Сдам Сам



X. Fill each of the gaps in the following passage with one suitable word, the words are given below.

In many countries of Europe there has been a steady drift of people away from villages to large cities. These people, many of... have grow up in great poverty and deprivation, hope to improve their standard of..., and see the metropolis as the answer to all their.... In many ways, they find what they are looking for. Large cities do offer a huge number of facilities,... which better education, better health, care and improved housing are perhaps the most important. Large companies and factories, the vast... of which pride themselves on looking after the interests of their..., open huge numbers of career opportunities for those... to work hard, and the money... from hours of hard toil can be happily spent in huge supermarkets and chain - stores,... people of modest means to steadily improve the material quality of their lives. Inevitablly,..., there comes a time when people begin to yearn for the simplicity and natural lifestyle of the village or small town. They become aware of the problem of big city life. Traffic problems and pollution,... of which affect most large cities today, cause the most unhappiness. For people... whom fresh air, unpolluted water andbeautiful countryside are distant,... none-the-less clear, memories of a previous, peaceful life in a village, the city must at... feel unbearable. The pressure of overpopulation has meant that, in the last thirty or fourty years, thousands...thousands of new... of flats have been..., often with... regard for architectual beauty, and the surrounding countryside has... but disappeared in many cases. It is no... such an easy matter to escape the noise and turmoil of the streets and find a field or a forest where adults can relax and children can play in safery.

Both, earned, all, whom, majority, enabling, longer, living, built, however, but, of, upon, problems, staff, to/for, times, willing, blocks, little.

Контрольная работа № 6

для студентов V курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Составители: Поспелова Н.В.





Федеральное агентство по образованию

Елабужский государственный педагогический университет

Факультет иностранных языков

Контрольная работа № 4

для студентов V курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Елабуга, 2006


Text “BEWARE OF _LOVE” by George Mikes

By means of posters, advertisements, lectures & serious scientific books, people are taught how to avoid or cure flu, smallpox, a broken ankle & mumps; at the same time the major part of the world’s literature (which is not to be confused with world literature), almost all the films, magazine stories & radio plays persuade you in an indirect way to catch a much more serious disease than any illness, universally known under the name love.

The main symptoms of the disease are:

1) The germ - a charming young lady in some cases, not so charming & not so young in others - makes the silliest & most commomplace remarks & you consider her wittier than Oscar Wild, deeper than Pascal & more original than Bernard Shaw.

2) She calls you Pootsie, Angelface & other stupid & humiliating names; you are enchanted & coo with delight.

3) She has no idea what is the difference between UNESCO & L. C. C. & you find it disarmingly innocent.

4) Whenever she flirts with others & is rude & cruel to you, you buy her a bunch of flowers & apologize to her. If she misbehaves seriously, you buy her jewelry.

The overwhelming majority of novels, short stories, films, etc. teach you that this dangerous mental & physical ailment is something glorious, desirable & romantic. Who are you to question the wisdom of this teaching? You are expected to take the lesson of these high authorities to heart & believe that the world is mostly inhabited by lovers who commit murders & murderers who fall in love.

* * *

The least intelligible thing of all is the fact that love is constantly confused with marriage. Even if we accept the thesis that love is all-right because it is a “natural thing” we should, I think, insist that it should be kept out of marriage. You are supposed to choose your future spouse when you are absolutely incapable of so doing. You have to choose him or her when you are in love, i.e. when you think silliness wisdom, affectation real charm, selfishness a good joke & a pretty face the most desirable of all human attributes. You would never send a deaf man to buy gramophone records, a blind man to buy you paintings & an illiterate man to choose you books; but you are expected to choose the person whom you are going to hear more than your favourite records, see oftener than any of your pictures & whose remarks will be more familiar to you than the pages of your most treasured book - in a state of deafness, blindness & illiteracy. You may be fortunate: there are a great number of records, pictures & books around & even the deaf, blind & the illiterate may make a lucky shot. You may discover that there is nothing much in your choice, except that you bought a rousing match instead of a pastorale, an impressive battle scene instead of a still life, a copy of War and Peace instead of The Ideal Husband. Or else, in two years time, you may realize that silk stockings & the films she likes - or the game of billiards he is so terribly fond of - are not the only things that excite you & that to be called “Pootsie” over the age of thirty-five is slightly inappropriate. You may wish your wife knew that Vladivostok in not about illness of which Napoleon died after the siege of Sebastopol. But then it is too late.

I suggest:

1) Any propaganda inciting to love (in films, short stories, novels, paintings, etc.) should be made a criminal offence. The author of such a piece should be sent to a desert island with his beloved for five years.

2) Any person falling in love should be sent to quarantine in a similar way.

3) Love should be abolished altogether.


Pascal, Blaise (1623-62) - French scientist & religious philosopher. His scientific work was wide: he found the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities, invented the mathematical triangle (Pascal’s triangle), formulated Pascal’s law, etc.

