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Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли составить высказывание о способах эвакуации при чрезвычайных ситуациях.

emergency evacuation эвакуация при чрезвычайных ситуациях

rapid быстрый, скорый

threat опасность, угроза

small scale evacuation мелкомасштабная эвакуация

flood наводнение, потоп

bombardment бомбардировка

hazardous опасный, рискованный

contamination загрязнение; заражение

evacuee эвакуированный; эвакуируемый

to carry out выполнять, осуществлять

disaster бедствие

eruption извержение (вулкана)

hurricane ураган

earthquake землетрясение

nuclear ядерный

battle сражение, битва

viral outbreak вирусная вспышка

resident житель

benchmark топографическая (от)метка уровня

consideration рассмотрение; обсуждение

alarm signal сигнал тревоги

alert тревога

to implement выполнять, осуществлять

detection выявление, обнаружение

decision решение (сделать что-л.); урегулирование

embarkation посадка, погрузка (на судно, самолёт)

raft плот; переправлять на плоту

availability пригодность

emergency exit запасный, аварийный выход

escape спасение

extra door специальная, экстренная дверь

briefing инструктивное, информационное совещание

ejection seat катапультируемое кресло (сиденье)

personal flotation device спасательный жилет, индивидуальное спасательное средство на воде



Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:




Emergency evacuation is the immediate and rapid movement of people away from the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard. Examples range from the small scale evacuation of a building due to a bomb threat or fire to the large scale evacuation of a district because of a flood, bombardment or approaching weather system. In situations involving hazardous materials or possible contamination, evacuees may be decontaminated prior to being transported out of the contaminated area.

Evacuations may be carried out before, during or after natural disasters such as:

· eruptions of volcanoes,

· cyclones,

· floods,

· hurricanes,

· earthquakes,

· tsunamis.

Other reasons include:

· military attacks,

· industrial accidents,

· nuclear accident,

· traffic accidents, including train or aviation accidents,

· fire,

· bombings,

· terrorist attacks,

· military battles,

· structural failure,

· viral outbreak.

Emergency evacuation plans are developed to ensure the safest and most efficient evacuation time of all expected residents of a structure, city, or region. A benchmark “evacuation time” for different hazards and conditions is established. These benchmarks can be established through using best practices, regulations, or using simulations, such as modeling the flow of people in a building, to determine the benchmark. Proper planning will use multiple exits and technologies to ensure full and complete evacuation. Consideration for personal situations which may affect an individual’s ability to evacuate. These may include alarm signals that use both aural and visual alerts. Regulations such as building codes can be used to reduce the possibility of panic by allowing individuals to process the need to self-evacuate without causing alarm. Proper planning will implement an all-hazards approach so that plans can be reused for multiple hazards that could exist.

The sequence of an evacuation can be divided into the following phases:

1. detection;

2. decision;

3. alarm;

4. reaction;

5. movement to an area of refuge or an assembly station;

6. transportation.

The time for the first four phases is usually called pre-movement time.

The particular phases are different for different objects, e.g., for ships a distinction between assembly and embarkation (to boats or rafts) is made. These are separate from each other. The decision whether to enter the boats or rafts is thus usually made after assembly is completed.

The most common equipment in buildings to facilitate emergency evacuations are fire alarms, exit signs, and emergency lights. Some structures need special emergency exit or fire escapes to ensure the availability of alternative escape paths. Commercial passenger vehicles such as buses, boats, and aircraft also often have evacuation lighting and signage, and in some cases windows or extra doors that function as emergency exits. Commercial emergency aircraft evacuation is also facilitated by evacuation slides and pre-flight safety briefings. Military aircrafts are often equipped with ejection seats or parachutes. Water vessels and commercial aircraft that fly over water are often equipped with personal flotation devices and possibly life rafts.



Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is emergency evacuation?

