Сдам Сам



Introduction into Physiology.


General Physiology.

Contents of Submodule 1.

Introduction into Physiology.

Specific Aims.


1. Explain the physiologic methods of investigating the human body functions on the experimental animals as well as in studying the human body functions in the different physiologic states.

2. Interpret the notion of "physiologic system”, “functional system” of the human body and the role of mechanisms in regulating the adaptability reactions.

3. Analyze the stages of physiology formation as the fundamental discipline and the role of some scientists on every stage of its development.


Theme 1. Topic and Tasks of Physiology. Methods of physiological investigations.


Questions for speech and Test Control.


1. Physiology as the science which studies the objective regularities of the human body functions and its structures (systems, organs, tissues, cells) in their unity and the human body interaction with the external environment.

2. Physiology as the scientific foundation of medicine of the human body functions, the ways of preserving health and efficiency. The importance of physiology in training the medical personnel.

3. Methods of physiologic investigations: observing, experiments, modeling.

4. Standards of the human body structure and its functions. The interaction of the human body and the external environment.

5. The physiologic characteristic of the functions and their parameters. Correlation between the structure and the function. Age and sexual features of the functions.

6. Functions of cells, tissues, organs, physiologic systems of the human body. Homeostasis and homeokinesis.


Questions for Written Control.

1. Give determination of the physiology as a science. Name the main principles of the human physiology.

2. Name the methods of the physiologic investigations and descrile the advantages of the electric stimulation methods.

3. Formulate the irritability, excitability, excitation.

4. List and characterize the physiological properties of nervous and muscular tissue.

5. Determine the threshold of stimulation.


Theme 2. The Main Stages of Physiology Development (ISW)

Questions for Speech and Test Control


1. Stages of physiology development. The role of W. Harvey’s, R. Dekart′s works. The formation and the development of physiology in the XIXth Century (K. Bernar, E. Dyubya-Reimon, W. Kennon, K. Lyudvig, Ch. Sherrington.)

2. The works of I. M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlov, N. Ye. Wedensku, A. A. Ychtomsky, I. A. Orbeli, P. K. Anochin, P.Y. Kostyuk. Their contribution into the development of the world physiology.

3. The Ukrainian physiologic school – V. Ya. Danilevsky, V. Yu Tchagovets, D. I. Vorontsov, F. N. Lerkov, P. Y. Kostyuk, V. I. Skok, M. F. Shuba, Y.V. Folbort, V.V. Frolkis.


Questions for Written Control

1. Tests for evaluation of the student’s initial knowledge level.

Curriculum of the Practical Studies.

1. Acquaintance with the the department and its scientific equipment.

2. Acquaintance with the scientific trend of the department

3. Review and analyze the studying film on the neuromuscular preparation of the sciantic nerve of the muscles gastrocnemius of the frog.

4. Review and analyze the studying film about the influence of mechanical, chemical and electric irritation on the neuromuscular preparation.


Contents of submodule 2

Physiology of the excitable tissues.

Specific Aims:

1. Explain mechanisms of the development of the rest and the action potentials in the nervous and in the muscular fibres and interpret their parameters.

2. Explain mechanisms of the electric current action on the excitable tissues and interpret the influence of the electric impulses with the different parameters on the membranous potentials of the nervous and the muscular fibres.

3. Make conclusions of the excitability the basis of the threshold of depolarization value.

4. Explain mechanisms and the natural phenomena of the nervous fibres, interpret the causes of the conductivity disturbance.

5. Explain mechanisms of the chemical transmission of the excitability through the neuromuscular synapse.

6. Interpret mechanisms of the block of the neuromuscular excitation conductivity.

7. Explain mechanisms of the excitation and contraction coopling in muscular fibres, mechanisms of contracting and relaxing.

8. Describe the dependency of the character of contracting of the irritability.

9. Name the factors witch influence the force of the muscles contraction.


Theme 3. Studying of electric effects in excitable tissues. Membran potentials (MP), action potentials (AP).


Questions for Speech and Test Control.


