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In AD 33 (Church History) 2000 AD

Testings Trials Persecutions Strippings ____________________________


The word “Minister” The word “Minister”

Grammatically, was a verb, an action word. Grammatically, is a noun, the title of a person.

Theologically, was function and service of believers Theologically, is a position for a special individual



II. Medieval Church History (590 – 1517)

Medieval Christian History 590 (Gregory the Great) to 1517 (Martin Luther)


Much of the Middle Ages is in the depths of what is known as the “Dark Ages”, variously dated 400 - 800 -1100 A.D. It is rightly called the Dark Ages because of:

1. Violence, lawlessness, and ignorance reigned,

2. Roman School disappeared

3. Classical literature became extinct

4. Education was aimed at fitting men for the clergy.


A. The rise of Latin-Teutonic Christianity. (590-800)

The first medieval pope (p. 179)

Reasons for dominance of the Roman Bishop:

Practical reasons:

1) A need for efficiency and coordination

2) Defense against heresy

3) Roman church had many strong personalities as their leaders

Historical reasons:

1) Rome was a capital of the civilization of the day

2) Political government was moved to Constantinople (in 330). Roman Bishop was only authority left in Rome. When barbarians invaded Rome strong pastor in Rome saved the city from burning

3) Roman bishop was seen as a guarantor of Orthodox Doctrine.


Theological reasons:

1) Petrine theory of Pope’s succession

2) There were great theologians under bishop of Rome: Cyprian, Tertullian, Augustine, Jerome.

3) They never had any heretical disputes in Rome

4) Monks – became missionaries of Rome, Pope’s soldiers.



GREGORY THE GREAT (540-604) “The Interpreter of Augustine” did much to substantiate the PETRINE CLAIM. He refused the title “ ECUMENICAL BISHOP ” and preferred to be called the ”Servant of Servants”. The name POPE was used first officially in 1085.

Gregory did three things that guaranteed the headship of the Roman Bishop:

a. Made the Arch bishops acknowledge the superiority of Rome,

b. Caused worship to be according to Roman ritual,

c. Sent out missionaries who always spread obedience to Rome



2. Muslims & Barbarians

The Rise of Islam (p. 188)

The breakup of the ancient world was completed when a new set of conquerors, the ARABS came out of the Arabian peninsula in the 7th century, into Anatolia and North Africa with a new religion, ISLAM.

The founder of the Muslim faith, Muhammad (570-632), whose teachings were written in the Koran (their holy book) taught that one true god, Allah, had sent him to complete the work of the great prophets, Moses and Jesus. United by the message of Mohammad, the Arab people put aside their own quarrels, and sent armies virtually to the gates of Constantinople. By 700 the Arabs had conquered all of North Africa; in 711 they crossed into Spain. At Tours (France) in 733 scarcely 100 miles from Paris, the Franks finally stopped the Arab armies and eventually drove them back over the Pyrenees mountains. The Mediterranean, which had once linked all of the civilized world, now separated Muslim civilization from its Byzantine rival and from the cruder culture of the Germanic and Latin peoples of Western Europe.


The Teachings of Islam

1. The unity of God (Allah) and his prophet Muhammad.

2. Prayer 5 times daily, facing Mecca.

3. Keeping the fast of Ramadan. (1 month)

4. Making a pilgrimage to Mecca

5. Almsgiving

6. Paradise to those who fall in battle.

Their Books:

1. The Koran

2. The Sunna (The Path)


The Effects of Mohammedanism:

1. A feeble existence of Christian Churches (three Patriarchates were subjugated)

2. Transmutation of Christianity into a religion of war

3. The consolidation of Papal power.

****Have class do the map - “MUSLIM EXPANSION”, 622 - 900 AD


The revival of Imperialism on the West

Roman Bishop did not want to be subordinate under secular Emperor. He was looking for someone who would take over the Italy. He made an alliance with Frankish rulers (Tribes that moved to the territory of modern France). The glory of reviving the Roman Empire went to the Frankish rulers.


B. Church – state relationships (800-1054)

The rise of The Holy Roman Empire

2. West vs. East: Revival & Schism



C. Papal supremacy (1054-1305)

The Zenith of Papal Power

2. Crusaders & Reformers

3. Medieval Scholasticism & Worship

D. Medieval sunset & modern sunrise (1305-1517)

Attempts at Internal Reform

2. External opposition: The Renaissance & the Rise of Nation-States



The Rise of the Papacy

A. The Temporal Headship

With little or no strong civil government in evidence for centuries the Bishop of Rome became virtual ruler in the capital, Rome. Gradually the power of the Empire shifted to France. When the CARLOVINGIAN Dynasty took form, PIPPIN, the SHORT, son of Charles Martel, became the first of a line of powerful kings consecrated with holy oil by the Bishop of Rome “King by the Grace of God”.