2. What are examples of emergency evacuation?

3. What do emergency evacuation plans ensure?

4. How can be the benchmarks established?

5. What affects an individual’s ability to evacuate?

6. What facilitates emergency evacuation in buildings?

7. Are military aircrafts equipped with ejection seats or parachutes?



Задание 3. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями из списка:

1. Commercial … vehicles often have … lighting and signage.

2. The … for the first four phases is usually called …

3. Proper … will use multiple … and technologies to ensure full and complete...

4. A … “evacuation time” for different … is established.

5. … may be carried out before, during or after...

Time, evacuation, benchmark, planning, exits, hazards and conditions, passenger, natural disasters, evacuations, pre-movement time.

Задание 4. Изложите главную идею текста (5-7 предложений).

Задание 5. Образуйте существительные от глаголов при помощи суффиксов -ation, -ment, -ing, -ence, как показано в примере:

Model: to build – building

to evacuate, to move, to occur, to approach, to contaminate, to regulate, to simulate, to model, to determine, to consider, to plan, to distinct, to equip, to light.



Задание 6. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выделите основную мысль в каждом абзаце и придумайте к нему заголовок:

National Center for Crisis Management (NTSUKS) EMERCOM of Russia started full service operation. The trans-regional NTSUKS are being created in the Southern, Siberian and Central regional Centers, which are now ready for the experimental operation as part of NTSUKS.

The development of the system All-Russian Complex System of Informing and Alerting Population is going on. At present, as part of the All-Russian Complex System of Informing and Alerting Population, 25 information centers, 75 points of street alert and informing of the population and more than 340 points of street alert and informing of the population inside the buildings in 28 cities of Russia.

As part of the Federal Target Program “Reducing risks and mitigation of emergencies of natural an technogenic character in the Russian Federation up to the year 2010” the works on development of the systems of monitoring and forecasting emergencies, as well as seismic observation and tsunami prevention were organized. The building of the Coordinating Forecasting Center (RAS) and the Kamchatka Coordinating Forecasting Center of Tsunami (Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Agency) is being held. Prototype area of informing and alerting the population of the 14 tsunami-prone settlements with the use of the All-Russian Complex System of Informing and Alerting Population was created in Kamchatka.

The implementation of agreements between the EMERCOM of Russia and the Subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as records and joint plans on the development of the material and technical resources of fire- and rescue services on the territory of the subjects of the Russian Federation was organized. 30.7 billion rubles were appropriated and spent, the building of 6 residential homes has begun, 85 fire departments and stations were built, 1050 items of fire and rescue equipment were bought, including the part of the Federal Target Program “Fire safety in the Russian Federation in the period up to 2012”, the implementation of which began in 2008, 37 new fire stations were built and more than 540 were repaired (reconstructed), more than 840 items of fire equipment were bought. The implementation of this program will enable to reduce the number of people’s deaths twice and to decrease the economic damage caused by them by more than 40 billion rubles a year.

Further development of search-and-rescue units is impossible without the use of modern high performance technology, including the aircraft technologies to rescue the road-accident victims. EMERCOM of Russia, together with MIA of Russia and the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of Russia plan to arrange patrolling on the main Federal highways.



Задание 7. Сопоставьте английские слова с их переводом:

1. Complex System of Informing a. системы контроля

and Alerting Population

2. experimental operation b. выполнение соглашения

3. systems of monitoring c. Комплексная система

оповещения населения об


4. tsunami-prone settlements d. жертвы дорожно-

транспортного происшествия

5. seismic observation e. служба спасения

6. tsunami prevention f. авиационные технологии

7. implementation of agreements g. экспериментальная


8. rescue services h. сейсмическое наблюдение

9. fire equipment i. предупреждение цунами

10. road-accident victims j. поселения, подверженные


11. aircraft technologies k. противопожарный инвентарь

12. Federal highway l. техногенный характер

13. technogenic character m. федеральная трасса



Вопросы к практическому занятию

1. Что такое эвакуация при чрезвычайных ситуациях?

2. Какие существуют виды эвакуации?

3. Для чего составляется план эвакуации?

4. Какие способы облегчения эвакуации вам известны?


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