Сдам Сам



Write some sentences about Denis who started following his friend Henry's life-style. Denis stopped doing

some things and started doing other things:


was in time for work. was always late everywhere.

Denis didn't keep late hours. Henry read only thrillers

worked in his garden. travelled a lot.


Make sentences like these:

Examples: Denis used to be in time for work.

He never used to read thrillers or: He didn't use to read thrillers.






12. Paraphrase these sentences to show the actions or states that have now ended:

Example: When we were children, we often visited the funfair.

When we were children, we used to visit the funfair.


1. When a student, Caroline worked in a laboratory every Thursday. 2. We often took the train into town until the line was closed. 3. A hundred years ago many people went around on horseback. 4. There was an airfield here before the war; aeroplanes flew over our heads and we thought how exciting it would be to zoom through the sky. 5. On warm days we swam in the river, but it’s too polluted to do that now. 6. As a child I drew and painted pictures. 7. When a boy I got more exercise than I do now. 8. My father told me and my younger brother bedtime stories almost every night. 9. Robert got to the University by metro when he studied in London. 10. When Janet was a child, she had violin lessons for six or seven years. Music gave her a lot of pleasure, and she often dreamed of being a professional musician. But she didn’t have good enough ear. 11. When I started working 20 years ago, the average weekly wage was about £6. It is now about £185. 12. When my daughter was a child, she thought people on television could see her.


13. Translate:

1. Він відкрив вікно перед заняттями. 2. Енн переклала багато листів на минулому тижні. 3. Я вчора закінчив роботу о 5 годині. 4. Він жив у Києві 5 років тому. 5. Вони повернулись додому увечері. 6. Вони обговорили багато статей на вихідних. 7. Мій робочий день тривав 8 годин. 8. Ви часто отримували листи від своїх друзів? 9. Він добре встигав з англійської? 10. Ми обговорили багато питань. 11. Вони не часто залишалися на фабриці після 6. 12. Хто, зазвичай, робив переклади у цій кімнаті? 13. У минулому році я жив біля свого офісу. 14. Я завжди ходив туди пішки. 15. Як ваш друг говорив англійською? 16. Він погано говорив англійською. 17. Яку мову ви вивчали у школі? 18. Я вивчав французьку. 19. Скільки, зазвичай, тривали ваші заняття? 20. Зазвичай, вони тривали дві години. 21. З ким ви обговорювали це питання учора ввечері? 22. Я обговорював його з друзями. 23. З ким ви звичайно ходили додому? 24. Я ходила додому з друзями. 25. Наскільки добре він, зазвичай, знав урок?


14. Translate:

1. Я не працював у цій установі три роки тому. 2. Коли ти там працював? 3. Скільки ви пробули у Дубліні минулого року? 4. Я був там місяць. 5. Я подивився на дошку. 6. Марта переписала нові слова. 7. Де ви жили в минулому році? 8. Я жив у Гластонберзі 5 років тому. 9. Ви подякували йому за книжки? 10. Ми не обговорили багато питань учора. 11. Коли ви востаннє повторювали це правило? 12. Ми повторили його тільки позавчора. 13. Вони відповіли на багато листів минулого місяця. 14. Вони були тут годину тому. 15. Він вчасно прийшов на урок вчора? 16. Ви були дома у понеділок вранці? 17. Ні, я був у міністерстві. 18. Його не будо вдома в середу ввечері. 19. Коли ви відповіли на листа вашого друга? 20. Я відповів на нього позавчора. 21. Вчора була чудова погода. 22. Ми вирішили прочитати цю статтю і обговорити її. 23. Тоді я працював на заводі. 24. Востаннє я грав у волейбол 5 років тому. 25. А коли ви грали в теніс востаннє?


15. Translate:

1. Коли він вирішив лягти у лікарню? 2. Він вирішив зробити це на минулому тижні. 3. Де він був минулого місяця? 4. Він був у лікарні. 5. Скільки часу тривав фільм? 6. Він тривав 2 години. 7. Він був у Лондоні минулого тижня. 8. Мій друг мені писав дуже часто у минулому році. 9. Вони були вчора у себе в офісі. 10. Наші студенти прочитали багато англійських книжок минулого року. 11. Він повів свого сина гуляти у понеділок ввечері. 12. Джон поговорив з нами вчора щодо свого плану. 13. Студенти, зазвичай, йдуть по домам після занять. 14. Коли ваш інженер повернувся з відпустки? 15. Він прийшов три дні тому. 16. Хто поїхав до Лондону минулого тижня? 17. Мері й Джон поїхали туди разом. 18. Джек прочитав четверте речення дуже добре. 19. Джіл пішла до дошки й написала речення. 20. Вона повернулась назад. 21. Яку вправу ви зробили вдома вчора? 22. Ми зробили вправу 20. 23. Пол вчора повернувся з США. 24. Як ваші студенти говорили англійською минулого року? 25. Коли приїхала ваша сестра?


