Сдам Сам



Learn the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs.



Text: New York

Grammar: Simple Tense Forms. Reported Speech. The Adjective. The Article.

Lead in: Before reading the text answer the following questions:

1. Which is your home town?

2. What is it famous for?

3. Where will you take a visitor to show your home town?

4. What is the difference between a town and a city?

5. What world-famous cities do you know?

6. Where would you like to live and work?

New York

New York attracts people from all over. Get on a subway in New York and observe the people reading newspapers. One person is reading a newspaper in Spanish, another in Chinese, yet another in Arabic, Russian, Italian, Yiddish and French. New York was always a city of immigrants. It still is. Situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, New York City consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island (Richmond). Manhattan is an island just 13 miles long and 2 miles wide. It covers an area of about 54 square miles but it is the center of American finance, advertising, art, theater, fashion – and much more. New York is the leading textile center of the country and the chief seat of the garment and printing industries.

The borough of Manhattan is what most people think of when they read about New York, one of the most exciting cities in the world. Manhattan is divided into the East Side, West Side, Downtown, Midtown and Uptown. Many of New York’s offices are in Midtown. So are many of its famous skyscrapers. The most beautiful and famous are the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building built in the late 1920s. Rockefeller Center, built in the 1930s, is the world’s largest privately owned business and entertainment center. When you are in Midtown, you can look at more than architecture. Fifth Avenue has stores that are among the world’s most expensive – Cartier, Gucci, Tiffany’s and so on. They are great for window shopping.

The New York Stock exchange and the American Stock Exchange are both in Wall Street. There is also the Federal Reserve Bank of New York there, a branch of the national bank of the US – the only branch that buys and sells government securities.

The value of land in Manhattan has turned the island into a sea of concrete. Fortunately for New York’s residents, there is one major exception: Central Park, which was opened in 1876. Wealthy citizens soon built mansions along Fifth avenue. On the park’s east side, where 81st Street crosses Fifth Avenue the building of Metropolitan Museum of Art is situated.

It is the largest art museum in the US. Its magnificent collection of European and American paintings contains works of many great masters of art world. The second best known is the Museum of Modern Art famous for its wonderful collections of modern art and photography. The Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art contains an impressive number of masterpieces by impressionists and abstractionists.

The Bronx is more a residential rather than an industrial borough. Queens is both residential and industrial. Staten Island is a borough of piers and warehouses. Brooklyn is mainly a residential area, it alone houses so many people that if it were a separate city, it would be the fourth largest in the US! The Brooklyn Navy Yard is the largest shipbuilding center in the world.

There are a lot of colleges and universities in New York, among them such giants as Columbia University, the State University of New York, the City University of New York and many others.

New York is a big modern city with a heavy traffic. One way streets speed traffic east and west and elevated high-ways carry cars and trucks north and south along the broad avenues.

(From Spotlight on the USA)


Asking the Way

Learn the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs.

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the British Museum?

- Certainly.

- Is it a long way from here?

- It is 30 minutes’ walk from here, but if you want to get there quickly you’d better go there by bus from Oxford Circus.

- How do I get there?

- Go straight on, then turn right at the traffic lights and in less than five minutes you are there.

- What bus shall I take?

- Bus 27.

- At what stop do I get off?

- Ask the conductor to put you down at Great Russel Street. The bus stops right at the museum.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.


1. immigrant – a person coming into a country from abroad to make his home there; ant. emigrant – a person who leaves his own country in order to go and live in another

  1. Downtown AmE – the business center of a town or city; Uptown AmE – northern areas of a city or town where people live, not the business center
  2. the Empire State Building – the highest building in the world, it is 1, 250 feet high and has 102 stories
  3. Rockefeller Center* - fifteen skyscrapers, housing several large corporations such as the International Associated Press, Time and Life magazines, National and American Broadcasting systems, etc.

5. Stock Exchange also Stock market – a place where stocks, bonds and shares are bought and sold

  1. one-way street – a street where only one-way traffic is allowed. In New York even numbered streets are one-way going East; odd numbered streets are going West
  2. elevated highway – a highway raised above the ground to avoid traffic jams at street crossing

