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Телевидение-многие родители думают, что дети смотрят слишком много телевизор. Согласен ли ты

Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. No wonder that their parents are worried about the consequences of excessive TV viewing.

In my opinion, nowadays children are too addicted to watch­ing television. On average, kids spend several hours in front of a TV screen every day. As a result, TV can get in the way of study­ing, exploring, playing and interacting with parents and friends. In addition, excessive TV viewing can result in obesity as kids are in­active and tend to snack while watching TV. What is more, there is a lot of violence on television and TV characters often depict risky behaviours such as smoking or drinking, which can set a bad example for children.

On the other hand, kids need entertainment and they consid­er TV one of the best ways of spending their free time. They also say that TV helps them to learn about the world. Although TV can be an excellent entertainer and educator, there are lots of active ways of entertainment such as playing games or doing sports, which are actually much healthier. Moreover, we should not for­get about the educational value of reading a good book.

To sum up, I agree that television, in moderation, can be a good thing. However, if children watch TV all day long without choosing programmes, then it is really harmful. That is why I be­lieve parents should set viewing limits to ensure their kids do not spend too much time watching TV.



Туризм. За и против

It goes without saying that tourism can bring economic gain ' to the development of all countries. Nevertheless, some people think that the price for this development is too high. So is tourism a blessing or a curse?

On the one hand, tourism is extremely beneficial as it pro­vides people with jobs and brings substantial profit for the country's economy. In addition, most of the money from tourism is spent on schools, roads, cultural development and maintenance of architectural sights, which otherwise would be in a sorry state. What is more, travelling is a part of people's education and it is a good way to broaden our minds. We may say that tourism brings cultures and people closer.

On the other hand, we must admit that tourism does have some disadvantages. To begin with, most popular resorts are polluted and litter has become a major problem. Besides, many an­cient monuments are being destroyed by unstoppable march of tourism. To make things still worse, the historic centres of many great European cities, such as London or Rome, are fast becom­ing occupied by tourists with clicking cameras and left by all local residents except for the souvenir sellers.

In conclusion, I want to say that the problems caused by tour­ism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. In my opinion, tourism should be given a humanistic direction. Person­ally, I am for tourism that minimises its own environmental im­pact, respects local cultures and human rights as well as promotes knowledge and understanding.



Тюрьма-самое лучшее наказание для преступника, но некоторые считают, что есть другие варианты наказания. Ваше мнение

There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris­ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete­ly solve the problem of crime.

In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison because imprisonment in fact works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.

Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major­ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.

In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi­nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan­gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu­nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.



Фастфуд. За и против. Еда которую ты предпочитаешь

Fast food restaurants are becoming increasingly popular now­adays, especially among teenagers. But have you ever stopped to think how fast food affects your health?

On the one hand, fast food is very convenient, because you do not have to wait for a long time until your food is prepared. It is especially useful for people who do not like to cook. In addition, fast food is rather inexpensive, which is very important for teen­agers who usually do not have much pocket money. What is more, there are a lot of fast food restaurants such as McDonalds all over the world so you may be sure that you will have good quality meal in almost every country.

On the other hand, this kind of food is not nutritious because it is high in fat, which is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity and heart disease. Besides, it is loaded with calories be­cause fries, burgers, nuggets and other items you can find at fast food establishments are usually three times larger than the amount you should be consuming. Moreover, fast food may be addictive as the high levels of salt and sugar content found in most fast food items cause the brain to seek them out.

As for me, I think that fast food is rather harmful to our health so I prefer home-made meals. In conclusion, I want to say that everybody should make their own choices whether to eat junk food or healthy food.



Школьная форма. За и против

Although wearing school uniform is not compulsory any more, it continues to be a subject of heated debate between teach­ers and schoolchildren.

On the one hand, it is believed that pupils who wear school uni­forms perform better academically in school. It is true because chil­dren are often so focused on their wardrobe that it distracts them from learning. In addition, experts claim that teenagers who wear school uniforms behave more appropriately in the school environment. What is more, lots of pupils are often teased because they do not wear expensive designer clothes to school. So those students whose parents cannot afford stylish clothes will feel more comfortable.

On the other hand, children hate wearing the same clothes all the time because it stifles their self-expression and remove their individuality. Besides, most school uniforms are formal and rather uncomfortable, especially in hot weather, whereas children need to feel comfortable in order to maximize learning. Uniforms can therefore deter academic success. Moreover, although school uni­forms cost less than trendy children's clothing, they increase the amount of clothing parents will have to buy for their children.

To conclude, when both sides of the argument are looked at, I would argue that the best solution would be to design a cheap comfortable uniform that allows children to wear individual items so as to express their individuality. Personally, I do not mind wearing a uniform because it gives me a sense of belonging and makes me feel a bit different from students of other schools.



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