16. Translate:

1. Вона приїхала до Лондону три роки тому. 2. Що ви робили на уроці вчора? 3. Ми читали тексти і робили вправи. 4. Ми розмовляли англійською і перекладали. 5. Коли ви отримали цього листа? 6. Я отримав листа вчора вранці. 7. Я прочитав його статтю минулого тижня. 8. Я не бачив його вчора. 9. Їх друзі були в них на минулому тижні. 10. Ми запитали його про це. 11. Сестри Джона вирішили провідати його. 12. Вони поїхали до нього минулого тижня. 13. Погода була добра. 14. Діти попрохали свою сестру повести їх до парку. 15. Де ви його бачили на минулому тижні? 16. Ми бачили його у театрі. 17. Його діти також були з ним. 18. Друзі запитали Джіл про її роботу. 19. Він відповів на їх запитання. 20. Я взяв нові журнали. 21. Я прочитав багато статей. 22. Мені подобалось читати романи. 23. Йому подобалось читати після обіду. 24. Мій син любить кататися на лижах. 25. Нам подобалось це місто.


17. Translate:

1. Вам сподобався цей парк? 2. Їм сподобався новий фільм? 3. Так, він їм буже сподобався. 4. Які книжни любила Мері? 5. Їм не сподобалась стаття цього інженера. 6. Вам сподобалась нова квартира Енн? 7. Де ви були вчора? 8. Я не бачив вас на роботі. 9. Який фільм ви бачили вчора? 10. Ми бачили новий фільм про студентів. 11. Я бачив викладача вчора. 12. Він подивився на мене і спитав про Джейн. 13. Він не обідав дома позавчора. 14. Ви ходили гуляти перед вечерею? 15. Ти запросив своїх друзів на обід? 16. Що у вас було на сніданок? 17. Де був ваш друг? 18. Він вечеряв. 19. Що він хотів? 20. Він просив новий журнал. 21. Що він спитав? 22. Він спитав про вашу сім’ю. 23. Вони поставили нам багато запитань про нашу країну. 24. Він не просив у мене зошит. 25. Він попросив у мене підручник.


18. Translate:

1. Коли ви йому дали цю книгу? 2. Ви дали цю книжку Мері чи Ені? 3. Я дав її Ені. 4. Ви не читали мені цю статтю? 5. Викладач читав їм новий текст. 6. Я хотів прочитати цю статтю. 7. Ви відправили її їм сьогодні? 8. Вчора був мій вихідний. 9. Вчора я прокинувся о сьомій ранку. 10. Я встав о 8 ранку. 11. Хто відвідав вас учора? 12. Ми були дуже раді бачити їх. 13. Вони пробули в нас до вечора. 14. Де ви були вчора? 15. Я ходив у кіно. 16. Вам сподобався фільм? 17. Коли ви прийшли додому? 18. Я прийшов додому пізно і одразу ж ліг спати. 19. Ми прочитали новий текст на уроці позавчора. 20. Викладач поставив нам запитання, а ми на них відповіли. 21. О котрій годині ви сьогодні обідали? 22. Я часто грав у шахи у минулому році. 23. Ми вирішили поїхати за місто на вихідні. 24. Ми повернулися у місто пізно ввечері. 25. Я приходив до вас, але вас не було дома.


The Future Indefinite Tense

1. Translate the sentences and comment on the use of the Future Indefinite Tense:

1. Come back tomorrow. I’ll explain it all then. 2. She’ll stay with us as long as her family can do without her. 3. It’s wise for you to go back home. You’ll meet a nice boy here, you’ll settle down, get a nice flat and you’ll get everything you want and deserve. 4. Next August my family will have a wonderful journey cruising around the Mediterranean Sea. 5. I wonder what time tomorrow she will come back from her trip. 6. He will certainly find it out for you soon. 7. Tomorrow he will help Mr. Parker do shopping. 8. Her parents would like to know if that guy will be a faithful husband. 9. When I have news of your missing pet I’ll let you know immediately. 10. Let’s go for a walk. We’ll go up through the woods and I’ll show you where the spring comes out to the ground.

2. Refer these statements to the future using the given adverbial modifiers of time and making necessary changes:

Example: Carry is a first-year student now (next year)

Next year Carry will be a second-year student.


1. Our students work in the video-class almost every day. (next Wednesday) 2. Helen is working hard to catch up with the group. (soon) 3. This year my friend remains a full-time student. (next year) 4. He usually helps old Mrs. Parker do shopping. (tomorrow) 5. Susan and Roger travel much every summer. (next summer) 6. Jack Montreal, a Canadian businessman, likes staying at the Sheraton Hotel in Damascus. (next time he is in the city) 7. I didn't take part in the Conference on Small Business in Vienna last month. (in Bern next month) 8. Last August my family had a wonderful journey cruising around the Mediterranean Sea. (next August) 9. The company didn't reach its main aims last quarter. (in a quarter) 10. David thinks there's a chance for him, to get a job he's applied for as he has got enough experience. (soon) 11. We're tired and don't proceed with our inquires now. (in the afternoon) 12. I have no time to see this customer today. (the day after tomorrow).


3. Translate what is given in brackets using the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite:

1. You will enjoy yourself if you (поїдете на Кавказ). 2. Ask him if he (поїде на Кавказ). 3. We shan't be able to go out if (буде сильний дощ). 4. They say (насувається дощ); the clouds are gathering. 5. I don't know when he (поїде); the weather is so nasty. 6. Tell him to wait when he (прийде). I may be late. 7. Tell mother we (не скоро повернемося), it's much too far away. 8. I'll talk to him about it if I (побачу його сьогодні). 9. I'm not sure if I (побачу його сьогодні). 10. She will take the children out for a walk if she (закінчить роботу раніше). 11. I don't know if she (закінчить роботу раніше); she has got a lot to do. 12. The rain won't do him any harm if he (надіне плащ). 13. Ask him if he (надіне плащ); it looks like rain.


