Сдам Сам



What about going to the beach?

2- Your friend does not want to go to the beach, but suggests the swimming pool.

Let’s go to the swimming pool.

3- A friend suggests that you join a book club together, but you would like to join a sports club.

I would prefer to join a sports club.

4- A friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.

I’m not sure about that.


الكلام الغير مباشرReported Speach

- الكلام المباشر: هو الكلام اذي يخرج من فم قائله دون تعديل او حذف او أضافة

- Hala said; " I've passed my exams"

و لكن هذا الكلام له اكثر من معني و يتسم بالغموض و لذلك الافضل منه هو الكلام الغير مباشر

- الكلام الغير مباشر: هو نفس معني الكلام المباشر و لكن بصورة اوضح

- Hala said that she had passed her.

و لكــــــــــي نحول الجملة من المباشر الي غير المباشر نتبع الخطوات التالية:-

1- تحذف علامات التنصيص و نستخدم (that) و يمكن أن تحذف

2- تتحول الضمائر حسب المتكلم و المخاطب كما يلي: 2 - تتغير الأزمنة كما يلي:

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
cook / cooks …………..…. cooked cooked ……………... cooked/had cooked is / are cooking …………….. was/were cooking have / has cooked ………….. had cooked will …………… would shall …………… would may …………… might can …………… could

- لا تتغير الأزمنة في الحالات التالية:

1 - لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كان فعل القول في المضارع أو المستقبل:

-She says, “I don’t believe this story.” - She says she doesn’t believe that story.

-2 لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كانت الجملة تعبر عن حقيقة:

- She said, “If water freezes, it changes into ice. - She said that if water freezes, it changes ….

-3لا تتغير الأزمنة إذا كانت الجملة قيلت منذ فترة وجيزة ويدل علي ذلك كلمات مثل:

(now / just now / a moment ago / a minute ago / a short time ago / recently ….)

-He said just now, “I have already done the home work.” - He said just now he has already ……

- 4 في حالة وجود if يتغير الزمن في الحالة الأولى فقط:

-He said, “If it is fine, I’ll go for a swim.” - He said if it were fine, he would go for a swim.

- هناك كلمات معينة تتغير في غير المباشر كما يلي (هــــــــــــــام للغايـــــــــة)

Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
now then tonight that night
this that today that day
these those yet by then
here there tomorrow the day after
(two days) ago (two days)before next week the following week
last week the week before / the previous week yesterday the day before
yesterday the day before the day after tomorrow in two days’ time

-She said, “I shall write a letter tomorrow.” - She said (that) she would write a letter the day after.

- He said to me, “I can’t do it now.” - He told me (that) he couldn’t do it then.

-يمكن استخدام الأفعال الآتية بدلا من (said to) عند نقل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها((v.ing:

suggested/admitted أقر /قبل/denied أنكر/ apologised for/objected to اعترض علي/insisted on أصر

- He said, “Let’s discuss this question now.” - He suggested discussing that question then.

- وفي حالة استخدامthatبعد بعض هذه الافعال تحول الجملة بنفس القواعد السابقة:

- He said, “I wasn’t there when the crime happened.”

- He denied being there when the crime happened.

- He denied that he had been there when the crime happened.

-يمكن استخدام الأفعال الآتية بدلا من(said to)عند نقل الجملة إلى غير المباشر ويأتي بعدها ((to + inf.:

promised / offered / advised / agreed / threatened هدد / reminded/decided / Refused

-He said, “I’ll give you all the money you need.”

- He promised to give me all the money I needed.

- وفي حالة استخدامthatبعد بعض هذه الافعال تحول الجملة بنفس القواعد السابقة:

- He promised that he would give me all the money I needed.

اذا بدأت جملة الكلام المباشر بـ Yes / sure / of course / certainly / okay ….)) فانها تحذف و تتحول الي:

Answered in affirmative / agreed / admitted

- He said, "Yes, it is my coat". - He acknowledged that it was his coat.

- اذا بدأت جملة الكلام المباشر بـ No / sorry / never …….)) فانها تحذف و تتحول الي: refused /denied

- She said, "No, I can't swim". - She denied that she could swim.

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة تحية مثل(good morning) يكو ن فعل القول (wished):

- He said to me, "Good morning. It is a nice day".

- He wished me good morning and added that it was a fine day

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة وداع مثل(good bye) يكون فعل القول (bade):

- "Good bye, Omer", she said. - She bade Omer good bye.

