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1. Modern drainage systems have geotextile filters – synthetic textile fabrics. They retain and prevent fine grains of soil from passing into and clogging the drain. In a typical drainage system they can be laid along a trench which is then filled with coarse granular material: gravel, seashells, rock. The geotextile is then folded over the top of granular material and the trench is then covered by soil. Ground water seeps through the geotextile and flows within the granular material to an outfall. In high groundwater conditions a perforated plastic (PVC or PE) pipe is laid along the base of the drain to increase the volume of water transported in the drain.

2. A new technology of application of drainage trenches has been developed by Rocochinsky A. and Gromachenko S., scholars of National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use. It is aimed at protection of water bodies from local pollutants of different origin – biological, chemical, radiological, etc. Figure given below shows how the filtration flow is treated with the help of drainage absorbing trenches filled with zeolite tuff, natural sorbent material.

3. Precipitation penetrates through the fertile layer of soil and vegetation covering the landfill, interacts with different types of wastes and

Figure. 1. Application of engineering land reclamation measures to protect water bodies from local pollutants.

forms the toxic filtrate. To neutralize the negative impact of the filtrate, it is necessary to make a trench along the perimeter of the landfill and fill it with sorbent material, for example, with zeolite tuff. As a result, the infiltrate will be purified, surface air layer will be deodorized and ground water sipping into the stream will be clean.

6.3. Complete the sentences according to the information from Text B:

1. Geotextile filters retain ….

2. For a typical drainage system, the filling may be ….

3. Above, the trench is covered ….

4. A new technology developed at National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use is designed to ….

5. The filtrate is the result of ….

6. Zeolite tuff is natural ….

7. The surface air layer around the landfill ….

8. The trench along the perimeter of a landfill is filled with ….

9. The filtrate flowing through the drainage absorbing trench is … and surface air is ….

10. As a result of these engineering land reclamation measures, ground water sipping into the stream ….


6.4. Translate into English:

1. Одним із найважливіших завдань меліорації є охорона водних об’єктів.

2. Учені розробили комплекс інженерно-меліоративних заходів для захисту річок від локальних забруднювачів.

3. На цій схемі зображено технологію очищення фільтраційного потоку, який рухається від сміттєзвалища.

4. Очищення відбувається за допомогою дренажних траншей-поглиначів, вистелених цеолітовим туфом.

5. У якості фільтраційного матеріалу традиційно застосовують гравій, мушлі, каміння.

6. Токсичний фільтрат утворюється від взаємодії опадів з різними видами відходів.

7. Дана технологія ґрунтується на застосуванні дренажних траншей-поглиначів у поєднанні з природним сорбентом – цеолітовим туфом.

8. Ця технологія дозволяє локалізувати та нейтралізувати шкідливі речовини.

9. У результаті цих заходів відбувається очищення інфільтрату та дезодорація приземного шару повітря.

Divide the text into parts, state the microtopics of each part. Render the contents of each part in 2-4 sentences.

Using Figure 1 speak about engineering land reclamation measures for water bodies protection.



Complete the sentences with a proper word:

1. Drainage may be either … or artificial removal of water.

а) cultural; c) mineral;

b) natural; d) ancient.

2. The project was highly appreciated in the … conclusions.

а) experts’; c) experts;

b) experts’s; d) experting.

3. The last test was the … one.

а) more difficult; c) less difficult;

b) most difficult; d) difficulter.

4. In drier seasons this source has... water.

а) a few; c) many;

b) few; d) less.

5. Your glasses are … than mine.

а) good; c) best;

b) bad; d) better.

6. Geotextile filters are the … in current practice of drainage construction.

а) gooddest; c) wellest;

b) best; d) better.

7. You … wash your car, it is clean.

а) mustn’t; c) needn’t;

b) will be able; d) are allowed.

8. You … see this film, it is rather exciting.

а) are; c) have;

b) should; d) ought.

9. The bus … arrive early, so we got to the bus-station by taxi.

а) was to; c) is able to;

b) must; d) should.

10. His suit-case was … than mine.

а) heavyer; c) more heavier;

b) heaviest; d) heavier.

11. In this shop, you can buy … toys.

а) child’s; c) children’s;

b) childrens; d) childrens’.

12. You … to take any book you’ll need for your future diploma, in our library.

а) must; c) will be able;

b) can; d) may.

13. – What are you doing tomorrow?

– I … prepare for the test in mathematics.

а) might; c) was to;

b) had to; d) can.

14. June 22 is the … day in a year.

а) shortest; c) shorter;

b) longer; d) longest.

15. The roots of most crops … tolerate excessively wet conditions for more than two days.

а) can; c) cannot;

b) could; d) couldn’t.

16. Subsurface drainage pipes are typically installed at a depth of …

а) 3 to 4 meters; c) 3 to 6 meter;

b) 3 to 6 foot; d) 3 to 4 feet.

17. Removal of surface and subsurface water from a given area is termed ….

а) amelioration; c) drainage;

b) irrigation; d) supplies.

18. Saturated soils … sufficient aeration for crop root development.

а) provide; c) penetrate;

b) do not provide; d) do not penetrate.

19. Zeolite tuff is natural rock used in … absorbing trenches to treat infiltrate and deodorize air.

а) drainage; c) amelioration;

b) irrigation; d) improvement.

20. Kyiv is … city in Ukraine.

а) largest; c) large;

b) the largest; d) larger.

21. (on the phone)

– Hello, may I ask who is speaking?

а) – I’m Ann;

b) – Here is Ann;

c) – It’s Ann;

d) – I am called Ann.

22. This is my … son.

а) daughters; c) daughters’;

b) daughter’s; d) daughter.

23. … you do me a favor?

а) Can; c) Might;

b) May; d) Must.

24. We have a lot of time, we … hurry.

а) needn’t; c) have to;

b) mustn’t; d) are to.

25. Overirrigation may cause water ….

а) pollution; c) drainage;

b) irrigation; d) purification.



I. Grammar: English Word Building
ІI. Texts: 1. Water Supply and Water Disposal. 2. Water Supply Source.

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