4. Complete the following sentences using the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite:

1. If you travel by car to the Crimea.... 2. I should like to accompany you in case.... 3. If the weather remains fine.... 4. We shall wait till.... 5. I should like to know when.... 6. Don't go away before.... 7. Tell me when.... 8. The rain will soak us to the skin unless.... 9. He is clever enough to understand what you want if.... 10. If it looks like rain.... 11. I am not quite sure if.... 12. I understand you are going to stay at home till.... 13. Please, ring me up as soon as.... 14. We'd better stay at home if.... 15. You may go skating after.... 16. Don't forget to remind him tomorrow in case.... 17. We'll remain here and wait for you until.... 18. He must join us tomorrow; ask him when.... 19. I'm afraid I shan't be able to join you before.... 20. She promised to come tonight. Please try to find out if....

5. Add the missing information:

Example: We're going to the country next Saturday. I wonder if the weather… (be good).

We're going to the country next Saturday. I wonder if the weather will be good.

1. My friend has applied for the job of an economist in the Boots. I’d like to know if... (get). 2. I’m waiting for Jack as we're going for a picnic lunch. But Jack isn't in sight, and I really don't know when... (come). 3. The Browns have just started work on the new building. I wonder how long it... (take to get the building finished). 4. My cousin promised to get down to Brighton to see me. I wonder whether she... (come sometime in the next couple of months). 5. Tom is very fond of football. But recently he broke his leg. Whenever the doctor comes, Tom asks him when … (allow to play football). 6. I can easily understand what happened to you during your business trip. But I'd like to know if your colleagues... (understand). 7. Mary offers Chris a lift in her car. I wonder if he... (refuse and walk to work). 8. Our company did badly last year, and we're now losing money. I want to know if we... (manage to raise a state loan to improve the financial statement). 9. Okay, we’ve borrowed money from the bank, but I wonder if that little sum... (help the company improve its financial statement). 10. Besides, our partners from Japan are not willing very much to develop the contacts with us. I'd like to know if they... (enter into a new trade agreement with the company). 11. Even if they agree to enter into a new agreement with our company, nobody knows when they... (sign it).


6. Paraphrase these sentences to use an adverbial clause of time or condition:

Example: We'll finish work and then we'll go to the pictures (as soon as)

As soon as we finish work we shall go to the pictures.


1. We'll get to the station and then we'll have a drink. (when) 2. Alan will go shopping. He will put some petrol in the car first. (before) 3. The bell will ring and then they'll leave the room. (the moment) 4. John will clean the car. Mary will cook the lunch. (if) 5. Mary will be ready soon and they'll be able to start. (when) 6. Felicity will take children to the birthday party. She will check on the exact address first. (before) 7. I'll take my coat to the cleaner's and then I'll come round to your place. (after) 8. Harry will study hard and he’ll pass the exam. (if) 9. The company will raise prices. The demand for its products will fall. (if) 10. You will invest in a partnership and then you'll be a partner. (as soon as) 11. I think he will get the job. He should apply for it first. (on condition that) 12.We'll completely change the equipment and then we'll be able to increase our output. (after).


7. Complete these sentences by putting in the right tenses:

1. When I... (be) an old woman, I... (wear) purple. 2. After they... (finish) the building work, things... (be) easier. 3. I hope you... (tell) me all about the holiday when you... (get) back. 4. Next time Marion... (come), I... (take) her to see my mother. 5. If they... (catch) the 10.37 train, what time... they... (be) in Milano? 6. I'll be interested to see whether John... (come) tomorrow or not. 7.... you... (tell) me as soon as the bell... (ring)? 8. I don't know if Helen... (be) here when you... (phone) tomorrow morning. 9. I think when I... (be) 80, I... (understand) what goes on in your head. 10. We... (wait) for you for some time if you... (be) busy at that time tomorrow. 11. What time we... (get) there... (depend) on how bad the traffic is. 12. Thanks charity only, things... (not change) unless government aid... (be) spent more sensibly.


8. Complete the following using the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite:

1. He promised to bring some new magazines. I should like to know when.... 2. It goes without saying I will accept the invitation if.... 3. Please, tell him the news as soon as.... 4. Let her know where the students have gone in case.... 5. She is going to travel by car this summer, but she is not quite sure if.... 6. Don't forget to put down her address for me before.... 7. I can give you my notes on condition.... 8. If you wish Mary to go shopping with you on Monday, ask her if.... 9. I am told that a delegation of English students is coming to our University, but I don't know exactly when.... 10. If he wants to go on an excursion to the seaside with us, tell him when.... 11. I am afraid to disturb them if.... 12. Please, ring me up if you learn when.... 13. I'll communicate to you as soon as.... 14. Dora expects us to come and see her on Sunday. She wants us to let her know if.... 15. Let's go to a café when.... 16. He will tell you when he.... 17. You must explain it to him before.... 18. It will be done by the time.... 19. I'll help you to look for it until.... 20. This dress will lose its colour when.... 21. They will praise us if the work.... 22. In spite of his promise to help us I don't think he....


9. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future indefinite or the Present Indefinite:

1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their visas. 2. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train (to leave). 3. Ask the smith if it (to take) him long to make a double of this key. 4. I (not to think) I (to be able) to call on them and (to say) good-bye before I (to go) abroad. 5. If you (not to want) to climb the tree you can shake it and the apples (to fall) down to the ground. 6. If I (to go) to Leningrad I usually (to stay) at my friends'. 7. Ask him when he (to finish) packing. 8. Ask her if she (to come) to the party alone or her sister (to come) too. 9. If she (to come) to the party alone and there (to be) nobody she (to know), she (to feel) lonely. 10. The milk (to be) fresh a long time after I (to put) it in the refrigerator. 11. Ask the flower-girl how much money I (to have) to pay if I (to take) all the flowers. 12. Tell the hotel boy to brush your shoes when you (to come) from the outing. 13. Ask the dean if we (to study) according to the old time-table, or a new one (to be) ready when we (to begin) to study.


10. Put the verb in brackets into the Simple Present and the Simple Future:


I. a) 1. If he (come) _________ I (give) ___________ him this message.

2. I (be) ______________ at home if you (need)_______anything.

3. She (be)_________ still here tomorrow if you (decide) _______ to ring her up.

4. If they (want)__________ your advice, they (get) _______ in touch with you.

5. If you (have)__________ anything to report, put it in writing and send it to me.


b) 1. I (tell)________you about it when I (have) ________time.

2. He (wait) _________until they (send)_________ for him.

3. They (be) ___________better after this (be)________over.

4. She (help) ___________you with your homework as soon as she (do) ________her own.

5. I'd like to ask you a few more questions before you (go) ______


c) 1. They (not know) __ when she (come)____ back.

2. Ask him if he (be)_______ here for the next five minutes.

3. I (wonder)_______ if we ever (see) __ each other again.

4. I (be)______ not sure if they (be) ________ in time.

5. I can't tell you when they (start)___________


II. 1. When I (want)_________ your address, I (ask)_________ for it.

2. They (be) _________ quite prepared to stay up until she (come) __ in.

3. "Come in," she said. "I (see) _______ if he (be) _______at home".

4. "Life is a difficult business," said Father. "You (know) _______ that when you (come) ______to my age."

5. Come and see me when you (come)________ up to town and we (talk)__________ everything over.

6. In spite of the time difference I just might still catch before he (leave) ____________the office.

7. As soon as you (take)________ your son home, come over to my mother's.

8. If my daughter and her husband (come)__________ in, kindly tell them to meet me at John's at ten o'clock.

9. He (want)_________ to know if you (be)____________ free tomorrow morning at eleven thirty.

10. I (wonder)_________ when I (be)___________ able to get there.

11. I (be)_____________ down at your office at ten tomorrow.

12. I (not want)______to discuss it over the telephone, but I (tell) ______ you about it when I (get)______ home.

13. They can't tell me when they (be)_________free.

14. Go on till you (come)_________ to a square with a statue in the middle; then turn left and you (find)_______

the theatre on your right.

15. When you (come)_______ to the main road remember to stop and look both ways before you (cross)_______

16. Ask them when they (move) ___________to a new flat.

17. "Can we get to the top of the tower? Yes, but be careful when you (go)_________ up because the steps

(be)___________very uneven".

18. "I (be)___________ glad when I (get)____________ to the top! When you (see)____________the view you

(be)___________ glad you made the effort."

19. I wonder when they (come)__________ back.

20. "Give this message to your teacher as soon as you (come)___________ to school," said his mother. "All right,"

said the boy running out. "I (be)__________sure it (be) _________still in his pocket when he (get)

____________home tonight," said his father.

21. If you (go) _________ to your aunt's house on Sunday I (hope) ____ you (have)_________ a good time there.

22. "I can't make out this letter." "I (call)____________ my son. He (read)__________ it for you."

23. "We (buy)____________ you some toy soldiers." "When you (buy)________ them, Mummy? Daddy (bring)

__________ them. Perhaps he (bring)___________ them tomorrow."

24. If you (1ook)___________ at them, don't smile.

25. Before we (talk)___________ about it, may I offer congratulations on your birthday?


11. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Future Indefinite:


a) 1. When he (call) I (give) him a piece of my mind. 2. I (be) at home if you (need) anything. 3. They (be) in the gallery if you (decide) to speak to them. 4. If they (want) your advice, they (get) in touch with you. 5. If you (have) anything to report, put it in writing and send it to me.

b) 1. I (write) you about it when I (have) time. 2. He (wait) until they (send) for him. 3. He (be) all right when this (be) over. 4. I'd like to ask you a few more questions before you (go).

c) 1. I (not know) when they (come) to see us. 2. Ask him if he (stay) for dinner. 3. I (wonder) if we ever (see) each other again. 4. I (be) not sure if they (be) in time. 5. He can't tell us when the motor (start).