* Note the difference in spelling

centre theatre harbour humour honour center theater harbor humor honor


attract v притягивать, привлекать a sound attracted my attention
attraction n притяжение; привлекательность; прелестьthe job has many attractions for me
attractive adj привлекательный What an attractive child!
observe v 1. наблюдать they were observing the behaviour of birds 2. замечать Did you observe what she was wearing? 3. соблюдать observe a rule (a custom, silence)
observation n наблюдениеhe is under police (medical) observation
observant a наблюдательный
observer n наблюдатель
consist v состоять изthe delegation consists of five Parliament members заключаться вthis is what the problem consists in
cover v 1. покрыватьthe ground is covered with snow; fig. покрыть, оправдать расходы cover one’s expenses 2. покрыть расстояние, пройти he covered the distance in two hours 3. занимать площадь it covers an area of about 10 square miles; phr. cover up somebody покрывать кого-либо
cover n 1. покрывало, переплет, обложка книги; phr. from cover to cover от корки до корки 2. укрытие, покров
fashionable adj модныйthe dress is very fashionable, but I don’t like its colour
fashion n мода to dress in the latest fashion; phr. be in fashion быть в моде; be out of fashion быть не в моде; set the fashion for something ввести моду на что-либо
leading adj выдающийся, главный a leading role; a leading politician; phr. a leading question наводящий вопрос
lead v (led) водить, вести, провести he led us to the table; she led the child by the hand; he seems to lead a double life похоже, что он ведет двойную жизнь; where does this road lead? phr. it led to nothing это ни к чему не привело
leader n leadership n руководитель, глава, лидер political leaders of the country руководство
seat n 1. местоan empty seat; keep me a seat by the window; all seats are sold все билеты проданы 2. местопребывание, местонахождение Washington is the seat of the US government
seat v 1. сажать, усаживать please be seated; where shall we seat the children? please remain seated 2. помещать, уместить our car seats 6 men; the theatre seats 1, 000 people
expensive adj дорогой I prefer expensive clothes; syn. valuable, costly, precious a valuable watch (friend, information); costly jewels; precious stones (metals, jewels, friendship); ant. cheap; prov. Nothing is more precious than time, yet nothing less valued
expense n 1. счет; расход at public expense; at my expense за мой счет; spare no expense не считаться с расходами; phr. at the expense of one's health за счет своего здоровья; laugh at smb’s expense смеяться над кем-то 2. pl. расходы, издержкиtravelling expenses; legal expenses судебные издержки
branch n ветвь, ветка; ответвление a branch of a tree; отделение, филиал a branch of a bank; отрасль a brunch of industry; a branch of the Tudor family ветвь династии Тюдоров
branch v разветвляться the road branches here; fig. he has branched out on his own он отделился, у него свое дело
value n ценность; стоимость it is a painting of great value; his advice was of no value; the insurance paid us the full value of the car; phr. to take smth at face value принимать что-либо за чистую монету don’t take his words at face value; phr. a scale of values шкала ценностей
value v valuable adj оценивать he valued the house at 1.000 pounds; ценить I value your attitude to me ценный; ant. valueless
cross v 1. переходить, переезжать; переплывать cross the road; cross a bridge; cross the Atlantic 2. скрестить ноги, руки cross one’s legs (arms); перекреститься cross oneself; prh. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Ни пуха ни пера! 3. на перекрестке двух дорог where the two roads cross
cross n cross adj крест he was given a gold cross сердитый I was cross with her for losing her gloves; syn. angry
house v обеспечить жильем; разместить в доме; приютить after the war hundreds of homeless families had to be housed; this block of flats can house 250 families; I can house you for a night
house n 1. дом; особняк a detached house; многоквартирный дом an apartment house; phr. they get on like a house on fire они прекрасно ладят 2. палата лордов/общин the House of Lords/of Commons; династия Романовых the house of Romanov; phr. “Full House” «Все билеты проданы»; this round is on the house угощение за счет заведения

Focus on Word Building


house – to house

dock – to dock

harbor – to harbor

speed – to speed

e.g. Brooklyn houses more than 3.000.000 people.

Most of New York’s ocean shipping docks in Brooklyn.

One-way streets speed traffic east and west.


House – to house

Work – to work

bottle – to bottle

play – to play

film – to film

panic – to panic

gray – to gray

elbow – to elbow

VIII. Translate the sentences into English using other, some other, others, another.

Study the table

another different Show me another pair of shoes, please.
additional I’d like another piece of cake, it is so delicious.

Note the combinations:

a) another three days = three more days

e.g. I’ll stay here for another three days, the sea is perfect.

b) another few people = few more people

e.g. Join us, there is enough room for another few people here.

