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Role and importance of HPS in economics of the State

Prima facie importance of hydroelectric power stations for national economy of the country is stipulated by electricity production.

In comparison with other electric energy sources hydroelectric power stations possess environmental-economic and technical advantages. Stream use for electric energy production makes possible to save a considerable quantity of fuel resources for national economy.

An important advantage of hydroelectric power stations is an absence of harmful pollutant emissions into circumambience.

There are some factors, which stipulate economic importance of hydroelectric power stations, namely:

construction of auto way and railway bridges across the Dniepro and Dniester Rivers, which belong to waterworks facility. It excluded separate bridges building costs (charges);

formation of auspicious conditions for piece fish industry development with the help of spawning-growing fish industry and fish plants building.

It has been established some recreation zones on the banks of all reservoirs of hydroelectric power stations.

2. Look through the texts again and find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian ones:

паводки, водний режим, напірна споруда, лівобережна кам’яно-земляна гребля, блок монтажного майданчика, правобережний, відкритий водозлив, машинний зал, пропуск води, схема електричних з’єднань, відкритий розподільний пристрій, блоки по 2 гідроагрегата в кожному, народне господарство, виробництво електричної енергії, еколого-економічні і технічні переваги, наривні ресурси, відсутність шкідливих викидів, залізничні мостові переходи, створення сприятливих умов, штучне рибне господарство, нерестові рибні господарства, рекреаційна зона.


Project work. Work in groups of three or four. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of Hydroenergetics and its role and importance in economics of Ukraine.


Text 15.

Brainstorm the following tables in groups of three or four students and report the results of you discussion to the class.

Principal water power indices of the hydroelectric power

Stations of “Ukrhydroenergo” public corporation.

Electric power stations Installed capacity, MW Number and capacity of hydropower units, piece x MW Average annual electricity production, million kilovolt per annum
Kyiv HPS 408,5 11x22; 9x18,5  
Kyiv HPSP 235,5 3x37; 3x41,5  
Kaniv HPS   24x18,5  
Kremenchuk HPS   12x57,2  
Dnieprodzerzhyns'k HPS 356,4 7x44; 1x48,4  
Dniepro HPS 1538,2 9x72; 1x2,6; 2x104,5; 6x113,1  
Kakhovka HPS   6x58,5  
Dniester HPS   6x117  



Characteristic of the HPS of "Ukrhydroenergo" public corporation

Electric power stations Year of the first hydropower unit putting into operation Year of gross capability achievement Total quantity of hydropower stations units
Kyiv HPS      
Kyiv HPSP      
Kaniv HPS      
Kremenchuk HPS      
Dnieprodzerzhyns'k HPS      
Dniepro HPS
Dniester HPS      


2. Look through the tables above and find English equivalents for the following Ukrainian ones:

водно-енергетичні показники, відкрите акціонерне товариство „Укргідроенерго”, встановлена потужність, кількість і потужність агрегатів, середньорічне виробництво електроенергії, рік введення в дію, рік досягнення повної потужності, загальна кількість гідроагрегатів.


Project work. In small groups of 3 or 4 students summarize the stages of Hydroenergetics development in Ukraine.


Supplement II



UK companies use a staggering 1300 million m3 of water every year: three times more than the quantity needed. This factor is contributing to real concern about the sustainability of water use in the United Kingdom, and to fears of a 'desert state'. Companies use the majority of water, and can play a major part in reducing wastage. According to the Environment Agency, 55% of publicly supplied water is used by industry and commerce.

What's the problem?

1. Over the last decade, demand for water has reached unprecedented levels. However, many firms still waste money – as well as water-through poor water management.

2. A dripping tap alone can waste 26 litres of water a day, or £750 a year. Something as seemingly harmless as a hose left running to drain all day can cost up to £46 500 annually.

3. Last year 1.8 million m3 of water was lost through leakage. Though water companies make headlines when it comes to identifying leaks in the public water supply, at least of leaks are at the customer end. Businesses have a responsibility to mend their leaks.

Steps to stop water waste...

Before starting a waste minimization campaign it's good to get support, interest and involvement of senior management in order to introduce performance measures and demonstrate a clear link between cutting waste and performance. Measurement of indices enables senior management to track progress,

In the office

Office-based firms can save money in the kitchen, washrooms and toilets. For a example:

– stop dropping taps – and save up to £750 per year;

– fit push-button taps and save up to half the water used by conventional taps;

– install water displacement devices such as cistern bags - supplied free by water companies;

– change to automatic flush controllers on urinals ensuring flushes only during office hours or after use – this can cut use and cost in half;

– check pipes for leaks – expensive on the water bill, also damaging to the building.