1. When the weather (get) warmer, I (start) practising again. 2. "Come in," she said. - "I (see) if he (be) at home." 3. Come and see me when you (come) up to town and we (talk) everything over. 4. If my friends (come) in, please ask them to wait in the picture gallery. 5. He (want) to know if you (be) free tomorrow morning at 10.00. 6. I (wonder) when they (write) to us. 7. I (be) down at your office at 12 tomorrow. 8. When things (get) a little more settled, we (come) to see you. 9. They can't tell me when they (be) free. 10. Go straight on till you (come) to a fountain at the corner of the street; then turn left and you (find) this shop on your right. 11. When you (come) to the main road remember to stop and look both ways before you (cross). 12. Ask them when they (move) to a new flat. 13. "I want to get to the bottom of the valley," - "You must be careful when you (go) down because the slope of the hill (be) very slippery." 14. "I (be) glad when I (get) to the top!" 15. He doesn't say when he (come) back. 16. "Give this message to your teachers as soon as you (come) to school," said his mother. - "All right," said the boy running out. "I (be) sure it (be) still in his pocket when he (get) home tonight," said his father. 17. If the patient (continue) to improve we (transfer) him to another ward. 18. "I (buy) some pot plants." - "When you (buy) them?" - "The florist (bring) them. Perhaps he (bring) them in the afternoon." 19. If you (look) at them, don't smile. 20. Before we (talk) about it, I'd like to show you something.


12. Translate into English:

1. Коли ви вирішите це питання? – За 2 дні. 2. Коли закінчиться урок? – О 3 годині. 3. Якщо в неділю буде гарна погода, ми не залишимося в місті. 4. Як тільки прийдуть відвідувачі, як їх відішлю до секретаря. 5. Якщо мамі буде краще, сестра поїде з нами до Лідсу. 6. Я відповім на цей лист негайно. 7. Він не прийде сьогодні. 8. Джон не поїде до тітки Лори. 9. Мій брат скоро закінчить школу. 10. Мої друзі скоро поїдуть до Берліну. 11. Завтра я напишу 3 листа. 12. Що ви робитимете в неділю? 13. Що ви робитимете після занять? 14. Де ви проведете вихідні? 15. Ви залишитесь вдома на вихідні чи поїдете до села? 16. Коли ми будемо обідати? 17. Коли ви завтра прокинетесь? 18. Що ви робитимете вдома ввечері? 19. Що робитиме ваш друг в суботу? 20. Кого ви відвідаєте, коли у вас буде вільний час? 21. Ваш друг каже, що він приїде до вас о 5 чи 6.


13. Translate into English:

1. В наступному році мені буде 20 років. 2. Він, можливо, прийде сьогодні. 3. Коли ви почнете вивчати іноземну мову? 4. Він думає, що вам не сподобається новий балет. 5. Вона буде вдома о 6 годині? - Ні. 6. Я сподіваюсь, ви добре напишете контрольну роботу. 7. У нас завтра буде багато роботи? - Так, 8. Іспити почнуться 1 червня. 9. Фільм буде дуже цікавий. 10. Ми побачимось з ним наступного тижня.


14. Translate into English:

1. Вони не почнуть нараду, поки не прийде головний інженер. 2. Якщо ви зустрінете їх, попросіть їх зателефонувати нам. 3. Ви відразу впізнаєте Джему, як тільки побачите її. 4. Цікаво, коли вони повернуться. 5. Не переходьте вулицю, поки не засвітиться зелене світло. 6. Як тільки він приїде, він зателефонує вам. 7. Він буде дуже щасливим, коли ти приїдеш в Нью-Йорк. 8. Якщо ви будете пити цю воду, ви захворієте. 9. Я не пам'ятаю, коли вони повертаються. 10. Якщо ви зараз не візьмете таксі, ви запізнитесь на літак. 11. Коли ви захочете побачити мене, зателефонуйте. 12. Ви не будете знати англійську мову, доки не почнете наполегливо займатись. 13. Я зазирну до вас перед від'їздом. 14. Коли настане зима, я поїду в Індію. 15. Я не знаю, коли його знову побачу.


15. Translate into English:

1. Я не можу вирішити, чи приєднатися мені до них, доки не буде вирішено коли вони виїжджають. 2. Якщо ви будете працювати наполегливо, то до кінця дня закінчите роботу. 3. Я матиму розмову з ним до твого повернення, але я не впевнений, чи прислухається він до моїх порад. 4. Я буду вам дуже вдячний, якщо ви продиктуєте мені цю статтю. 5. Я гадаю, що все стане ясно, як тільки ми отримаємо від нього листа. 6. Скажіть йому, що якщо він поїде в гори, я дам йому свої черевики, вони йому стануть в пригоді. 7. 3апитайте їх, чи не дадуть вони мені пилосос, якщо мені треба буде почистити килим. 8. 3 вашого боку буде не розумно, якщо ви не скористаєтесь цією можливістю. 9. Я впевнений, вона сподобається вам, як тільки почне працювати з нами. 10. Якщо вона зателефонує і нас не буде вдома, запитайте її, чи зайде вона до нас ввечері. 11. Все буде залежати від того, чи встигнемо ми повідомити їх про це ще сьогодні. 12. Потяг 17 прибуває в Харків через годину. Якщо ви візьмете таксі, то встигнете зустріти брата. 13. Як тільки ви його побачите, запитайте його, коли він від'їжджає і чи зможе він зайти до нас перед від'їздом. 14. 3апитайте на митниці, чи будуть вони продивлятися наш багаж. 15. Якщо ви доберетесь до табору першими, чекайте нас.



