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Proposal the asuric initiation

In July, Ram, through a karate coach, told me that I was free, that he doesn't need me anymore and I can go look for other men, but I said that I would stay with him. And he decided to install their asuric programs on me, something terrible. At the very beginning of our interaction with him, I was doing not succumb to his usual manipulations of consciousness, that he always carried out successfully and to which everybody succumbed. And even I had did not succumb to his force methods, which breaking the woman and make her a toy in hands of asuras. And then, when he had lost all good feelings for me and he completely left in love for that woman, he decided to take revenge, playing on my attitude towards him as my husband. He decided that many times I had not yielded to his influence, many times gave him a rebuff and strongly stung his pride, and now need to smash me to scrap. He told me that we can become together, but for this I need to accept some kind of initiation from them. Somehow, I heard it in my mind, about the initiation.

I was confused by his offer. Why do I need some kind of their asuric initiation, when I already have the initiation of my Gurudev, but he insisted and assured that everything is safe, that nothing terrible there, that one thing not prevents the other, but will open the door to our reunion with him. I did not know what to think, so I decided to surrender to Krishna. Krishna helped me. Somewhere at the same time we had a city day, festivals, fairs, concerts.

And I went there to rest, to unwind. Everything was fine. Then I heard about the demonstrations of the karate section, I had wanted to see what it would be. I came and began to look. I was very outraged by one episode in the performance of the boys, when one boy threw another on the floor and from all strength swung with his elbow in the face as if he beat the defeated enemy right in the face. I thought they were being taught the wrong thing, and I went straight to the coach.

Looking into his eyes, I began to say that what he teaches them? After all, it is necessary to take into account the realities of life. I told him that the techniques of karate that he teaches his disciples are, according to our laws, are an exceeding the limits of self-defence, since with such a force and direction of the blow, the obvious and logical result will be that the opponent will have severe injuries and even could be killed. And I told him that this is punishable under a penal provision in the Criminal Code. I told him that he has no right to teach children these kinds of the techniques of karate. If a disciple masters these combat techniques to automatism, then, on occasion, he may inadvertently kill someone, and he will be punished for exceeding the limits of self-defence. Of course, when you are attacked, any means are good. But if you kill the offender, they will not punish him, but you, even if you are right, because this is the law on exceeding the limits of self-defence.

And I say all this looking into his eyes and see how there, somewhere inside his eyes splashing bone-chilling terror, just spilled some acute fear of death. I had did not attach any importance to this, but there was no more talk about their asuric initiation, and he dropped the issue. And only then, when I watched this series of TV-series «Ramayana» 2008, I realized that it was. He didn't break me by force, so he decided to trick me and do the same or even worse, probably much worse than it would have been with those force methods. And he wanted me to do it on my own. But Krishna saved me.

It is said that should not look at how a man behaves with you. Should look at how he behaves with those who are no one for him. With waiters, janitors, shop assistants, wait staff. With that woman he very well treated, pampered her, surrounded concern and love, and me, who had become nobody for him in his perception of the world, he decided lower, by deceiving me, naive, soul with an open heart. He decided just break me with that asuric initiation. Thus he betrayed me again, knowing who I really am for him.

He was seeing our past lives; he was remembering our dream «definitely», in which he found the woman he was looking. Then he paid for it a lot of asuric money, that is, pious merits, to some asur, who can find people in the territory of sleep. He knew who I am to him. But it is not enough to know, it is also necessary to feel it. But he had no warm feelings for me because I gave him an injection «to kill love». He was feeling the endless tenderness and love for that woman, and he was going to calmly and dispassionately just kill me. What he was going to do to me was be unacceptable to me in any form. And he knew it. He was rejoicing in his heart without a shred of pity, without a shred of regret, that another one human female will become a bitch, a whore and will serve the asuras in their sexual orgies on the energy level, and only fear could stop him. Fear of punishment. Through me, he was told that, according to the laws the Universal, this is a penal provision in the Criminal Code of the Universal and for this he will get the punishment. And only this saved me from that their asuric «initiation».