1. Я остаюсь здесь еще на пару недель. Мне здесь очень нравится. 2. Я думаю, тебе следует взять еще одну пару обуви на случай, если погода испортится. 3. В чемодане много места. Ты можешь положить туда еще один костюм и сорочку. 4. Когда мы были в Англии, мы посетили Лондон, Оксфорд, Ковентри и другие города. 5. Пожалуйста, дайте мне другую книгу Б. Акунина, эту я читала в прошлом году. 6. Покажите мне еще несколько чашек, чтобы я мог выбрать самую красивую. 7. Если вы хотите, я спою вам еще одну итальянскую песню. 8. Какой еще праздник вы отмечаете в вашей семье? 9. Можно мне еще чашечку кофе? 10. Какие еще книги Дэна Брауна вы читали в прошлом месяце? 11. Принесите, пожалуйста, другой чемодан. Этот слишком большой. 12. Еще кусочек торта? Нет, спасибо. 13. На вечеринке у Анны были Том, Салли, Кен и многие другие. 14. Какие еще места вы бы хотели посетить? 15. У Саманты две дочери: одной 10 лет, а другой 15. 16. Покажите мне другой галстук, этот не подходит к моему костюму. 17. Еще две пинты пива, пожалуйста. 18. Какие еще знаменитые люди живут в этой части города?

X. Test translation.

Москва – столица Российской Федерации. Это очень большой город с населением около 10 миллионов человек.

Москва состоит из нескольких округов: центральный, юго-западный, западный, восточный, северо-восточный и т.д.

Центральная часть города это – Красная площадь, Кремль, Тверская улица по обеим сторонам которой расположены многолюдные магазины, дорогие рестораны и гостиницы.

На пересечении Тверской улицы и Гоголевского бульвара находится современный кинотеатр «Россия», а перед ним памятник А.С. Пушкину.

В течении многих лет эта часть города считалась жилым районом, но постепенно она превращается в деловую часть. Многие люди переезжают в другие, более спокойные районы, подальше от шума и перегруженного движения.

Районы, которые находятся подальше от центра, являются одновременно и жилыми и промышленными.

Наш институт расположен на Юго-Западе. Этот район знаменит своими парками, садами и чистым воздухом. Здесь много новых многоэтажных домов. Но в Москве нет таких небоскребов как в Нью-Йорке, хотя очень много высотных зданий.

Москва является культурным центром России. Здесь много театров, кинотеатров, музеев, картинных галерей и выставочных залов.

Москва также является и образовательным центром, здесь много разнообразных институтов и университетов.

Talking points


  1. Places of interest in Moscow.
  2. Describe the centre of Moscow.
  3. Speak of the places you have visited (in Russia and abroad)
  4. Describe your home town.
  5. Describe a busy street, a shopping centre.

XIV. Illustrate the proverbs:

  1. East or West home is best.
  2. Rome was not built in a day.

Study the following

Table 1

There is There is There are There were There will be   There is/was a (some) a few many a lot of   much little some no car in the yard. table and four chairs in the room people in the streets in cold weather. flowers in our garden last spring. snow in the forest. time left. milk in the jar. meat in the fridge.

Reported Speech

(Requests, Warnings, Instructions and Prohibition in Reported Speech)

Study the following

Table 2

Direct Speech Reported Speech
The teacher says/said to the students: “Be ready to write a test”. “Don’t ask such silly questions”, mother said to me. The teacher tells /told the students to be ready to write a test. Mother advised me not to ask such silly questions.

Remember the following

Direct speech Reported speech
today yesterday tomorrow …. ago this these here now that day the day before the next day … before that those there then

VII. Use Reported Speech

  1. “Please don’t mention it to anybody”, Nelly said to her friend.
  2. “Bring me another cup of black coffee”, she said to the waiter.
  3. “Take these letters to your boss”, he said to the secretary.
  4. The teacher said to his pupils: “Don’t make noise, while I’m away.”
  5. “Take my luggage upstairs”, he said to the porter.
  6. “Don’t cross the street while the light is red”, Mother said to her son.
  7. “Please help me to translate this text”, Nick said to his sister.
  8. The doctor said to his patient: “Stay in bed for some days and drink hot milk”.
  9. “Don’t forget to clean your teeth before going to bed”, said mother to her little son.

10. “Leave the documents with the secretary”, said the dean to the student.

Study the following

Table 3

Positive Comparative Superlative
big nice easy bigger nicer easier biggest nicest easiest
interesting difficult more interesting more difficult most interesting most difficult


good bad far   old better worse father further older elder best worst farthest furthest oldest eldest

Trouble Spot

IX. Choose the right word




1. “Z” is the ____ letter of the alphabet.

2. – How do you like Woody Allen’s ____ film? – It’s much better than his ____ one.

3. – Is it your ____ word?