The Present Continuous Tense


1. Translate the sentences and comment on the use of the Past Continuous Tense:

1. The rain is just beginning. 2. They’ve moved to their London house. They are buying new furniture. 3. I am meeting Jason at his office on the 25th. Would you join us? 4. You are thinking of renting a holiday cottage somewhere in Spain, aren’t you? 5. My father is always saying things that he shouldn’t say in front of me. 6. Look! That man is trying to open the door of your car! 7. My parents-in-law are coming to dine with us. 8. “I’ve heard the whole story, all the town is talking of it”, he said. 9. Every time I meet Joan she is always complaining of her losses. 10. He started into the house shouting: “Mary, what are you doing? Your guests have come”.

2. Use the Present Continuous instead of the infinitive in brackets:

1. He (not to work), he (to watch) the TV programme. 2. Kitty (to finish) her porridge. 3. Look, the sun (to rise). 4. John (to polish) his boots and his sister (to press) her dress. 5. It (to rain)? - Yes, it (to rain) very hard. 6. The delegation (to leave) Moscow tomorrow. 7. Somebody (to talk) in the next room. 8. Who (to make) such a noise? 9. What you (to read) now? I (to read) stories by Magnum. 10. The weather is fine. The sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing). 11. Somebody (to knock) at the door. 12. You (to go) anywhere tonight? 13. Why you (to speak) so fast? You (to make) a lot of mistakes. 14. Go and see what the children (to do). 15. Who you (to wait) for? - I (to wait) for my sister. 16. I can't hear what they (to talk) about.


3. Put each verb into the present progressive tense form:

I. 1. George has gone to work in Spain. When he arrived, his Spanish wasn't very good but now it... (improve).

2. Do you remember Mr. Cracker? He... (come) to tea today.

3. The world … (change). Things never stay the same.

4. The cost of living... (increase). Every year things are dearer.

5. The population of the world... (rise) very fast.

6. Norman comes from Hull, but he... (study) electronics in London.

7. The number of people without jobs... (fall) at the moment.

8. B.A.T... (sell) the British retail chain, International Stores, to Dee Corp. for $430 million.

9. Ted Turner’s cable -TV company... (think) to buy ESPN, America's largest cable channel.

10. These days the country’s economy... (recover) after a long recession.

11. The economic situation is already very bad and it... (get) worse.

II. 1.... (it/rain) again?

2. What courses... (Hannah's two children/do)?

3. Why... (that woman in the red coat/ cry)?

4. What time... (Malcolm/arrive) tomorrow?

5. Where... (Joanna/go) for her holiday this year?

6.... still... (your friends/breed) pigeons?

7. Where... (you and your karate class/meet) these days?

8.... really … (John and Susan/get divorced) or it was just a rumour?

9. Where... (the Southampton/cruise) now?

10. What... (he/look forward) to improve?

11. What business... (Walt Disney/put into) a lot of money at the moment?


4. Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets. Use the Simple Present or the Present Progressive:

Examples: 1. Shhh! The baby (sleep) is sleeping. The baby (sleep) sleeps for tea hours every night.


2. Right now I'm in class. I (sit) ________ at my desk. I usually (sit)_______ at the same desk in class every day.

3. Ali (speak)__________ Arabic. Arabic is his native language, but right now he (speak)___________ English.

4. Our teacher (stand up, not) _______________ right now. She (sit) __________ on the corner of her desk.

5. It's 6:00 p.m. Mary is at home. She (eat)______dinner. She always (eat)______ dinner with her family around

six o'clock.

6. Alice (take, not)_____________ the bus to school every day. She usually (walk)________________instead.

7. It (rain, not) _______ right now. The sun (shine)__________.

8. It's 7:30 a.m. and the Wilsons are in their kitchen. Wilson (sit) ________________ at the breakfast table. She

(read) ______________ the morning paper. She (read) ___________________the newspaper every morning.

Wilson (pour) ______________ a cup of coffee. He (drink) two cups of coffee every morning before he

(go)_______________ to work. There is a cartoon on TV, but the children (watch, not)_________ it. They

(play) _______________ with their toys instead. They usually (watch) _______________cartoons in the

morning, but this morning they (pay, not)____________any attention to the TV. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (watch,

not)_________the TV either. They (like, not)________________________ to watch cartoons.



5. Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the Simple Present or the Present Progressive:

1. Right now Yoko (read) is reading an article in the newspaper, but she (understand, not) doesn’t understand it. Some of the vocabulary (be) is too difficult for her. 2. Right now I (look)_________________at the board. I (see) _____________some words on the board. 3. I (need)__________________to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They can't call me because they (know, not)____________my new telephone number. 4. This tea is good. I (like) ________________ it. What kind is it? I (prefer) ____________________ tea to coffee. How about you? 5. Sam is at the library. He (sit) __________ at a table. He (write)__________a composition. He (use)_______________a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary (belong, not) ________________ to him. It (belong)_________________ to his roommate. Sam (look)______________ up words in the dictionary because he (want) _______________ to make sure that he doesn't misspell any words. 6. Right now the children (be) ____________ at the beach. They (have)____________ a good time. They (have)_________ a beach ball, and they (play)_______________ catch with it. They (like)_______________ to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They (try) ___________ to get a tan. They (listen)_______________ to some music on a transistor radio. They also (hear)____________________ the sound of sea gulls and the sound of the waves. 7. Right now I (think)__________________ about sea gulls and waves. I (think)__________that sea gulls are beautiful birds.



6. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. My elder sister (to have) a music lesson. She always (to have) a music lesson on Friday. 2. Who (to sing) in the next room? 3. Father (to read) a newspaper. He usually (to read) something before going to bed. 4. Mother (to cook) breakfast in the kitchen. She always (to cook) in the mornings. 5. Who you (to wait) for? - I (to wait) for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes. 6. It often (to rain) in autumn. 7. Do not go out, it (to rain) heavily. 8. You (to understand) the use of the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous quite well? 9. What you (to write)? You (to make) notes about the two present tenses? 10. Why you (to smile), Kitty? 11. I often (to meet) you at the corner of this street. You (to wait) for anybody? 12. You usually (to go) through the park? - Not usually, it's only today that I (to go) here. 13. You (to hear) anything? -Yes, somebody (to knock) at the door. 14. They still (to discuss) where to go now.


7. Use the verbs given in brackets in the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous tenses:

1. Why you (to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) quite slowly, I (to hurry). I am afraid to miss the train. 2. Cuckoos (not to build) nests. They (to use) the nests of other birds. 3. I always (to buy) lottery tickets but I seldom (to win). 4. You can't have the book now because my brother (to read) it. 5. Some people (to do) everything with their left hand. 6. Who (to make) that terrible noise? - It's my son. 7. How you (to feel)? 8. Switch on the light. It (to get) dark. 9. You (to understand) the rule? 10. The sun (to set) late in summer. 11. What you (to look for)? - We (to look for) our grandmother's spectacles. 12. I (not to know) what he (to want). 13. What time she (to come) here as a rule? 14. Look, snow still (to fall). 15. It often (to rain) in October.


8. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Indefinite instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. Wait for me, Alice. I (to come) too. 2. I (to be) afraid I (not to understand) you. 3. What you (to think) about it? - I (to think) you (to be) right. 4. What you (to think) about, Jim? - I (not to think) of anything, I just (to have) a rest. 5. Catherine (to be) in the garden. She (to pick) cherries. 6. I (to be) sorry, Jackson, but my friend (not to feel) very well, so drive us back, please. 7. Can you hear what he (to say)? 8. The girl you (to talk) about (to be) the eldest daughter of my old friend. 9. What you (to see) there? - I can't see quite well, but it (to seem) to me Lucy (to come). 10. What you (to look) at? - I simply (to look) about. 11. You always (to smile) when you (to see) him? 12. She always (to smile) when she (to talk) to him? 13. Mother (to say) Aunt Julia (to leave) on Thursday and Ann (to leave) with her. 14. Appetite (to come) with eating. 15. My sister (to practise) the piano; she usually (to practise) it about this time. 16. I (to hear) his voice in the next room. 17. What you (to listen) to? - I (to listen) to music. 18. She often (to come) to see you? - Not so often, she (to be) a student now and (to be) very busy. 19. Who else (to go) with you to Bulgaria? 20. When he (to go) to Bulgaria he always (to take) some presents to his Bulgarian friends.


9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous:

I. 1. Mr Smith (teach) us at present. He (substitute) for Mr Reese, who (be) our regular teacher. 2. "I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He (leave) tomorrow morning." - "He (come) back the same day?" -"I (not/know)." 3. John often (stay) in a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us. 4. The fourth class always (meet) on the 18th floor, but our class (meet) on the 17th floor. However, since they (paint) our regular classroom now, we (go) to meet in the club-room today. 5. "Nick (leave) today." - "What train he (take) for his journey?" - "He (catch) the 5.50 train." 6. The mechanic (repair) my car today. So I must go to work by the underground. 7. "You (write) him tonight?" - "Yes, I always (write) him on his birthday. You (want) to send any message?" - "Certainly." 8. John (say) he (leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth. 9. I (go) to the seaside on my holiday. 10. My brother (come) to see me next week. 11. Whenever I (call) at the Smiths' home, they (play) cards. I really (think) they (play) every night. 12. Jack (make) at least ten spelling errors in every lesson.


II. 1. - Where (be) Andrew?

- He (smoke) on the terrace.

- I (think) he (smoke) too much.

- Yes, he (be) a chain-smoker.

- What (be) this music?

- It (be) Ann. She (play) the piano.


2. - You (come) with us?

- I'd love to come. Where you (go)?"

- We (drive) to the Lake District.

- You (take) the children along?

- No, we (leave) them with our parents.

- You (mind) if I (bring) my dog?

- No.

- Mike (come) tonight?

- No, he (work) hard at present.

- What he (do)?

- He (read up) for his examinations.

- But it (be) Saturday. I (be) sure he (not/go) to take his examination on Sunday.

- No, but he (say) he (meet) his girl-friend on Sunday, and the examination (be) on Monday, so he (have)

only tonight for his studies.


10. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives in brackets:

1. What you (to think) of this drawing? - I (to think) it (to be) excellent. 2. A holiday camp usually (to have) its own swimming-pool and tennis courts. 3. She (to play) at the concert tonight. 4. You (to like) to spend your holidays with hundreds of other people? 5. What you (to listen) to? - It (to seem) to me I (to hear) a strange noise outside. 6. You (to read) anything in English now? - Yes, I (to read) a play by Oscar Wilde. 7. I'll join them in their trip with pleasure if they (to invite) me. 8. I (not to see) what you (to drive) at. 9. You (to enjoy) the trip? 10. Can I see Doctor Trench? - I'm sorry you can't; he (to have) his breakfast. 11. I (not to like) the girl; she continually (to bother) me with silly questions. 12. Please wait till he (to finish). 13. Nell (to have) a rest in the south, too, I (to guess). Yes, you (to guess) right. 14. You often (to get) letters from her? - Not so very often.