UNESCO (abbrev.) - United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization - agency of UN, headquarters in Paris, established in 1946. Furthers world peace by encouraging interchange of ideas & achievements & improving & expanding education.

L. C. C. - London County Council, the body of persons elected to govern London County.

To make lucky shot (fig.) - to get exactly what you desire (a lucky shot implies that a person who can’t shoot well has managed to hit the target)

a rousing match - a loud march intended to rouse a person to action; a pastorile - a piece of music dealing with country life, suggesting sth peaceful, sweet, lyrical & poetic

still life - a painting of fruit, flowers, things (Fr. Nature morte)


Exercise 1. Translate the following spech patterns. Make up 5 examples with each of them.

1. Who are you to question the wisdom of this teaching? Who is he to raise his voice against public opinion? Who am I to doubt the truth of this saying? Who are they to ignore the traditions of the community? Who is he to despise his elders? Who are you to criticize acknowledged scientists? Who am I to doubt the value of his experience?

2. The least intelligible thing of all is the blindness of fond parents. The least conceivable thing of all is the selfishness of the younger generation. The least credible thing of all is the self-assurance of the ignoramus. The least intelligible thing of all is the fact that the less a person knows the more conceited & self-assured he is.


Exercise 2. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by equivalents from the text.

1. Most books, short stories, films, etc. lead a person to believe without saying it in so many words that he or she should try to catch a dangerous disease, generally known under a name which makes it seem attractive. 2. This grave disease is presented as something wonderful, splendid & worth having. 3. Morecver you are not supposed to doubt the truth of this theory. 4. It is hard to account for the fact that love & marriage are regarded as synonyms. 5. Some people believe it reasonable to assert that love should have nothing or little to do with marriage. 6. Putting this & that together it seems logical to regard various ways of encouraging love as punishable by law.

Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:

a) афиша; избегать; вылечивать; большая часть; убеждать кого-л.;окольным путём; широко известный под названием; симптом; возбудитель; заболевание (2); заразиться

b) банальный; остроумный; глупый (2); унизительный; восторженный; блистательный; желательный; подавляющее большинство; непонятный; спутать с чем-л.; исключать (не допускать); глухота; слепота; неграмотность; любимая пластинка; книга, которой дорожишь; картина битвы; осада; натюрморт; неуместный; подстрекать; уголовное деяние; отменить


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1) How are people taught to avoid or cure dangerous diseases? 2) How are they encouraged to catch a more dangerous disease? 3) What are the main symptoms of this disease? 4) What does the cverwhelming majority of novels or magazine stories teach you? What are you expected to believe? 5) What should love not be confused with? 6) Why does the author believe that love should be kept out of marriage? What makes a person in love incapable of making the right choice? 7) Is one likely to make a lucky or at least acceptable choice? 8) How soon & why may one discover he (she) has made a blunter? 9) What does the author suggest?


Exercise 5. Retell the text using the following words & phrases:

a) by means of; to avoid; to cure; at the same time; the major part of; almost all the films (etc.); to persuade; to catch a disease; main symptoms; germ; silly; common-place; witty; original; stupid; humiliating; enchanting; disarmingly innocent; to flirt; to apologize; to misbehave; the overwhelming majority; mental; ailment; glorious; desirable; to question; high authorities; to inhabit

b) intelligible; constantly; to confuse; to keep out of; to be supposed to; incapable (of); silliness; affectation; selfishness; human attributes; deaf; gramophone records; blind; illiterate; favourite; a great number of; to make a lucky shot; rousing march; still life; or else; a game of billiards; to be terribly fond of; to excite; criminal offence; desert island; to send to quarantine; to abolish


Exercise 6. Choose the proper word:

(quality - attribute - property)

1. Physical strength is one of the...(s) of the males in the family. 2. The laboratory is testing the...(s) of the new elements. 3. There was only one... in a woman that appealed to him - charm. 4. They were fascinated by the elegant bronze sculpture of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, with the usual..., winged sandals. 5. There was a magic wand in her tiny hand, the... of supernatural power. 6. The... I respect her for is kindness. 7. The...(s) of the metal are still unknown.

(illiterate - ignorant)

1. His speech is positevely.... 2. “How can you rely on the judgement of a superficial &... person?” 3. The disputants on both sides were... of the matter they were disputing about. 4. You might read all the books in the British Museum & still remain an utterly..., uneducated person.

(to incite - to encourage)

1. The trouble was... by paid agents. 2. Since early childhood the girl was... to cultivate a taste for art.

(confuse - mix)

1. The doctor... some sleeping drug for me. 2. He is crowding on eighty & often... names & places. 3. There was...(ed) company in the house & he found it amusing to watch them. 4. She gave a...(ed) account of the events of the preceding night. 5. “You... me, & how can I transact business if I am...? Let’s be clear-headed.”