- اذا كانت جملة الحديث المباشر تحتوي علي كلمة شكر يكون فعل القول (thanked):

- He said to Heba," Thank you very much". - He thanked Heba very much.

- اذا جاءت كلمة اعتذار مثل (I'm sorry) فهي قد تتحول الي (He apologized)

- اذا جاءت (must/needn't) للتعبير عن ضرورة في المضارع فانها تتحول الي (had to)

- He said," I must go now." – He said that he had to go then.

- She said," I needn't buy a camera." - She said that she didn't have to buy a camera.

- لكن اذا جاءت (must) للتعبير عن الاستنتاج فتحول الي (must have + pp):

- Ali said,"this man must be a pilot". - Ali said that that man must have been a pilot.

- أسلوب التعجب في غير المباشر يتحول إلي جملة عادية تبدأ بـ It was..:

- Heba said, “What nice weather!” = Heba said that it was nice weather.

Reported Yes / No Questions

- ونجد هذا النوع من الاسئله اما ان يبدأ بفعل مساعد او فعل ناقص مثل:

Do / Does / Did / Am / Is / Are / Was / Were / Has / Have / had / Will / Would / shall /Should / Can /

- عند تحويل هذا النوع من الاسئله من الكلام المباشر الي الكلام الغير مباشر يتم تحويل السؤال الي جملة خبرية:

► Speaker المتحدث + asked + مخاطب + if / whether + فاعل + فعل

- عند وجود Does– Do تحذف ويضع الفعل ماضي بسيط وعند وجود Did تحذف والفعل يصبح ماضي تام.

- يأتى بعد if كلا من الفاعل ثم الفعل و يتم حذف علامه الاستفهام ووضع نقطه مكانها (أي يتحول السؤال الي جملة خبرية)

- "Can you answer this question?" Emma asked Noura.

- Emma asked Noura if she could answer that question.

Reported (Wh-) Questions


- ونجد هذا النوع من الاسئله باداة استفهام مثل: What / Who / How / Why / When / Where / When

- عند هذا النوع من الاسئله من الكلام المباشر الي الكلام الغير مباشر يتم تحويل السؤال الي جملة خبرية:

► Speaker المتحدث + asked + مخاطب + أداة استفهام + فاعل + فعل

- عند وجود does–do تحذف ويضع الفعل ماضي بسيط وعند وجود did تحذف والفعل يصبح ماضي تام.

- يأتى بعد باداة استفهام الفاعل أو المفعول ثم الفعل و يتم حذف علامه الاستفهام ووضع نقطه (أي يتحول السؤال الي جملة خبرية)

- He said, “ What are you doing now?” = He asked what I was doing then.

- في حالة الطلب Request: - He said, “Could you open the window, please?” (He asked…)

-He asked me to open the window. أو - He asked if I could open the window.

لاحــظ دور فعل القول فىً ما يلي

- Ahmed said to me, "Will you help me?" - Ahmed asked me to help him.

- Mohamed said, “Will you have lunch with me tomorrow? “

- Mohamed invited (asked) me to have lunch with him the following day.

– Heba said to Salma, “would you mind studying English?"

-Heba asked (wanted) Salma to study English.

-Amal said, “Would you like to watch this film?" - Amal suggested watching that film.

-Eman said, “would you like tea?" - Eman offered me tea.

-"What about tea?" Mustafa said - Mustafa suggested tea.

- Sally said “What about going to the cinema tonight?"

- Sally suggested going to the cinema that night.

- Mum said, "Why don’t you study? “ - Mum advised me to study.

- Ali said, “Why don’t you ask the teacher? “ - Ali suggested asking the teacher.

" Could I have a cup of coffee?" Aya said - Aya asked me for a cup of tea.

-"Could you answer this question, please" Asmaa said to Mai.

- Asmaa asked Mai to answer that question.

-"Could you live alone?"Ahmed said. - Ahmed asked me if I could live alone.

- Heba said, “Let’s study English." - Heba suggested that they should study English.

- Heba suggested studying English.

- الجملة الأمرية: هي التي تبدأ بفعل في المصدر و تنتهي بالنقطة.

- نحذف الأقواس ونربط بكلمة " to " في حالة الإثبات وفي حالة النفي نربط (not to) ونحذف النفي.

- Ahmed said to us “study physics carefully.” - Ahmed advised us to study physics carefully.

- Heba said to Mr. Ahmed, “please explain chapter three again."

= Heba prayed Mr. Ahmed to explain chapter three again.


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