1. The excitable tissues, their characteristics.

2. Irritability, excitability as the main tissues reactions on irritating. The excitation.

3. The modern notions about the structure and functions of the cellular membranes.

4. The ionic canals of the membranes, their species and functions. The ionic pumps of the membranes, their functions.

5. The receptors of the membranes, their functions.

6. The membranous potential of rest (MPR or RP), the origin mechanisms, the registration methods, the RP parameters and the RP physiologic role.

7. The action potential (AP), the origin mechanisms, the registration methods, the AP phases, the AP parameters, the AP physiologic role.

8. Changes of the cell excitability during the development of the AP. Periods of the absolute and relative refractority, mechanisms of its origin, the physiologic importance.

9. The local response (LP). The critical level of depolarization. The threshold of depolarization as the measure of the excitability.


Questions for Written Answer.

1. Draw the MPR scheme of an excitable cell.

2. Draw the AP scheme of single-phase process, mark the AP phases, their duration.

3. Draw the scheme of the AP phases and the cell excitability phases correlations

4. Characterize the phases of the absolute and the relative refractority and the supernormal excitability.

5. Characterize the level of metabolic processes in an excitable cell during excitation.

6. Describe the potassium balance potential.

7. Describe the modern methods of the MPR registration.


Curriculum of the Practical Studies.


1. Review of the film about the experiments on registering the electric potential of the excited tissues.

2. Studying the influence of the AP of the frog skeletal muscle in the tetanus state on the nerve of the second neuromuscular frog preparation (the experiment of the second Time tetanus).

3. Studying the influence of the AP of the frog heart on the nerve of the neuromuscular preparation.

Theme 4. Investigation of electric irritation methods of neural and muscular fibers.

Questions for Speech and Test Control.

1.The direct current action on the excitable tissues. Using in the clinical practice.

2.The change of the membrane potential in the electric current action as the irritant.

3.Dependence of a stimulus threshold strenght on its duration.

4.Dependence of a stimulus threshold strenght on the stepness of its growth.

5.Dependence of a stimulus threshold strenght on the moment of opening or closing the electric circuit.

Theme 5. Studying of excitement conduction through neural and muscular fibers

Specific Aims

1. Study of the biological regulation features, explain the role of the reverse connection in providing the adapted reactions of the organism.

2. Explain mechanisms of transmission of information in synapses of the CNS, the role of neuromediators and neuromodulators; mechanisms of developing the excitement and inhibition, their summation, the role of these processes in the integrate action of the central nervous system.

3. Explain mechanisms of the reflex regulation of the functions and the role of the parts of the reflex arch as constituent part of the biological regulation outline in providing the adapted reactions of the organism.

4. Analyze the principles of coordination the reflex activity with the participation of the proper neuronic chains in providing the adapted reactions of the organism.

5. Analyze the role of the different levels of the central nervous system in providing the adapted reactions of the organism.


Contents of submodule 4.

The Role of the CNS in Regulating the Motor Functions.

Specific Aims

1. To know the structure of the motor system of the organism, the structures of the different levels of the CNS and their formation, clinical and experimental methods of investigating the functions of the CNS and the significance of these methods for the practical work of a doctor. The age features of regulating the motor functions, the structure of the reflex ach of the motor reflex which are locked on the deferent levels of the CNS.

2. Analyze the regulated parameter of the motor reflex and mechanisms of action of the receptors as the watching arrangements, mechanisms of influencing the structures of the forebrain, truncus cerebri of the activity of the motor systems of the spinal cord.

3. Make conclusions about conditions of the motor functions of the organism – postures, locomotions of the motor reflex which appear after the transversal section at the different levels of the CNS and in the damage of the motor structures.

4. Make conclusions about states of the motor systems of the organism, which unite the structures of the different levels of the CNS and of their organization.

5. Make conclusions about functions of the motor reflexes which are locked at the different levels of the CNS, of the state of the CNS conductive ways, estimate their role in providing sensory and motor functions.