4. My friend has got all the ____ pop records.

5. Have you heard the ____ news about the accident?

farther – дальше

further – дальнейший, дополнительный

  1. Let’s hope there will be no ____ problems.
  2. I think there is a cinema ____ down the street.
  3. If you need _____ information on the subject, go to the library.
  4. Aberdeen is ____ away from London than Edinburgh.
  5. Are you sure you won’t need any ____ help?
  6. I have nothing ____ to say.

nearest – ближайший

next – следующий

  1. After the accident an ambulance took the girl to the ___ hospital.
  2. Where do you plan to spend the ____ few days?
  3. Do we have to change at the ___ bus stop?
  4. Excuse me where is the ___ bank?
  5. The ___ bank is in the ____ street on the left.
  6. This is a very lonely place. The ____ neighbours live a mile away.

The Article



Text: New York

Grammar: Simple Tense Forms. Reported Speech. The Adjective. The Article.

Lead in: Before reading the text answer the following questions:

1. Which is your home town?

2. What is it famous for?

3. Where will you take a visitor to show your home town?

4. What is the difference between a town and a city?

5. What world-famous cities do you know?

6. Where would you like to live and work?

New York

New York attracts people from all over. Get on a subway in New York and observe the people reading newspapers. One person is reading a newspaper in Spanish, another in Chinese, yet another in Arabic, Russian, Italian, Yiddish and French. New York was always a city of immigrants. It still is. Situated at the mouth of the Hudson River, New York City consists of five boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island (Richmond). Manhattan is an island just 13 miles long and 2 miles wide. It covers an area of about 54 square miles but it is the center of American finance, advertising, art, theater, fashion – and much more. New York is the leading textile center of the country and the chief seat of the garment and printing industries.

The borough of Manhattan is what most people think of when they read about New York, one of the most exciting cities in the world. Manhattan is divided into the East Side, West Side, Downtown, Midtown and Uptown. Many of New York’s offices are in Midtown. So are many of its famous skyscrapers. The most beautiful and famous are the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building built in the late 1920s. Rockefeller Center, built in the 1930s, is the world’s largest privately owned business and entertainment center. When you are in Midtown, you can look at more than architecture. Fifth Avenue has stores that are among the world’s most expensive – Cartier, Gucci, Tiffany’s and so on. They are great for window shopping.

The New York Stock exchange and the American Stock Exchange are both in Wall Street. There is also the Federal Reserve Bank of New York there, a branch of the national bank of the US – the only branch that buys and sells government securities.

The value of land in Manhattan has turned the island into a sea of concrete. Fortunately for New York’s residents, there is one major exception: Central Park, which was opened in 1876. Wealthy citizens soon built mansions along Fifth avenue. On the park’s east side, where 81st Street crosses Fifth Avenue the building of Metropolitan Museum of Art is situated.

It is the largest art museum in the US. Its magnificent collection of European and American paintings contains works of many great masters of art world. The second best known is the Museum of Modern Art famous for its wonderful collections of modern art and photography. The Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art contains an impressive number of masterpieces by impressionists and abstractionists.

The Bronx is more a residential rather than an industrial borough. Queens is both residential and industrial. Staten Island is a borough of piers and warehouses. Brooklyn is mainly a residential area, it alone houses so many people that if it were a separate city, it would be the fourth largest in the US! The Brooklyn Navy Yard is the largest shipbuilding center in the world.

There are a lot of colleges and universities in New York, among them such giants as Columbia University, the State University of New York, the City University of New York and many others.

New York is a big modern city with a heavy traffic. One way streets speed traffic east and west and elevated high-ways carry cars and trucks north and south along the broad avenues.

(From Spotlight on the USA)


Asking the Way

Learn the dialogue and reproduce it in pairs.

- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the British Museum?

- Certainly.

- Is it a long way from here?

- It is 30 minutes’ walk from here, but if you want to get there quickly you’d better go there by bus from Oxford Circus.

- How do I get there?

- Go straight on, then turn right at the traffic lights and in less than five minutes you are there.

- What bus shall I take?

- Bus 27.

- At what stop do I get off?

- Ask the conductor to put you down at Great Russel Street. The bus stops right at the museum.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.


1. immigrant – a person coming into a country from abroad to make his home there; ant. emigrant – a person who leaves his own country in order to go and live in another

  1. Downtown AmE – the business center of a town or city; Uptown AmE – northern areas of a city or town where people live, not the business center
  2. the Empire State Building – the highest building in the world, it is 1, 250 feet high and has 102 stories
  3. Rockefeller Center* - fifteen skyscrapers, housing several large corporations such as the International Associated Press, Time and Life magazines, National and American Broadcasting systems, etc.