And in industrial firms

Water costs UK industry £1 014 million a year, so the scope for savings is substantial. Many manufacturers use a great deal of water during production, in boiler rooms, canteens and in vehicle washing. Industrial businesses can reduce water consumption by:

– water metering, which will help them understand and manage water and effluent;

– switching off water supplies when they are not needed;

– avoiding overflows and eliminating leaks;

– fitting flow restrictors and automatic shut-off devices;

– providing training and clear instructions for operators;

– avoiding unnecessary cleaning;

– sweeping up slurries rather than using a hose;

– re-using or recycling wash, wastewater or rinse waters;

– using natural convection or forced air cooling instead of water cooling where appropriate;

– using process wastewater as cooling water.

Questions & answers...

– My water bill looks too high. Is there a leak at my site?

– The easiest way to test for leaks is to conduct a 'night use test'. You need to turn off all water using equipment and read the water meter after everyone has left the premises. The following morning, before everyone arrives, read the meter again. Compare the two readings. If there is a difference there is likely to be a leak (or a use of water you are not aware of).

Other methods of identifying leaks include examining all water using plant and supply pipework, listening for drips or flows of water, looking for lush vegetation or continuously boggy or damp areas (are these near any pipes?) and employing a leak detection service.

– Why should I care about cutting my company's water use?

– Water is becoming an increasingly expensive resource with mains, sewerage and trade effluent charges rising. By using less water you will save money twice on both water supply and wastewater disposal. However, if you get your water from an alternative source such as borehole or river this is likely to be a finite source and therefore increased availability may also be expensive. Managing water more efficiently can prevent any potential site expansion being limited by the availability of water or the need for an increased water supply.

– What is a water balance and why would I want to do one?

– A water balance is a numerical account used to show where water enters and leaves your business, and where it is used within the business. It typically contains information about the amount of water used by each main process. A water balance helps you to:

● understand and manage water and effluent efficiently;

● identify the areas with the greatest opportunity for cost savings;

● detect leaks.

Boost your cash flow

The Water Technology List (WTL) gives UK businesses the opportunity to boost cash flow by investing in products that reduce water use. It therefore has a double benefit: saving money, and saving water – an important resource under increasing threat.

UK companies are coming under mounting pressure from the rising costs of utilities and raw materials, and from dealing with wastes generated when manufacturing and delivering products and services.

Products from nine categories are on the WTL:

● cleaning-in-place equipment;

● efficient showers;

● efficient taps;

● efficient toilets;

● flow controllers;

● leakage detection equipment;

● meters and monitoring equipment;

● rainwater harvesting equipment;

● efficient membrane filtration systems.

If these systems meet the criteria, the business making the investment will receive a 'certificate of environmental benefit'.

Moreover, the Environment Agency is delighted to announce the annual Water Efficiency Awards which recognize organizations that cut down on water use, helping to conserve our precious water resources.



Just about anything we do or touch utilizes water. Switch on a light; water generated the power. Read a newspaper; water made the paper. Drive a car; water produced the steel. Eat a hamburger; water sustained the cow. The United States withdraws an estimated 339 billion gallons of fresh water a day from lakes, streams, and underground sources. That is nearly 10 percent less than the total used in 1980, even though the population has grown. Economic downturn, water-saving technologies, higher water prices, and conservation efforts have stemmed water demand. Still, Americans remain among the world's biggest water users.

Electric power.

The U. S. uses more water to produce electricity than for any other purpose. Electricity heats and cool buildings, drives trains, melts metals. Water helps generate power through two difference processes thermoelectric and hydroelectric. Thermnoelectric plants, which convert water into steam by heating it with fossil or nuclear fuels, provide nearly 90 percent of U.S. electric power. Though the plants guzzle 131 billion gallons of water each day, only 3 percent of that is actually consumed; the remainder is poured back into lakes and rivers. Though never leaving the stream and thus not considered a "withdrawal," far more water is needed for hydro­electric power, which provides rough­ly 10 percent of U. S. electricity. Water from dammed reservoirs pro­vides the gravity-driven force that turns turbines to energize dynamos.


Practiced extensively in the West, irrigation brings cotton to Arizona, potatoes to Idaho, tomatoes to Cali­fornia. About 40 percent of U. S. water withdrawals are spent on irrigation; in some areas, more than 90 percent. Though it is seen mainly in the West, a growing number of south-eastern farmers are turning to irrigation to increase yields and fight drought. Irrigated lands are dis­proportionately productive: Only about 5 percent of U. S. farmlands are irrigated, but they produce 20 percent of the value of farm products.