11. Replace the Infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous where necessary:

1. Stop smoking! The room (to be) full of smoke which (to come) from your pipe. Usually nobody (to smoke) in here as mother can't stand it. 2. The woman who (to speak) with my sister in the yard (to be) our neighbour who (to live) across the street. 3. You (to ask) too much of me. I (to be) quite powerless to help you. 4. "You (to hear) the speaker well? - Yes, I (to hear) him clearly. I (to listen) very attentively, but still I (not to understand) what he (to drive) at". 5. You (to go) in my direction? I can give you a lift. 6. It (to be) a very interesting scientific film. In it you can see how the grass (to grow) and the flowers (to unfold) their petals right before your eyes. 7. I (to look) at the barometer and (to see) that it (to fall). 8. Don't enter the study. Father (to work) there and he (not to like) to be disturbed. 9. You (to see) that woman in the corner? She (to have) her dessert now. As soon as she (to leave) we (to occupy) the table. 10. "Where you (to hurry)? - I (to be) afraid to miss the 2.35. My friend (to come) with it."


12. Open the brackets:

1. Why you always (to interfere) in what doesn't concern you? 2. She forever (to change) her mind and (to write) one will after another. 3. She always (to powder) her nose, touching up her lips. 4. Why you always (to come) late? 5. He always (to come) and (to stay) for hours quarreling and arguing. 6. Don't ask them. They constantly (to quarrel) and (to get) on everybody's nerves. 7. You always (to complain) and (to grumble). 8. She always (to borrow) one's things and (to forget) to give them back. 9. You always (to find) fault with me. If it is not one thing it's another.


13. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite Tense or the Present Continuous Tense:

1. "Що вона, зазвичай, робить ввечері?" - „Вона, зазвичай, читає чи слухає радіо." 2. Яким потягом ви їдете до Києва наступного тижня? 3. Наступної неділі до нас приїжджають друзі з Києва. 4. Останній потяг відходить об 11.30. 5. Анна шиє собі плаття зараз. Вона весь одяг шиє собі сама. 6. На ній сьогодні капелюшок, оскільки сонце дуже спекотне. 7. Я не можу вам зараз дати газету, оскільки я її читаю. 8. "Ви записані до нашої бібліотеки?" - „Так." - „Ви багато читаєте?" - „Так, достатньо багато." - „Як часто ви міняєте книжки?" - „Я міняю їх через 3-5 днів." 9. "Ви бачите десь мої окуляри?" - „Ні, я їх шукаю." 10. "Що у вас, зазвичай, на сніданок?" - „Я, зазвичай, їм яйце й випиваю склянку молока." 11. "Чому ви так швидко йдете сьогодні?" - „Я поспішаю, бо я зустрічаюся зі своєю сестрою о 4 годині, і вона не любить, щоб її примушували чекати." 12. Кожного року він проводить канікули в горах. 13. Мама на кухні. Вона пече торт. 14. Наші діти люблять гратися в садку. 15. "Де Том?" - „Він грається в садку." 16. "Що ви зараз читаєте?" - „Я читаю „Прощавай, зброє!" Ернеста Хемінгуея." 17. Хтось стукає в двері. Відчиніть, будь-ласка. 18. "Щось діти дуже принишкли. Сходіть, будь-ласка, й подивіться, що вони роблять." 19. Він завжди п'є каву зранку, а сьогодні він п'є чай. 20. 3азвичай, він так швидко розмовляє, що я його не розумію. 21. Ви розумієте, що говорить лектор? - Звичайно.


14. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite Tense or the Present Continuous Tense:

1. Де Микола? - Він грає в теніс. Він добре грає в теніс? - Ні, він грає в теніс погано. 2. Я не знаю людину, з якою розмовляє мій чоловік. 3. Я часто розмовляю з моїм товаришем про нашу подорож в Європу. 4. Анна співає дуже добре. 5. Слухайте, мій син співає всусідній кімнаті. 6. Він не бачить, що я на нього дивлюсь, так як він читає щось з великою цікавістю. 7. Зателефонуйте йому зараз. Я думаю, він ще не спить. 8. Погляньте-но на чоловіка, який сидить біля вікна. Це наш викладач. 9. Моя дружина читає дуже цікаву книгу. Я теж хочу прочитати її. 10. Вона читає англійські книжки без словника. 11. Я рідко бачу його, так як він дуже зайнятий. Він готується до іспитів. 12. Студенти завжди дуже зайняті в травні та червні, так як вони готуються до іспитів. 13. Він тепер рідко сюди приходить, так як він працює над своєю новою книгою. 14. Де мій журнал? Він лежить на твоєму письмовому столі. 15. Джим вчиться в коледжі. Він вивчає німецьку і французьку мови. Він непогано розмовляє французькою і трохи знає німецьку мову. Він любить читати французькі і німецькі книги в оригіналі і намагається робити переклади на англійську мову. Зараз він повторює часові форми німецької мови.


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