметь полномочия

hold a news conference - провести пресс-конференцию

initially - первоначально

log -журнал записей

memos - зд. замечания

modular jacks - блоки подключения

mount - возрастать, повышаться

obscure - скрывать

obtain - получить, добыть

set up - создать, организовать

shift the blame to smb. - переложить вину на к.-л.

show concern - проявить озабоченность

stonewall - отмалчиваться

straightforward - откровенный

tenet -принцип, доктрина

understatement - преуменьшение

updated - обновленный

win smb.'s goodwill - добиться ч.-л. расположения

withhold information - придерживать информацию



1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:

оплатить счета; подчеркивать; искажать действительность; привлечь прессу на свою сторону; освещение в прессе; пищевое отравление; клиенты; выступать от имени компании; вопросы, поднимаемые журналистами; обычный здравый смысл; обращаться с к.-л. как с врагом.


2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:

an attempt to prevent the public from discovering the truth about smth.; an official written record of smth.; to choose someone or smth. for a particular job purpose; to refuse to give facts, evidence etc.; a statement that is not strong enough to express how good, bad, impressive etc. something really is; after a long time, especially after a long delay or a lot of problems; to be responsible for something bad that has happened; to have the right or permission to do smth.


3) Translate the following word-combinations into Russian. Use them in sentences your own:

to obtain  
updated information
to withhold  
flow of  


4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

The report confirms that he withheld important evidence.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement.

Eventually the sky cleared up and we went to the beach.

The accident report found both drivers at fault.

We are not at liberty to discuss it.


5) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

evidence conceal
eventually honest
accessible proof
obscure after all
straightforward available


6) Match the words having the opposite meaning:

favorable fraudulent
obscure insignificant
honest doubtful
considerable expose
sure derogatory


7) Insert prepositions (to; for; on; at):

to demonstrate commitment ___ smth., to get the press ___ one's side, to be ___ fault, to show concern ___ smb., the key ___ smth., to speak ___ the company, to be ___ liberty to do smth.


8) Can you explain the following:

When a crisis hits, it is surprising how many organizations go into a defensive mode and try to stonewall the media.

When information is withheld, the cover-up becomes the story.


9) Sum up the main idea of the text. Write down only one sentence.


10) Render the following in English:

Иногда возникают катастрофические ситуации, требующие немедленных и эффективных действий, подобных применению пожарной машины или спаса­тельной шлюпки при сигнале SOS. Этот тип деятельности паблик рилейшнз называется «экстремальные связи с общественностью» или «кризисное упра­вление». Такие ситуации могут возникнуть в результате катастроф, подобных случившейся в Чернобыле. Другие проблемы могут возникнуть вследствие на­сильственного поглощения компании или финансового краха.

Успешное кризисное управление зависит от трех ключевых элементов: согласованная политика компании по управлению в экстремальной си­туации, проверенные средства связи, приспособления и оборудование, ключевой персонал, прошедший подготовку, необходимую для принятия немедленных мер в случае серьезной аварии. Его представители будут высту­пать от имени компании на пресс-конференциях, телевидении или говорить по телефону.

В кризисной ситуации важными факторами являются немедленная реакция, обеспечение средств массовой информации точными сведениями, наличие всей технической информации, любые возможные действия в интересах пострадавших и их родственников.


11) Prepare the topic Media relations in times of crises for retelling.

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