72 at 48:40, 73 at 30:00, 50 at 31:03, 183 at 30:15.







«Who do you think you are?»

Somewhere in the middle of July, I received the signs of the Universe in which was said that I am trying to perceive some situation as normal, although in fact it is not. That I'm willing to get much less of what I wanted and hoped for and even deserve. I was very upset about that. I was also told in those signs that all I need is to ask for help from the light forces, and then follow the instructions. And somehow, when we were going to the beach, and it was already the end of July, I accidentally groped at a painful area in the area of the gallbladder. I just panicked and didn't know what to do. When we had come to the beach, I gathered pebbles on the shore and performed a ritual with stone spiral to get the result, ideal for everyone. And when we got home, I was touching and touching that painful area and was very worried.

And then I remembered this interaction in Moscow, the same as we have with Ram here, on the mental level, through other people. I remembered how some very handsome man sat down in the train to me, genuine admiration was pouring from his eyes. He sat to my left and started asking me questions. We talked a lot, and when he had to go out, he asked me if I would go with him. I said no, and I said to him, «Keep your wife safe», and he said, «Keep yourself safe». There were a lot of things said. And then, in Moscow, I realized that it was not just a conversation with a random companion. For many years I tried to decipher this conversation, and right now, when Ram and I have the same contactless interaction, I suddenly realized what kind of man came to me then.

To me then came the one with whom we had the contactless interaction, at a distance. All my thoughts and unfolding of the conversation converged in the only logical explanation that then came to me personally the one with whom everything then I had in Moscow. I remembered my words to him «Keep your wife safe» and his words «Keep yourself safe» and I thought that they guard me badly.

After all, we had three children conceived there, which were after to be born, and now two were already born, and Ram took out of me the third child, a girl, whom he most likely in someone already sewn, so she was born there and grew. But I have to live, raise my kids. And I mentally had transported into that situation. I mentally had stood there in the train in front of that handsome man, mentally had plunged into his eyes, entered his gaze and began to make claims to him that they guard me badly.

An energy contact has arisen between us. From his eyes and from mine went simultaneously the streams of information and merged together. And I heard his voice in my mind, «I'll try to help you». And he came to Ram. Yes, he didn't come to him by plane, by train or by car; he somehow appeared among them on those subtle levels. All day I felt as some background in my thoughts and feelings that this man had already come to Ram and they are having some big meeting about me. And then he came in front of me, and I heard his voice quite clearly in my mind that I should have married him at that time. And I realized that here, with Ram, everything is hopeless. But it didn't end there. That was just the beginning. Like the Pepsi-Cola commercial, «It’s only beginning».

When the Moscow asur came to Ram for my call, he told me that it was necessary then for me to marry him. For me, these words of his were to some extent a surprise, but only confirmed my conclusions about that Moscow period. I thought that Ram had some insurmountable obstacles that made him unable to bring to life what I had come to him for. But in reality it was much worse. Of course, obstacles Ram had. It was his love for the woman in real life. I with my team did setting him up with her. But even this was not the worst.