5. Stock Exchange also Stock market – a place where stocks, bonds and shares are bought and sold

  1. one-way street – a street where only one-way traffic is allowed. In New York even numbered streets are one-way going East; odd numbered streets are going West
  2. elevated highway – a highway raised above the ground to avoid traffic jams at street crossing

* Note the difference in spelling

centre theatre harbour humour honour center theater harbor humor honor


attract v притягивать, привлекать a sound attracted my attention
attraction n притяжение; привлекательность; прелестьthe job has many attractions for me
attractive adj привлекательный What an attractive child!
observe v 1. наблюдать they were observing the behaviour of birds 2. замечать Did you observe what she was wearing? 3. соблюдать observe a rule (a custom, silence)
observation n наблюдениеhe is under police (medical) observation
observant a наблюдательный
observer n наблюдатель
consist v состоять изthe delegation consists of five Parliament members заключаться вthis is what the problem consists in
cover v 1. покрыватьthe ground is covered with snow; fig. покрыть, оправдать расходы cover one’s expenses 2. покрыть расстояние, пройти he covered the distance in two hours 3. занимать площадь it covers an area of about 10 square miles; phr. cover up somebody покрывать кого-либо
cover n 1. покрывало, переплет, обложка книги; phr. from cover to cover от корки до корки 2. укрытие, покров
fashionable adj модныйthe dress is very fashionable, but I don’t like its colour
fashion n мода to dress in the latest fashion; phr. be in fashion быть в моде; be out of fashion быть не в моде; set the fashion for something ввести моду на что-либо
leading adj выдающийся, главный a leading role; a leading politician; phr. a leading question наводящий вопрос
lead v (led) водить, вести, провести he led us to the table; she led the child by the hand; he seems to lead a double life похоже, что он ведет двойную жизнь; where does this road lead? phr. it led to nothing это ни к чему не привело
leader n leadership n руководитель, глава, лидер political leaders of the country руководство
seat n 1. местоan empty seat; keep me a seat by the window; all seats are sold все билеты проданы 2. местопребывание, местонахождение Washington is the seat of the US government
seat v 1. сажать, усаживать please be seated; where shall we seat the children? please remain seated 2. помещать, уместить our car seats 6 men; the theatre seats 1, 000 people
expensive adj дорогой I prefer expensive clothes; syn. valuable, costly, precious a valuable watch (friend, information); costly jewels; precious stones (metals, jewels, friendship); ant. cheap; prov. Nothing is more precious than time, yet nothing less valued
expense n 1. счет; расход at public expense; at my expense за мой счет; spare no expense не считаться с расходами; phr. at the expense of one's health за счет своего здоровья; laugh at smb’s expense смеяться над кем-то 2. pl. расходы, издержкиtravelling expenses; legal expenses судебные издержки
branch n ветвь, ветка; ответвление a branch of a tree; отделение, филиал a branch of a bank; отрасль a brunch of industry; a branch of the Tudor family ветвь династии Тюдоров
branch v разветвляться the road branches here; fig. he has branched out on his own он отделился, у него свое дело
value n ценность; стоимость it is a painting of great value; his advice was of no value; the insurance paid us the full value of the car; phr. to take smth at face value принимать что-либо за чистую монету don’t take his words at face value; phr. a scale of values шкала ценностей
value v valuable adj оценивать he valued the house at 1.000 pounds; ценить I value your attitude to me ценный; ant. valueless
cross v 1. переходить, переезжать; переплывать cross the road; cross a bridge; cross the Atlantic 2. скрестить ноги, руки cross one’s legs (arms); перекреститься cross oneself; prh. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! Ни пуха ни пера! 3. на перекрестке двух дорог where the two roads cross
cross n cross adj крест he was given a gold cross сердитый I was cross with her for losing her gloves; syn. angry
house v обеспечить жильем; разместить в доме; приютить after the war hundreds of homeless families had to be housed; this block of flats can house 250 families; I can house you for a night
house n 1. дом; особняк a detached house; многоквартирный дом an apartment house; phr. they get on like a house on fire они прекрасно ладят 2. палата лордов/общин the House of Lords/of Commons; династия Романовых the house of Romanov; phr. “Full House” «Все билеты проданы»; this round is on the house угощение за счет заведения

Focus on Word Building


house – to house

dock – to dock

harbor – to harbor

speed – to speed

e.g. Brooklyn houses more than 3.000.000 people.

Most of New York’s ocean shipping docks in Brooklyn.

One-way streets speed traffic east and west.


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ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ, КОГДА МЫ ССОРИМСЯ Не понимая различий, существующих между мужчинами и женщинами, очень легко довести дело до ссоры...

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