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Fill in with the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets.

1) Competition in future is likely (be) between a small number of large carriers.

2) Telecom Italia is expected (bid) aggressively for the company.

3) The market had got very pessimistic about interest rates but that view seems (shift) a little in the past couple of days.

4) The appointment was intended (enhance) the credibility of the new administration.

5) Seeboard company due to introduce competition for consumers this September, is thought (run) at least four weeks.

6) The planned merger is likely (prove) a headache for federal and state regulators.

7) The Minister is said (involve) in bribery.

6.Translate the sentences into English using Complex Subject.

1) Он обязательно придет.

2) Опыт оказался неудачным.

3) Этот пожар, несомненно, вызовет панику.

4) Ожидают, что он приедет завтра.

5) Говорят, что он уехал в Париж.

6) Говорят, что президент едет в Стамбул на саммит.

7) Оказалось, что он прав.

8) Было доказано, что он прав.

9) Известно, что Ломоносов был самым крупным ученым своего времени.

10) Он, кажется, очень упрямый человек.

11) Я оказался случайно осведомлен об этом деле.

12) Я случайно оказался в конторе, когда он пришел.

13) Он, кажется, не понимает значения этого изобретения.

14) В моем сочинении будут, вероятно, ошибки.

15) Очень вероятно, что они заключили соглашение.

16) Известно, что он придерживается другого мнения по этому вопросу.

17) Считается, что этот дом был построен около двухсот лет назад.

18) Кажется, клиент уже очень долго ждет в приемной.

The For-to-Infinitive Construction


The For-To-Infinitive construction is a complex structure consisiting of the preposition for + Object + the Infinitive: That was for him to explain.


It is used in all functions characteristic of the Infinitive:


Subject: For me to speak was impossible.
Predicative: That was for him to find out.
Complex Object: He waited for her to speak.
Attribute: The best thingfor you to do is to leave at once.
Purpose: He stepped aside for me to pass.
Result: It was too great a temptation for him to resist.

E x e r c i s e s

1. Make one sentence out of two as in the model.

Model: He never swore. If he did, it was such a rarity.

For him to swear was such a rarity.

1) He left a book for me here. I was to look it over.

2) Murdock, standing at the station exit, was moving his arms. He wanted us to stop.

3) A policeman came and pinned a notice on the gate. He wanted the people to read it.

4) He meant to ask her where she would like to go. They planned to talk in peace.

5) In the evening she came round. They intended to drink a bottle of wine to her success.

6) She stepped back. She didn’t want Andy to see her.

7) The boy stood aside. He let the man go by.

8) She held out the papers. She wanted me to see them.

9) The boss cordially gave Erik his hand. He expected Erik to shake it.


Exchange the subordinate clause for the For-to-Infinitive constructions.

1) There is not a thing that I can eat in my cottage.

2) It was good tactics so that Roger could have a wife.

3) It was a bitter experience when Philip learned that his friend let him down.

4) He was prepared that anyone would accuse him of being cowardly.

5) It’s very good if they have an older man with plenty of experience to come to for advice.

6) It’s unusual that he lets his impatience show through.

7) I felt advisable that he should ascertain the facts first.

8) The main problem is that this material has to be published as soon as possible.

9) The only conclusion that he could draw was the following.

10) It must be almost unheard of if a play is performed each day under completely different titles.


Translate the following sentences into English using the For-To-Infinitive constructions.

1) Мы остановились, чтобы Майкл выкурил сигарету.

2) Машина ждала у двери, чтобы отвезти их на вокзал.

3) Чтобы студенты поняли задачу, он начертил на доске диаграмму.

4) Они взяли такси, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.

5) Пожилой человек шел медленно, чтобы не упасть.

6) Я сейчас же запишу номер вашего телефона, чтобы не забыть.

7) Он закрыл окно, чтобы мы не простудились.

8) Сестра отошла назад, чтобы я мог увидеть, что происходило.

9) Она предложила встретиться в спокойном месте, чтобы мы все могли обсудить без спешки.


Use your ideas to begin the sentences with the For-To-Infinitive construction.

1) …… for him to be without a coat.

2) …… for him to do.

3) …… for her to carry.

4) …… for the documents to be sent on time.

5) …… for him to translate without a dictionary.

6) …… for the steamer to call at Odessa.

7) …… for her to return immediately.

8) …… for you to go there.

9) …… for us to come soon.

10) …… for your sister to read.

11) …… for young men to be interested in politics.

12) …… for us to take into account.


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