I remembered the words of the big Moscow asur, I named him Borka. At one time a huge spider lived in our house. He wove himself a big web over our TV. We did not touch this spider or its web. I liked this spider, even though he was a spider and was being very fat and his web was just awesome. His web hung over our TV like a wide canopy. I called that spider Borka. This spider Borka then sat in his web over our TV, then crawled off somewhere. And when I was seeing him, I was asking him, «Borka, hello! How are you?» But we also had a crowd of cockroaches. Cockroaches was getting on my nerves, and I decided to poison them. I called the company, which is engaged in the destruction of harmful insects in the houses, they came to us, spattered all our apartment with poison from cockroaches, and cockroaches disappeared. But along with the cockroaches was gone and the spider Borka. I missed him. A cobweb hung over the TV, but Borka himself was not there. The web looked so empty without its owner, and I had to remove that web. I still remember this spider Borka. After him, we had other spiders, but they were not the same as Borka. Borka was the biggest, fattest spider, and I liked him. It is a pity that Borka died with cockroaches. And when I remembered the Moscow asur which in fact was the leader of the Moscow asuric organization, I immediately remembered our spider Borka. For some reason, this Moscow asur reminded me of our spider Borka. And I began to call that big Moscow asur also Borka, like my favorite spider Borka. Peace be upon him. Those words of Borka, the then leader of the Moscow asuras, meant his joy that I finally fell into his hands and now he can take revenge. When I had interaction with him thecommunity in Moscow, he a lot of bad was done to me. He plugged several men onto me, and they were pumping out me my feminine energy and my piety. He also wanted to downgrade my nature, installing at me the asuric program to make me a kind of helpless human female to their sexual orgies at subtle energy level. But I didn't download his software, and this made him very angry.

But due my durability and fidelity, which he tried to destroy, I drew his attention to myself and he decided to make me his wife. He was just looking for the next victim for the role of his wife. The wife is the one that the husband protects. But Borka was not going to protect his wife, he was going to empty her and then throw her away as waste material. Yes, of course, the wedding would have been, registration in the registry Office would have been, would have lived together happily ever after, but he needed a wife not for happiness, but as an oil well, full of pious merits. He chose me to be such a wife, and in fact an oil well. And he intended to plug others men onto me and during our married sex to pump out me all my pious merits like he did with his previous so-called wife, but really, she was his oil well.

He was going to pump out all my feminine energy and all my pious merits from me. He would not need me when I became empty, without my pious merit, through which comes good luck, wealth, good health, prospects. And according to the asuric scheme, it is necessary to get rid of such a woman who was a wife and who was devastated. In such cases, the asuras crush the consciousness of such a devastated wife and force her to cheat on him. The asur-husband manipulates the consciousness of his devastated wife, and she leaves him for another man. In this case, the husband pretends that he suffers greatly from such betrayal of his wife. Borka was going to do it with me. He wanted to marry me, have more sex with me, so that I would have many orgasms, during which he would begin to devastate me, taking my pious merits. He was going to empty me and throw me to another man, but so that I myself would leave him. He did it with his previous wife and was going to do it with me. Because when he came to me on that train with that conversation, he said that his car broke down on the road and that's why he's here. What is a broken down on the road car??? The road means wife, within the meaning of the asuras. The car is the body, it`s what the wife has. And his wife's car broke down. He devastated his wife, took for himself all her pious merits. Due to her pious merits everything in his life developed successfully and successfully. But now he needed new pious merits, of the next woman. He devastated her, the car broke down, and he no longer needed her. Now he needed a new machine to pump from her on several channels at the same time.

Why did I think so? I thought so due the fact that Borka in that conversation with me in the train told that his wife has a high pressure and four children. If I had married him, he would have very strongly suppressed my consciousness, so that I thought that I was so lucky to be the wife of such a man. But in fact he was going to plug four men onto me and with high pressure to pump my feminine energy and pious merits out of me on a regular basis. He was going to let four of his subordinates into our marital sex, invisibly. I would not know about that, since they were going to have me in sex through distance, without contact of physical bodies, at the energy level. Borka was going to do it because he said that he has four children. He was going to marry me, to have sex with me more often, so that I had many regular orgasms, and during my orgasms he was going to siphon my feminine energy and my pious merits from me. And at the same time those men would be in this sex with me, invisibly. What an abomination! I refused him when he asked me to go with him to the station where he went with everyone. I told him, «Keep your wife safe», and he said, «Keep yourself safe!».

I was refusing him many times in Moscow, I was hurting his pride, I did not yield to his force, and now I'm in his hands! Ram had another woman. He didn't care about me. And Borka got the chance to take revenge and take down this pathetic human female for such disobedience and obstinacy. Even at that time he was determined to break me. And for this reason he told me that I should have married him then, because now everything will be much worse for me.