PIPPIN’S DONATION practically laid the foundation of the temporal sovereignty of the POPES. Pippin gave his conquests gained from the LOMBARDS to the Pope, which gave him sovereignty over states in the middle of the Italian boot from sea to sea. CHARLEMAGNE confirmed the donation of PIPPIN and in gratitude Pope Leo III placed the crown upon his head and proclaimed him EMPEROR and AUGUSTUS.

After Charlemagne the power of the Empire shifted to Germany and finally OTTO I was crowned by the Pope and his empire was called the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE which remained until Napoleon’s time. Napoleon dissolved it saying it was neither “holy” nor “Roman”.

For the Eastern half of the Empire, authority still came from Constantinople. All that the western part of the Empire claimed through Rome, Constantinople claimed for herself. Constantinople was too busy keeping the Mohammedan invaders from her borders to substantiate her claims.


B. Spiritual Headship

Innocent I (402-417) and Leo I (440-461) are sometimes called the “First Popes” because they asserted the universal authority of the Roan Bishop over all others. The Patriarch of Constantinople denied this and all other claims.

1. GREGORY THE GREAT (540-604) “The Interpreter of Augustine” did much to substantiate the PETRINE CLAIM. He refused the title “ ECUMENICAL BISHOP ” and preferred to be called the ”Servant of Servants”. The name POPE was used first officially in 1085.

Gregory did three things that guaranteed the headship of the Roman Bishop:

a. Made the Arch bishops acknowledge the superiority of Rome,

b. Caused worship to be according to Roman ritual,

c. Sent out missionaries who always spread obedience to Rome.


2. THE ISODORIAN DECRETALS (false doctrines) - Supposed to be the work of Isodore of Seville. Rome had nothing to do with their origin but used them mightily for the furtherance of her claims. They stated in part:

a. The Pope was the head of all church organization,

b. The Pope’s decision was final in any discussion,

c. Papal Bulls become canons of the church at once,

d. The Pope was to be the absolute Dictator of the Church,

e. All Bishops could appeal to Papal authority,

f. Neither Pope nor Bishop are subject to secular control. NICHOLAS I was the first to use these decretals in the case of Lothaire of Lorraine. Following the use of them, they were taken into the law of the Roman church and they became a power to increase Papal authority for which they were designed.

That the Isodorian Decretals are false (taken from 29 spurious letters of Popes and 35 spurious decretals) is recognized by Protestant and Catholic alike. The fraud was exposed by Ulrich von Hutten in Luther’s time.

3. MISSIONARY EXPANSION - Wherever Missionaries went, the authority of ROME was stressed. Thus, when a land was won for Christianity, they looked to Rome as their spiritual head.

a. Aiden (?-657 AD.) - An Irish Monk Missionary, established the work in North Umbria through a missionary monastery on New Iona.

b. St. Cuthbert (?-687) - Followed Aiden and evangelized all Scotland with good success.

c. Augustine - sent to England by Gregory the Great in 597 A.D. With 40 monks he landed at the mouth of the Thames and soon Southern England was won as Ethelbert, King of Kent, accepted baptism. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury, 601 A.D. and Paulinus, Archbishop of York, 627 A.D. Theodore of Tarsus was made Archbishop of Canterbury and First Primate of England.

When Irish Monks and the Monks of the Roman Mission met in the Council of Whitby in 664 A.D., it was decided that all England should accept the authority of the Roman Bishop.

Scotland accepted Roman authority 718 A.D.

Southern Ireland accepted it in 630. A.D.

Northern Ireland accepted it in 703.A.D.

d. Boniface (680-755) - A British Monk won Germany for Rome. Ansgar (801-865) a French Monk won Denmark and Sweden. He is rightly called “The Apostle of the North”

Thus the conversion of the western world to Christianity brought it under the authority of Rome, accepting its Bishop as their head.

After their conversion to Christianity, the Franks rapidly became the mainstay of Latin culture, especially under the dynasty of the Carolingians. The Franks defended the popes by crushing other Germanic tribes, including the Lombards in Italy, and by converting many of the Germans who lived east of the Rhine River. In 800A.D. the Frankish king Charlemagne revived the idea of a western empire; a grateful pope crowned him emperor. Charlemagne’s empire proved to be short-lived. Following the death of his son (840) Emperor Louis I the latter’s sons partitioned the empire by the Treaty of Verdun (843) and later by the Treaty of Mersen (870). In the 9th century new attacks by other tribes further disrupted the fragile civilization. From the east Magyars swept into the Danube plains. To the north sea-borne Germanic peoples know as the Vikings attacked Ireland, virtually destroyed the Christian kingdoms of England, seized the peninsula of Normandy from the Franks, and even sailed up the Seine as far as Paris. The Vikings also marched overland into Russia, roaming as far south as KIEV.

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