Large government subsidies have encouraged irrigated farming since the early 1900s. More recently water shortages, decreased subsidies, and rising costs of pumping water have pushed farmers to adopt more effi­cient irrigation practices – thus curb­ing western water use.

Farm animals and aquaculture account for only a small proportion – about 3 percent – of agricultural water use. Since 1980 a growing fish-farm industry has doubled demand, traditionally limited to livestock.


It takes less water to forge steel, make paper, manufacture paint, and pro­duce plastic than it used to. While U. S. output has quadrupled since 1950, industrial water use has dropped by 19 percent. Higher prices and stricter water-pollution laws have prodded industries to recycle water. The four largest industrial water users – paper, petroleum, chemicals, and primary metals – have all cut back, by using processes that require less water and by using the same water several times.

More than 36 billion gallons of water each day feeds industrial demand. Of that, mines use about three billion gallons; 8.3 billion gallons supplies commercial users, including military bases, college campuses, office buildings, and restaurants.


Across the United States, people are using less water as they take showers, flush toilets, and water lawns. After climbing between 1960 and 1985, per capita domestic water use has declined slightly. Water conservation campaigns and new building codes are behind the change. First viewed as a state and local matter, domestic water conservation has evolved into a national issue: Federal law now requires manufacturers to produce only low-flow toilets and showerheads. To cut down on lawn sprinklers and other garden water use, several states now encourage the use of landscaping techniques adapted to the local environment.


How much water will keep salmon swimming in the Columbia River? How many gallons make up a breath­taking river rapid? More and more states are recognizing the environ­mental and recreational uses of water. Especially in the West, laws now establish minimum stream flows to protect fish and wildlife habitat and meet the needs of swimmers, boaters, and other water enthusiasts.

Cost and Conservation.

In the U. S. we routinely waste water, and here's why: It still costs very little. But rising water prices since the early 1980s have spurred conservation efforts, and analysts say the trend is likely to continue. Across the country, utilities increasingly offer economic incentives for customers to save water. Because water resources and delivery systems differ vastly from region to region, so do pricing and conservation practices.

Supplement III

English transliteration of the Russian (Ukrainian) alphabet
А a Ж zh Н n Ф f ь
Б b З z О o Х kh Э(Е) e
В v И(І) i П p Ц ts Ю yu
Г g Й i Р r Ч ch Я ya
(Ґ) g К k С s Ш sh (Ї) yi
Д d Л l Т t Щ shch (Є) ye
Е e М m У u ъ    


Ordinary Everyday English Words and Their Technical Meanings

Everyday Word Technical Meaning
horse рама
pig болванка
frog хрестовина
fly маховик
goose праска
monkey баба (для забивання паль)
bug скоба
collar підшипник
jacket стінка циліндра
skirt порожнистий циліндр
boot сошник
hat кровля
tree вал
leaf прицільна рамка
nut гайка
bush втулка
grass стрічка шумів
plum заповнювач бетону
forehead забій
brow містки
nose головка домкрата
lip носик ковша
beard зазублина
ear затискач
arm спиця
breast амбразура
leg катет
chair рельсова подушка
bench верстак
blanket зона відтворення

Symbols in Chemistry.

Al aluminium алюміній
Ag argentum срібло
Ar argon аргон
As arsenic миш'як
Au aurum['o:ram] золото
В boron бор
Ba barium барій
Be berillium берилій
Bi bismut вісмут
Br bromine бром
C carbon вуглець
Ca calcium кальцій
Се cerium церій
Cd cadmium кадмій
Сl chlorine хлор
Co cobalt кобальт
Cr chromium хром
Cs caesium цезій
Cu copper мідь
F fluorine фтор
Fe ferrum залізо
Ge germanium германій
H hydrogen водень
He helium гелій
Hg hydrargyrum = mercury ртуть
J iodine йод
Ir iridium ірідій
K kalium калій
Li litium літій
Mg magnesium магній
Mn manganese марганець
Mo molybdenum молібден
N nitrogen азот
Na natrium натрій
Ne neon неон
Ni nickel нікель
О oxygen кисень
P phosphorus фосфор
Pb plumbum свинець
Pt platinum платина
Ra radium радій
Rh rubidium рубідій
S sulfur сірка
Sb antimoni сурма
Se selenium селен
Si silicon кремній
Sn stannum олово
Sr strontium стронцій
Те telurium телур
Th thorium торій
Ті titanium титан
U uranfun уран
W wolfram вольфрам
Za zinc цинк
Zr zirconium цирконій

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