And here Borka decided to slip to me one of his subordinates, so this subordinate came to me at the physical reality, so I with him became together, started having sex with him in order to Borka through him was pumping feminine energy and my pious merits out of me on a regular basis. And here I sit working and suddenly see on my internal screen a great line of knights, so to speak. It was the row of Borka`s soldiers willing to become with me and carry out all the orders of his chief, whom was the very Borka, the then leader of the Moscow asuras.

I was so sad to see this row of Borka`s soldiers in front of my inner gaze, because my inner compass was always looking at my Ram. And here for some reason they give me other men who I absolutely do not need. And I shrugged them off. Then Ram betrayed me again, he decided to get rid of me, so I did not whine in his ear, «my husband, my husband».

But that wasn't all. After Borka said Ram to let him enter my hand. Ram, apparently, loves feel women's breasts, and occasionally I felt him in my hands, he loved to be in my hands on my chest. And here again I wanted to put my hand on my chest. I put my hand on my chest and feel: there is he, Ram is in my hand. And here the hand went down, and I felt terrible fear. I don't know why I felt some panic and put my hand away, telling Ram not to be offended by me, but I'm afraid someone else is there.

This Borka even more got angry, he again felt humiliated, and after all he was sure that all will do his will. And I, such stupid sheep, for some reason did not give in. In Moscow I did not allow Borka to install in me asuric program to lowering the female nature and turn me into a toy for all of them. I refused his offer to become such an oil rig with many remote oil pumping devices under the guise of his wife. Here I had not succumbed to the influence of Ram and his force methods. And now I refused the row of Borka`s soldiers, that is, of asuras, and I refused his presence in my hand on my breast.

Borka reached the limit in his indignation at such inexcusable behavior of an insignificant human female, and he decided to put me as his lot on their asuric totalizator. He appeared again before my inner gaze and said: «Who do you think you are?» I thought that Ram had hopeless situation that I'm came to him and something want he should do and he can't do it. But in fact, the words he said about «who do you think you are?» meant something else.

Borka thought: «You let it go to your head? Who do you think you are? You think you're so cool and no one's gonna crash your? Fool, we have the coolest specialists in the female part, they will be happy now brutally finished with you. And if I can't get you on your knees, then they'll do it. We’ve got special ways to make tough bitches like you crack. We had put Shri Vishnupad, your Harikesha Swami, on our asuric totalizator. There were high stakes on your Shri Vishnupad, he, too, was doing not succumb to our efforts to suppress him, but he was also broken off. On our asuric totalizator we had broken up also others obstinate like Shri Vishnupad. Shri Vishnupad was a staunch unyielding, too long we broke him, but we had broke him. But he was a disciple of your Prabhupada. Who might you be? You're nothing and nobody. We will have done away with you, you will be all ours».

«I see, that you think you're clever. Who the hell do you think you are? You were not succumbing to me and to Ram. Now others will take care of you. I had put you as my lot on our asuric sweepstake. The stakes will be high. On your Harikesha we on our asuric totalizator had earned a lot of money. On you, too, are expected high rates on the sweepstakes. Although you think that no one will break you, but we have such the destroyers of such bitches like you, that it would be better for you never to meet them. But now you will meet with them. I'm going to gather the coolest specialists of destroying of female nature now, and you will become a pathetic rag in our hands. You are fool, you should have agreed to my proposals. In vain you refused me; I will take revenge on you. You’re asking' for trouble. I'll give you what you deserve. So you should be. You need to learn your place, bitch!»

So began very important point of my plan, which I amounted to between lives, even before birth in this my body. And Borka went on the asuric totalizator, put me as his lot and began to gather the strongest of the asuras, who specialized in destroying of female nature, and who were happy to test their skills on such an interesting, obstinate specimen like me.

182 at 30:45, 183 at 33:45, 184 at 44:44.





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