6. Explain the role of the cerebral cortex and limbic system in forming the systemic activity of the organism.

7. Physiologic foundation of the electroencephalography.


Contents of submodule 5.

Specific Aims

1. To know the structure – functional organization of the vegetative nervous system and its sections.

2. To know the mediator systems of the vegetative nervous system, the mechanisms of influencing in the visceral function of the organism

3. Analyze changing the visceral functions in activating the sympathic and the parasympathic systems.

4. Interpret the mechanisms of changing the visceral functions after the block of transmission of information in the ganglionic and neuroorganic synapses of the vegetative nervous system.

Questions for Speech and Test Control.


1. The structural and the functional differences of the autonomic nervous system from the somatic one.

2. The structural and the functional differences of the sympathic, parasympathic and metasympatic nervous system.

3. Mediators of the vegetative synapses. The adrenergic and the cholinergic, structures.

4. The centers of the ANS.

5. The influence of the ANS sections on the innervations organs.

6. The role of the ANS, the hypothalamus and the cerebral cortex in the integration of the organism functions.

7. The functional peculiarities of the vegetative nervous system in children and in the elderly and the old people.


Contents of Submodul 6.

Specific Aims

1. Analyze regulated indices and come to the conclusion about the mechanisms of regulating the functions of the endocrine glands.

2. Come to the conclusion about the state of the physiological functions of the organism in systems and organs in changing the concentration of the hormones in the organism.

3. Analyze the age features of the organism functions, which are connected with the activity of the endocrine glands.

4. Analyze regulated indices and come to the conclusion about the state of the processes of the body growth in length, the physical, the psychical and the sex development in the hormones participation.

5. Analyze regulated indices and come to the conclusion about the mechanisms state in regulating the constancy of the hormones.

6. Explain the mechanisms of regulating the unspecific adaptation of the organism in participating the hormones.

The submodule 7

The submodule 8.



Specific Aims:

1. To explain the physiological fundamentals of research methods of highest nervous activity (HNA): formation, preservation and inhibition of conditional reflexes; an irritation and damage of structures of a anterial brain, that participate in highest integrative functions of the CNS; registration of induced potentials at EEG.

2. To explain mechanisms of origin of biological needs and motivations and their role in shaping of the inherent and bought forms of behaviour of an organism.

3. To analyze the adjustable parameters of homeostasis and to explain a structure of a total behavior act (functional system of a behavior)

4. To explain the mechanisms of shaping emotions, their role in behavioural responses of an organism according to physiological criterions of emotions.

5. To analyze the age features of highest nervous activity (behavioural responses) of an organism.

6. To explain the properties of nervous processes of excitation and inhibition, that stipulate a type of a nervous system (force, steadiness and mobility).


The inclusive module 9.



Specific Aims:

1. To explain mechanisms of integrative activity using of analysis of a role of different structures new cortex of head brain.

2. To explain the mechanisms of integrative activity of new cortex in shaping of language at the person and to evaluate it a condition to physiological criterions.

3. To explain the physiological fundamentals methods of a research of a nervous system of a person.

4. To explain mechanisms of integrative activity of a head brain, that stipulate processes of consciousness, thinking, sleep and it types.


The inclusive module 10.



Specific Aims:

1. To know the parameters of muscular ability of the person, to analyze the factors, that influence on it.

2. To analyze the factors, that determine a velocity of development of a fatigue in time of muscular work.

3. To explain localization and mechanisms of development of a fatigue of the person during working activity.

4. To explain principles of construction of optimum modes of training.

5. To explain physiological fundamentalses of a research of physical ability (endurance, force, velocity).



General Physiology.

Contents of Submodule 1.

Introduction into Physiology.

Specific Aims.


1. Explain the physiologic methods of investigating the human body functions on the experimental animals as well as in studying the human body functions in the different physiologic states.

2. Interpret the notion of "physiologic system”, “functional system” of the human body and the role of mechanisms in regulating the adaptability reactions.

3. Analyze the stages of physiology formation as the fundamental discipline and the role of some scientists on every stage of its development.


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