Exercise 7. Quote from the text that the author considers: a) love to be a handicap that often blurs one’s vision & prevents a person from showing good judgement in choosing a wife (husband); b) the author is not altogether pessimistic: he believes there is always a chance, however slim, that you will not blunder, blind as you are, & your choice may prove to be more or less acceptable.

Exercise 8. Choose one of the suggested below topics & write a short essay on it.

1. Should a happy marriage be based on love alone or should other considerations come in as well?

2. Give examples from literature describing unions based on a) love that didn’t work, b) a marriage of convenience which eventually lead to a life of mutual respect, c) love that lasted till the end of one’s life, d) love that led to a tagedy.

3. Love at first sight (the pros & cons).

4. What do you think of the author’s poit of view?


Exercise 9. Give a free translation of the following text using the suggested words below:

Любящий муж

Марианна уехала погостить к своей матери. Не потому, что между нами, как говорится, пробежала чёрная кошка, а просто потому, что в последнее время она сильно тосковала по отчему дому, и я сказал ей, что она нуждается в небольшом отдыхе, а я сам справлюсь со всеми хозяйственными делами. Итак, она уехала. В первый же вечер, когда я остался один, зазвонил телефон.

- Привет, - раздался возбуждённый голос. - Это я. Томасен. Я слышал, Марианна уехала к родителям. Не хочешь приехать поиграть в карты? Такая погода, что ничего другого не остаётся. Тут у меня ещё два приятеля, и нам как раз не хватает четвёртого для полного комплекта. Как ты на это смотришь?

Я смотрел на это отрицательно.

- Нет, - сказал я. - Не могу. Я должен написать письмо Марианне.

- Но ведь она только что уехала. Она ещё, наверное, в пути.

- Неважно. Всё равно я должен написать ей сегодня письмо.

Когда на следующий день я делал в городе покупки, я наткнулся на двух своих коллег.

- Пойдём, поиграем на бильярде, - предложил один.

- Такая погода, что всё равно делать больше нечего, - добавил другой.

- Нет, - сказал я, пряча глаза. - Я должен идти домой писать письмо жене.

- Разве это не может подождать до завтра?

Но я упорно стоял на своём.

- Я должен отпустить письмо в почтовый ящик не позже 20.15, а то оно не дойдёт до завтра.

- А почему тебе нужно, чтобы оно дошло именно завтра?

Я вытащил из кармана ключи от автомобиля.

- Что вы в этом понимаете? - сказал я, сел в машину и поехал домой писать письмо Марианне.

На следующий вечер снова раздался телефонный звонок.

- Привет, - раздался радостный голос. - Это опять я, Томасен. Послушай, Ирма ушла на показ моделей одежды, и мы тут сидим втроём и жаждем четвёртого в шестьдесят шесть. Как тебе такой вариант?

Такой вариант меня не устраивал.

- Нет, - сказал я, - ничего не получится. Я должен написать письмо Марианне, а ты знаешь, какую трудность представляет для меня написание писем, а особенно от руки. Марианна не любит, если я печатаю письма на машинке, так что, боюсь, это займёт целый вечер.

- Так ведь ты же писал позавчера. Вы женаты уже 12 лет. Разве обязательно писать именно сегодня?

- Обязательно.

Он рассердился и бросил трубку.

На следующий день я случайно встретил его в городе.

- Эй, - крикнул он, - куда это ты несёшься с такой скоростью? Поворачивай обратно, пойдём поиграем в кегли.

- Нет, - сказал я, - у меня нет времени. Я должен идти домой писать письмо Марианне.

Он отступил два шага назад и вытаращенными глазами начал оглядывать меня с ног до головы.

- Скажи мне, - произнёс он наконец, - что с тобой произошло с тех пор, как уехала Марианна? Тебя никогда не приходилось долго упрашивать поиграть в карты, и ты никогда не сопротивлялся, если тебя приглашали сыграть партию на бильярде. Но теперь ты ведёшь себя совершенно непонятно. Ну давай, пошли.

- Нет, - сказал я, - не выйдет. Я должен написать письмо. Для меня очень важно опустить его в ящик до 20.15.

- Почему? Скажи же наконец. Обещаю тебе, что я буду нем как рыба.

Я был припёрт к стенке, и мне ничего не оставалось, как сказать ему правду.

- Ну, в общем, - пробормотал я, - перед тем, как уехать, она сказала, что если я не буду писать каждый день, она немедленно вернётся домой.

Вилли Брайнхольст (“Литературная газета “, 1977)


not because something has come between us; what do you think of it?; to shift one’s eyes; stubbornly stand one’s ground; nothing doing; to throw down the receiver; to play ninepins; stepped back two paces & stared at me with wide-open eyes; one never had to beg (entreat) you to play a game of cards; you never put up any resistance; let’s go; nothing doing; silent as a grave; driven into a corner; there was nothing for me but


Контрольная работа № 4

для студентов V курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Составители: Поспелова Н.В.





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